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1、1.Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics? 对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗戴卫斯吗?2.Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Takeshita. 是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。3.Pardon me. Are you Ralph Meyers from National Fixtures? 对不起,请问你是从国家装置公司来的雷夫梅耶史先生吗?4.Im Dennis. I am here to meet you today. 我是丹尼斯,今天我到这里来接你。5.Im Donald. We

2、met the last time you visited Taiwan. 我是唐纳德,上次你来台湾时我们见过面。6.Im Edwin. Ill show you to your hotel. 我是爱德温,我带你去旅馆。7.How was your flight? Was it comfortable? 你坐的班机怎么样?还舒服吗?8.It was quite good. But it was awfully long. 班机很好,就是时间太长了。9.Did you have a good flight? 你旅途愉快吗?10.Not really, Im afraid. We were del

3、ayed taking off, and we encountered a lot of bad weather. 不太好,我们起飞延误了,还遭遇了恶劣的气候。11.How was your flight? 你的航班怎样?12.Did you get any sleep on the plane?你在飞机上睡觉了吗?13.Mr. Wagner, do you have a hotel reservation? 华格纳先生,你预订过旅馆吗?14.No, I dont. Will it be a problem? 不,我没有,会有困难吗?15.I dont think so. I know sev

4、eral convenient hotels. Let me make some calls. 我认为没有,我知道有几家便利旅馆,让我打几个电话。16.Ive made a reservation at the hotel you used last time. 我已预订了你上次住过的旅馆。17.Weve booked a Western-style room for you. 我们已为你订了一间西式的房间。18.Lets go to the station to get a train into town. 我们到火车站去乘车进城。19.Does it take long to get in

5、to Taibei from here? 从此地去台北要很久吗?20.Its about an hour. 大概要一个小时。21.Well get a taxi from the station. 我们到火车站乘出租车。22.Theres a shuttle bus we can use. 我们可搭乘机场班车。23.Ive brought my car, so I can drive you to your hotel. 我开车来的,所以我开车送你到旅馆。24.You must be hungry. Shall we get something to eat? 你一定饿了,我们吃点东西好吗?2

6、5.That sounds good. Lets get something at the hotel restaurant. I feel a little tired. 那太棒了,我们就到旅馆餐厅吃点东西,我有点累了。26.Would you like to have some dinner?你想吃饭吗?27.What would you like to eat? 你想吃什 么呢?28.Can I take you out to dinner? Itll be my treat. 我带你出去吃饭好吗?这次我请客。29.If youre hungry, we can eat dinner n

7、ow. 如果你饿了,我们现在就去吃饭。30.Have you had breakfast yet? 你吃 过早餐了吗?31.Yes. It was delicious. 是的,味道很好。32.Good. Lets go to the office. 好的,我们去办公室吧。33.How is your room? 你的房间怎样?34.Did you sleep well last night? 你 昨晚睡得好吗?35.Why dont we go to the office now?为何我们现在不去办公室呢?36.Well start with an orientation video. It

8、runs about 15 minutes. 我们将从一个电视简报开始,大概放 15 分钟。37.The tour will take about an hour and a half. We ought to be back here by 3:00. 参观大概要一个半小时,3 点钟以前回到这里。38.Our new product line has been very successful. Weve expanded the factory twice this year already. 我们新的生产线非常成功,我们今年已把工厂扩展了两倍。39.Id like to introduce

9、 you to our company. Is there anything in particular youd like to know? 我将向你介绍我们的公司,你有什么特别想知道的吗?40.We have some reports to show you for background information. 我们还有一些报告向你介绍背景资料。41.Is your factory any different from other plastics factories? 你们工厂和其他塑胶工厂有何差别呢?42.Yes , our production speed is almost tw

10、ice the industry-wide average. 是的,我们的生产速度是其他工厂两倍。43.Id like to explain what makes this factory special. 我要向你说明本工厂的特性。44.This is the most fully-automated factory we have. 这是我们的全自动化工厂。45.Its the most up-to-date in the industry. 这是同业中最新型的。46.Weve increased our efficiency by 20% through automation. 通过自动

11、化我们的效率增加了 20%.47.Could you tell me the cost of production per unit? 请你告诉我每件成品的生产成本好吗?48.Im afraid I dont know. Let me ask the supervisor in this section. 恐怕我不知道,让我来询问一下该组的负责人。49.Im not really sure about that. Mr. Jiang should know the answer to that. 关于那事我不敢确定,蒋 先生应该知道答案。50.Let me direct that questi

12、on to the manager. 让我直接问经理好了。51.Im not familiar with that part. Let me call someone who is more knowledgeable. 那部分我不熟悉,让我找专业人士来说明。52.Yes , Id like to know your daily production. 是的,我想知道你们的日生产额。53.Is there anything youd like to know?你想知道什么?54.Is there anything I can explain fully?有什么事情要我详细说明的吗?55.Wha

13、t did you think of our factories?你认为我们的工厂怎样?56.I was impressed very much. 我有深刻的印象。57.thank you very much for giving us your valuable time. 我们占用了你宝贵的时间,非常感谢。58.We have a small gift for you to take with you when you leave the factory. 你 离开工厂时,我们有件小礼物要送给你。第 1 招 妥善安排会面的约定当你计划到海外出差,顺道拜访客户时,必须先以书信通知对方。出国以

14、前再以传真、邮件或电话向对方确认访问的日期和目的。如果是临时决定的拜访,也要通过对方的秘书安排,告诉她:“Id like to make an appointment with Mr. Lee.”(我想和李先生约见一次。)让对方对你的造访有所准备,才会有心情和你洽谈。第 2 招 向沟通对手表示善意与欢迎如果沟通是由你发起,提供对手一切的方便,能使沟通一开始便在友善和谐的气氛下进行。尤其是当你的沟通对手是远道而来的,你热心地告知他:“I will arrange everything.”(我会安排一切。)不但表现出你的诚意,也能使他在不必顾虑食宿等琐事的情况下,专心与你进行沟通。第 3 招 沟通

15、进行中应避免干扰如果沟通的地点是在你的公司,那么请叮咛你的部属,勿在沟通过程中做不必要的干扰。因为过份的干扰会影响沟通的意愿和热忱。第 4 招 遵守礼仪沟通时,仍然要遵守一般奉行的礼仪和保持良好的仪态,这样可以增加人们对你的好感,提高你的沟通效率。此外,坐姿不良,在对手讲话时左顾右盼,都足以使人对体产生不良的印象,而减低与你洽谈的兴致。第 5 招 适时承认自己的过失如果你明显地犯了错,并且对别人造成或大或小的伤害,一句充满歉意的“Im sorry. Its my fault.”(对不起,是我的 错。)通常能够获得对方的原谅。就算他实在很懊恼,至少也能稍微缓和一下情绪。做无谓的辩解,只能火上加油,扩大事端。第 6 招 抱怨不是无理取以激愤的语气向人抱怨某事,很可能令人心生反感,而使结果适得其反。服务员上错了菜,旅馆女服务员忘了整理你的房间,送来的货物根本不是你订单上所指明的东西等情况,着实令人懊恼。但是生气并不能解决问题,不如心平气和而语气坚定地告诉对方“I have a complaint to make.”(我有怨言。)然后告诉他所发生的事。第 7 招 资料须充实完备具体的物品通常比口头描述更有说服力。当客户听到你说“We have a pamphlet in English.”(我们有英文的小册子。)或“Please take thi



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