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1、1热门电影中十个高频句子次 1、“我请客 ”:觉得我们常用 pay 这个词,如 Let me pay it for you。这里列举三种说法:I am buying;This is on me;This is all my bill。 2、“收买某人 ”:有个比较正式的词叫 bribe,名词时为“贿赂 ”的意思,动词时就有“收买”之意。既然提到了“买”,那么我们能不能用上 buy 呢?当然,那就是 buy sb off。3、“向前看! ”:我们会说 Look forward!而美语里有个更贴切的说法是 Eyes front!“眼睛朝前”,是不是很生动?4、“头等大事 ”:你会怎么翻译呢?The

2、 most important thing 吗?看这个吧“Its on the top of my list”。5、“看在主的份上,你就”:两种说法,其一是 For the love of God,另外 For Gods sake(sake 的意思是缘故、关系) 二者之中,后者更常用6、“我不是傻子!”:I am not a fool?对,语法完全正确。但再看这个 I am no fool。比上面的只少两个字母,但是不是感觉不一样?同样的道理,我们常说 I have no idea,而不常说 I dont have any idea。 7、She knew red was her color。

3、“她知道红色是她的颜色”?恰当的翻译是:她知道自己和红色很相配。Then, whats your color?8、“停电 ”:No electricity?恩,够直白!其实提到“电”,老外更多是用 power,停电就可以是 Ther is a power failure 或 Power goes out。世界上最牛的目标实现者From early childhood I had always dreamed of becoming an explorer. Somehow I had acquired the impression that an explorer was someone wh

4、o lived in the jungle with natives and lots of wild animals, and I couldnt imagine anything better than that! Unlike other little boys, most of whom changed their minds about what they want to be several times as they grew older, I never wavered from this ambition. (John Goddard) The author of that

5、statement is most known for his amazing “life list” of accomplishments. At the age of fifteen John Goddard listed 127 goals he wished to experience or achieve in his lifetime. The list is impressive and audacious, but the results have been truly 2incredible. With his permission, I would like to shar

6、e his original 127 goals and subsequent accomplishments, identified by the check marks of completion. Explore: 1. Nile River 2. Amazon River 3. Congo River 4. Colorado 5. Yangtze River, China 6. Niger River 7. Orinoco River, Venezuela 8. Rio Coco, Nicaragua 9. The Congo 10. New Guinea 11. Brazil 12.

7、 Borneo 13. Study Tribal Cultures in The Sudan (Nearly buried alive in a sandstorm): 14. Australia 15. Kenya 16. The Philippines 17. Tanganyika (Now Tanzania) 18. Ethiopia 19. Nigeria 20. Alaska Climb: 21. Mount Everest 22. Mount Aroncagua, Argentina 23. Mount McKinley 24. Mount Huascaran, Peru 25.

8、Mount Kilimanjaro 26. Mount Aratat, Turkey 27. Mount Kenya 28. Mount Cook, New Zealand 29. Mount Popocatepetl, Mexico 30. The Matterhorn 31. Mount Rainier 32. Mount Fugi 33. Mount Vesuvius 34. Mount Bromo, Java 35. Grand Tetons 36. Mount Baldy, California 37. Carry out careers in medicine and explor

9、ation 38. Visited every country in the world (visited 122 already). 39. Study Navaho and Hopi cultures 40. Learn to fly a plane 41. Ride horse in Rose Parade Photograph: 42. Iguacu Falls, Brazil-Argentine border 43. Victoria Falls 44. Sutherland Falls, New Zealand 45. Yosemite Falls 46. Niagara Fall

10、s 47. Retrace the travels of Marco Polo and Alexander the Great Explore underwater: 48. Coral reefs of Florida 49. Great Barrier Reef, Australia 50. Red Sea 51. Figi Islands 52. The Bahamas 53. Explore Okefenokee Swamp and The Everglades Visit: 54. North and South Poles 55. Great Wall of China 56. P

11、anama and Suez Canals 57. Easter Island 358. The Galapagos Islands 59. Vatican City (saw the Pope) 60. The Taj Mahal 61. The Eiffel Tower 62. The Blue Grotto 63. The Tower of London 64. The Leaning Tower of Pisa 65. The Sacred Well of Chichen-Itza, Mexico 66. Climb Ayers Rock in Australia 67. Follow

12、 River Jordan from Sea of Galilee to Dead Sea Swim in: 68. Lake Victoria 69. Lake Superior 70. Lake Tanganyika 71. Lake Titicaca 72. Lake Nicaragua Accomplish: 73. Become an Eagle Scout 74. Dive in a submarine 75. Land and take off from an aircraft carrier 76. Fly in a blimp, hot air balloon and gli

13、der 77. Ride an elephant, camel, ostrich and bronco 78. Skin dive to 40 feet and hold breath two and a half minutes underwater 79. Catch a ten pound lobster and a ten inch abalone 80. Play flute and violin 81. Type 50 words a minute 82. Make a parachute jump 83. Learn water and snow skiing 484. Go o

14、n a church mission 85. Follow the John Muir Trail 86. Study native medicines and bring back useful ones 87. Bag camera trophies of elephant, lion, rhino, cheetah, cape buffalo and whale 88. Learn to fence 89. Learn jujitsu 90. Teach a college course 91. Watch a cremation ceremony in Bali 92. Explore

15、 depths of the sea 93. Appear in a Tarzan movie 94. Own a horse, chimpanzee, cheetah, ocelot and coyote 95. Become a ham radio operator 96. Build own telescope 97. Write a book on the Nile expedition 98. Publish and article in National Geographic magazine 99. High jump five feet 100. Broad jump fift

16、een feet 101. Run a mile in five minutes 102. Weigh 175 pounds stripped (still does) 103. Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups 104. Learn French, Spanish and Arabic 105. Study dragon lizards on Komodo Island 106. Visit birthplace of Grandfather Sorenson in Denmark 107. Visit birthplace of Grandfather Goddard in England 108. Ship aboard a freighter as a seaman 109. Read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica (Has read extensive parts in


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