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1、版权所有:中国好课堂 .单词拼写1Russia won the bid for the 2018 World Cup because they got most votes (投票)2He cant stand the unfair (不公平) treatment.3Id like to thank my friend, whos been very generous (慷慨的) with his time.4This business company was founded (建立) in 1724.5He examined the quality (质量 ) of the books ca

2、refully.6Hes too mean (吝啬的) to buy us a meal.7Einsteins theories form the basic principles (原理) of modern physics.8There are different stages (阶段) of a childs development.9Id like to buy your house if you are willing (乐意的) to sell it.10The enemy planes attacked (袭击) the city, causing many deaths.拓展词

3、汇1active adj.积极的;活跃的activity n活动2self n自我;自身 selfish adj.自私的selfless adj.无私的;忘我的selflessly adv.无私地;忘我地3devote vt.献身;专心于devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的devotion n热爱;投入4peace n和平peaceful adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的 peacefully adv.平静地;和平地版权所有:中国好课堂 5hope v希望hopeful adj.怀有希望的;希望的6violence n暴力;暴行 violent adj.暴力的;猛烈的7equality n平等

4、;相等 equal adj.相等的;平等的equally adv.同样地;相等地;公平地8guide v指导;带领guidance n指导;领导巧记单词.补全短语1out of work 失业2as a matter of fact 事实上3blow up 使充气;爆炸4in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中5turn to 求助于;致力于6devote ones life to 献身于1教材原句However, this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.可是,那个时

5、候你要想住在约翰内斯堡就非得要有身份证不可。句型点拨This/That is/was a time when .“这是/那是一个的时期” 。佳句赏析 That was a time when I didnt get along well with the boss.那段时期我与老板相处得不好。版权所有:中国好课堂 2教材原句The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where w

6、e have almost no rights at all.过去 30 年来所颁布的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的进步。一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。句型点拨 时间名词作主语;抽象地点名词后接定语从句。佳句赏析 The last 5 years have seen the rapid development in the Internet.过去的五年见证了互联网的迅速发展。Ive reached the stage where I feel like I actually live in America. 我已经到了这么一个阶段,感觉自己真正融入美国的生活了。3教材原句

7、. only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.只有到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。句型点拨only 修饰状语放在句首,句子用部分倒装。佳句赏析 Only then did I realize that how foolish it was to break away from all of my friends.只有在那时我才意识到与所有的朋友脱离关系是多么地傻。版权所有:中国好课堂 1And what qualities does a great person have?(P33)而且一个伟人具有什么样的品质?qu

8、ality n质量;品质;性质of good/high quality 优质的,素质好的of poor/bad quality 劣质的in quality 在质量上He has many good qualities, but his best quality is his kindness.他有许多良好的品质,而最好的品质是为人善良。Modern technology gives us a chance to enjoy life of high quality.现在科技让我们有机会享受高质量的生活。These products sold on the Internet were poor

9、in quality.网上卖的这些东西质量很差。点津quality 作“质量”时通常用作不可数名词;而作“品质”时多用作可数名词。2A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others.(P33)一位伟人是能够将自己的生命奉献于帮助他人的人。devote vt.献身;专心于(与介词 to 连用)(1)devote . to . 把奉献于devote oneself to 致力于;献身于(2)devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的版权所有:中国好课堂 be devoted to sth./doing sth.

10、专心于;奉献于(3)devotion n. 关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚Encouraged by success, he began to devote more time to his writing.受到成功的鼓励,他开始把更多的时间投入到写作中。(2014四川高考写作)Before the exam, I devoted myself to preparing for it.考试之前,我努力做好准备。He has been devoted to benefiting (benefit) mankind.他把一生都献给了造福人类的事业。The dog had such devotion to

11、its master that it would not leave him.这只狗非常忠诚不愿离开它的主人。3However, this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.(P34)可是,那个时候你要想住在约翰内斯堡就非得要有身份证不可。This is/was a time when .“这是一个的时期” 。There was a time when .曾有一段时间This was a time when the two countries were at war.那个时候这两个国家正

12、在进行一场战争。There _was_a_time_when women were not allowed to go to school.曾经有一段时间,妇女不被允许去上学。4Sadly I did not have one because I was not born there, and I worried about whether I would become out of work.(P34)糟糕的是我没有身份证,因为我不是在那里出生的,因而我担心会失业。out of work 失业版权所有:中国好课堂 at work 工作中lose ones work/job 失业 (强调动作)

13、out of order 混乱,无秩序;有毛病out of date 过时out of danger 脱离危险out of breath 上气不接下气out of control 失去控制His parents are leading a simple life, for they have been out of work for a year.他的父母生活很简朴,因为他们已经失业一年了。When at work, he dislikes to be disturbed.工作时他不喜欢被打扰。I lost (lose) my work last week and he has_been (b

14、e) out of work for two months.上周我失业了,而他已经失业两个月了。When they reached the station, they were out_of_breath当他们到达车站时,已经上气不接下气了。5The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.(P34)过去 30 年来所颁布的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的进步。一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。时间名词作主语(1)see 在此处的主语为物,意为“见证;目睹” ,是一种拟人的用法,可使语言变得生动。see, find 等动词表示某地或某时“经历、发生、目睹 ”了某事,可以使用一个无生命的名词作主语的句式。The_ street_corner_has_seen many car accidents.版权所有:中国好课堂 这个街道拐角处发生过许多交通事故。The_ dusk_found


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