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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:影视英语 井柏然 成名可以慢一些Many people in the entertainment industry dream of rising to fame overnight. But Jing Boran was more patient. After eight years in showbiz, he only recently earned acclaim for playing the leading role in a film. Jing says that even after investing so m

2、uch time in the business, his success came earlier than he expected.在娱乐界,有太多人梦想一夜成名。井柏然却很淡定。进入娱乐圈八年之后,他才因为最近担纲主演的一部电影而广受赞誉。即使如此,数年磨一剑的他仍然觉得这份成功来得比自己料想的更早。井柏然In much-discussed human trafficking drama Lost and Love, Jing plays a young man, Zeng Shuai, who is searching for his biological parents. Varie

3、ty, a US-based entertainment magazine, commented Jing is a “promising mainland thespian” who “outshines the rest of the cast by not sweating it, limning small-town insouciance while hinting at deep emotional scars.” Hollywood Reporter praised his “nuanced performance” for “playing Zengs internalized

4、 tribulations.”在最近热议的拐卖儿童题材电影失孤中,井柏然扮演一位寻找亲生父母的年轻人,名叫曾帅。美国娱乐杂志综艺这样评价井柏然:“这位来自中国大陆的演员前途无限,他信手拈来地演绎出小城市青年的漫不经心,同时也展现出其内心深处的感情伤痕,这令他从其他演员中脱颖而出。”好莱坞报道则称赞他“细腻地表现出了曾帅内心的苦闷”。The shower of praise has overwhelmed the 25-year-old actor. “Ive stepped forward faster than I imagined!” he told Tencent Entertainme

5、nt.铺天盖地的赞誉让这个 25 岁的演员有些不知所措。在接受腾讯娱乐采访时,井柏然说:“我前进的速度已经超出了自己的想象。”Recent years have witnessed the rise of young actors and actresses born after 1985, most of whom share two characteristics: workaholics with prolific outputs. For example, Yang Mi had five movies and two TV series released in a single ye

6、ar.近几年,一大批 85 后演员开始崛起。他们大多有两个共同点:工作狂、作品频出。以杨幂为例,仅仅一年间,她就有五部电影与两部电视剧上映。But Jing doesnt fit in that group.但井柏然并不在他们之中。“Many believe only playing leading roles can prove an actors abilities but I dont agree,” he said. “I never refuse to play supporting roles. What I care most about is whether its an ex

7、perienced team I can learn something from.”他说,“很多人认为只有出演主角才能证明演员的实力,我却不这么想。我从不拒绝演配角,因为我最在乎的是能否在经验丰富的团队中有所收获。”So, he chooses to disappear from the publics eye from time to time, he told Tencent. He packs up and goes abroad to travel after finishing shooting a film.所以,正如在腾讯采访时所言,他总会不时地消失在公众视线中。当完成一部电影

8、的拍摄之后,他就会收拾行李、出国旅行。But that doesnt mean hes not dedicated. To better fit into the shoes of small town mechanic Zeng Shuai, Jing spent time living together with abducted children and watched many documentaries to try to figure out the childrens feelings.但这并不意味着井柏然不够拼。为了更好地演绎小镇修车工曾帅,揣摩被拐卖儿童的心理感受,井柏然与一

9、些曾被拐卖过的孩子共同生活,还观看了很多此类纪录片。Instead of crying to express Zengs feelings of loss, Jing displayed the characters sensitivity and fragility in a deeper way. He shared this line from the film on Weibo: “How could others like me if I dont smile? How could I survive if they dont like me?”井柏然并没有用泪水表达曾帅的迷失感,而是用更深刻的方式表现出了人物的敏感与脆弱。他曾在自己的微博里分享过电影里一句台词:“如果我不笑,别人怎么会喜欢我。如果别人不喜欢我,那我怎么活下去。”Although the movie experienced its share of negative criticism, it seems Jing has achieved his goal.虽然失孤也遭到一些负面评价,但是井柏然似乎已经达成自己的目标。



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