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1、秘诀 26How about you?Take care that you dont spoil your new clothes.A: Im very glad to meet you.B: Its a pleasure to meet you.Im sorry to tell that youve been dismissed.秘诀 27 相互同化(3)Could you tell me where the bus stop is?A: Did you panic?B: Of course! It was awful!Would you show me the bathroom, plea

2、se?Would you care to go for a walk with me? (Care of 想)Could you do me a favor?Could you possibly give me a lift home?你能让我搭个便车回家吗?秘诀 28因发音部位的影响而发生的同化this ship Has she come? He tell you the truth.秘诀 29 当齿龈鼻音n出现在软颚音k或g 前面时,它就变成软颚鼻音NThank you.I take a walk along the river bank every morning.I think I c

3、an learn to speak good English in one month.Hunger is best sauce.He hungered for her love.I was angered by his refusal to come to the party.秘诀 30 p + n = mHe lives by his pen.All of his dealings are in the open.Lets be open with each other.I want you to be open with me about your money problems, so

4、I can help you.Do you happen to know his new telephone number?秘诀 31“清”与 “浊”之间的同化north northern southern south worth worthy She has traveled in northern countries.The southern half of the country is a desert.She says help only the worthy poor.This book is worthy of being read to be read .异化现象秘诀 32(1)

5、sp+元音spend How do you spend you leisure? 你是怎样消磨空闲时间的。He spends a lot of time with his girlfriend. Speak v.说话;谈话Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。I must speak with my son about his cigarette smoking. 秘诀 33(2) sk+元音scare v.惊吓;受惊Im so scared. 我很怕。You scared me. 你吓了我一跳。School n.学校He has studied En

6、glish in school for tow years. If I were a millionaire, I would start a school. 秘诀 34 st+元音start n.开始If you are ready, you may start you work. 如果你准备好了,你可以开始工作了。He was so excited that he started to cry. 他激动的热泪盈眶。Still adv.仍,仍然He came yesterday and he is still here. 他昨天来的,现仍在此。He is dull; still, he tr

7、ies hard. 虽然笨,可是他很刻苦。Did you stay up late last night? 作业你熬的很晚吗?A: What steps are you taking in the matter? 这件事你打算怎么办?B: Were dealing with it step by step. 一步一步来。秘诀 35 str+元音strike v.敲;打He struck me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。A: How does the idea strike you? 你感觉那注意怎么样?B: The plan strikes me as ridiculous.

8、我觉得这项计划可笑。Strange v.奇怪;陌生The work is still strange to him. 他对这项工作仍很陌生。Who is that strange man over there? 那边的陌生人是谁?Are you embarrassed about talking to strangers? 你和陌生人说话会感到不好意思吗?秘诀 36)have to 和 has to (不得不)的发音技巧Youll have to get off here. 你得在这里下车了。I have to go now. 我现在该走了。You have to do you r homew

9、ork. 你必须做作业。I have to go, or Ill wet my pants. 我要去小便,不然要尿裤子了。That is all he has to do. 那一切就是他不得不做的事。秘诀 37had to (必须)的发音技巧I had to go and talk with Jim. 我必须去和吉姆谈一谈。We had to scratch our plans for vacation. 我们不得不取消度假计划。We had to take them at their word that the job would be done on time.我不得不听他们的话,工作必须

10、按时完成。秘诀 38 在单词中的弱读音节intention n.目的;意图Information n.消息;信息A: What is you intention? 你的意图究竟是什么?B: I had no intention of hurting you. 我没有伤害你的意图。A: What are you intentions with regard to him? 你有没有同他结婚的意思?B: He has no intention of marrying yet. 他还没有要结婚的打算。There is no new information about the accident.关于这

11、个意外事件,还没有新的消息。秘诀 39 在虚词上的发音技巧to prep.到;往;向 Go if you want to 如果你想去的话就去吧。I prefer this one to that one. 我宁愿要这个,也不要那个。Must v.必须If you must leave, do it quietly. 如果你一定要离开,那就悄悄地走。You must be tired after your long journey. 你走了这么远的路,一定很累。But conj.而且;但是The job is all but finished. 这工作差不多完成了。秘诀 40 单词中的爆破音读音

12、技巧kept 保持Blackboard 黑板Notebook 笔记本Goodbye 再见My father kept working till midnight. 我的父亲一直工作到深夜。Please write the answer on the black board. 请把答案写在黑板上。Write the answer in your notebook. 请把答案写在笔记本上。 Id like to say goodbye to everyone. 我要向诸位告别了。秘诀 41鼻腔爆破(2)爆破音 +鼻辅音just moment 一会儿Good night 晚安He often com

13、es home at midnight. 他总是半夜 12 点才回家。He has always been a good neighbor. 他一向是个好邻居。 Her goodness was apparent to everyone. 她的友善对每个人都是显而易见的。秘诀 42 舌边爆破lately 近来;最近 Badly 严重地I have been very busy lately. 最近我一直很忙。I havent seen him lately. 我最近未见过他。Have you been there lately? 近来你到过那里吗? He slept badly. 他睡得不好。

14、His foot was badly hurt. 他的脚伤得很厉害。 Ive been quite badly off recently. 最近我经济上很拮据。秘诀 43 摩擦爆破advance 前进 You must pay in advance. 你们必须预先付款。Can I have an advance on my salary? 我可以预支薪水吗?What would your advice be in this case? 在这种情况下,你有什么看法?What would you advise me to do. 你说我该怎么办?额外赠送:Keep that in mind. 记住

15、那件事。秘诀 44 破擦爆破picture 图画I had my picture taken yesterday. Do you know how do you draw a picture?Object 反对;抗议You shouldnt treat women like objects. 你不应该那样对待女人。He stood up and objected in strong language. 他站起来用强烈的语言表示反对。词首s与后面辅音的辅音连缀秘诀 45(1)s+p的辅音连缀 speak 说话 s发音时轻而短促; p发音时长而响亮 . Are you able to speak English? 你会说英语么? Will you speak up? I cant hear you? 请说话声音大一些,我听不清楚。 My mother is a special person in my life. 我妈妈是我生命中最敬重的人。She is so beautiful that she casts a spell over men. 她相貌出众,迷住了许多男人。秘诀 46(2)s+t辅音连缀 st



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