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1、1我在这干了很久了 I have worked here very long这样我可以和家里一起过感恩节了 Its so that I can spend thanksgiving with my family 他们去杭州过感恩节 They go to Hangzhou for thanksgiving你化妆了吗? Are you wearing makeup?我是官方演员兼职模特 I am officially actor/model你看上去像 You look more like man/woman宣传画报 Posters for the city free clinicIll work

2、on the lumps (not hump)我现在去 coral 家 Im off to carols碰巧过来取头颅 Come by to pick up my skull上课 Take a course 否则 Otherwise我们把你称作精子男 We just refer to you as bobo the sperm guy我来教你,把你的头放在火鸡里 Ill show you. Put your head inside the turkey我完全同意 I just like to say I am totally behind this experiment. 我非常想在你头上涂黄

3、油 Id very much like to butter your head.你钱挣够了吗 Did you make your money?家庭装 Family size bag of 你和你的假日怎么了? What is it with you and this holiday?这就是你感恩节吃的? This is what you are having for thanksgiving?算了吧,少来 Get out你知道何时进,何时退 When to spritz, when to lay back一般情况下 Normally my father pays for the tickets

4、预领工资 An advance on my salary从今天起 As of todayMagnificent男用香水 Cologne怎么了 Whats wrong?我有性病 I have VD滚开,别烦我 Just get out of my way and stop annoying me落水狗逃跑了 The underdog has gotten away它挣脱,被发现在公园上飞 He broke free and was spot flying over Changfeng park去屋顶 Go to the roof 它多久会发生一次 How often does that happ

5、en?随便你 Anytime you are ready对着凸起处 Just aim for the bump (not lump, not hump)Offer a certain acoustic advantage那只狗吧整个公园都遮住了 The dog shadowed the entire park煤气还开着 The oven is on我鼓足勇气 On a dare你能不能快点 Can you go any faster with that?Enough with the keys让我们面对它 Lets face it 2你这样不会让我更快 That tone wont make

6、me go any faster我有你的钥匙备份 I have a copy of your key钥匙孔 Keyhole除了你说过之外 Aside from the fact that you said you had them? 我被困在这了 I am stuck here with you guys飞机走了 The plane is gone随便 By all means许愿 Make a wish你许了什么愿 Whatd you wish for?我来说祝酒词 I propose a toast它不包括离婚,呕吐 It didnt involve divorce and project

7、ile vomiting我很感激的是你们的感恩节都砸锅了 Im thankful that all your thanksgivings suckedTo a lousy Christmas and a crappy new year尿失禁 Bladder control problem痔疮 Hemorrhoids3 次 TONY 奖得主 Winner of 3 tony awardsI have a key hole and a zillion keys. You do the math我们 AA 制 We all chipped in节日宴会 Festival feastHow laugh

8、ter could be infectious?Its all over the news我还是离这些快乐远些好 Keep a safe distance form this merriment为什么我忙得要死做这些食物 Why I am busting my ass to make this delicious dinner你这个假笑的家伙 You smirky你管这个叫好吃?You call this delicious我不能陪在家里人身边 I cant be with my family你们提到过我吗 Did you talk about me?能力强了 5 倍 Five times m

9、ore powerful红色开关 Red switch有个人我希望你们见一下 There is somebody I like you to meet我把它从实验室救了出来 I rescue him from some lab好残忍啊 Its so cruel他的父母叫他 TOM His parents name him tom他已经上岁数了 He has reached a certain age从雪人开始说 Open with snowman去年你是圣诞老人 Youre Santa last year真是丢脸啊 Its such a slap in the face面对假日的压力 Face

10、 the pressure of this holidayDesperately scramble既然你问了,我告诉你 For your information我们说好了 We made a pact我希望更乐观些 I am hoping for a little more enthusiasm应观众要求 Back by popular demand她的眼睫毛 Her eyelashes are resting in the jar3起风时,我觉得鼻痒 When its breezy, I feel a little sneezy大声些 Speak up pleaseShe has a qua

11、lity. She is beautiful in a conventional wayYou are luminous with a delicate grace不要对我们叫 Stop yelling at us我们暂停一下 Well take a short break有一点 Just a smidge他做事很有条理 He is methodical特殊情况 Special occasion你违约了 You break the pactI couldnt handle the pressure so I snapped他在玩烧菜铲子 Hes playing with my spatula(

12、s)今天早上我们第一次吵架 We had our first fight this morning一定是我工作太晚引起的 It has to do with my working lateHe threw me some faeces (feces)我可以帮你照看它 I could look in on it for youIt seems like you are there to see him, you are not like doing it as a favor to meTodays particle accelerators are nowhere near powerful

13、enough to simulate this condition我正打算吻你 Im planning on kissing herThats definitely a valid question把桌上的东西清空 Sweep everything on the tableSweeping sort of FellaA Sweeper trapped inside a physicists body管他呢 What the hell你在清理 You are tidying我可以跳上去 I can hop没地方放牛奶了 Theres no room for milk他搭乘了早一班的飞机 He catches an earlier flight很辣的单身母亲 A hot single mom他一直让我吃闭门羹 He keeps shutting me outIt walked around all the time dragging his handsHave a b



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