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1、七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风” 罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲尘缘,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。-啸之记。 2009 年小学英语毕业模拟测试卷(总分:100 分,完成时间:60 分)(听力部分)一、选出你所听到的单词或词组(8 分)( ) 1. A. catch B. match C. watch( ) 2. A. hurry B. hungry C. heart( ) 3. A. hear B. hair C. help( ) 4. A. left B. lette

2、r C. litter( ) 5. A.4365212 B. 4365121 C.4356212( ) 6. A. play football B. play basketball C. play volleyball( ) 7. A. like skiing B. like skating C. like fishing ( ) 8. A. a pair of trousers B. a pair of gloves C. a pair of shorts二、根据你听到的句子,选择适当的答语。(5 分)( )1. A. No, Im not. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, he

3、 is.( ) 2. A. She has a vase. B. They have a vase. C. The girl has a vase.( ) 3. A. Its red. B. Its big. C. Its a circle.( ) 4. A. Yes, you do. B. No, you arent. C. Yes, you can.( ) 5. A. Twelve grapes. B. Its twelve. C. Theyre twelve yuan.三、听对话,选择正确的答句。 (5 分)( ) 1. Where are the shoes now?A. Under

4、the chair. B. Under the bed. C. Near the door.( ) 2. What can you see on the teachers desk?A. Pencils. B. Apples. C. A pencil-box.( ) 3.Where is the picture?A. In the desk. B. On the blackboard. C. On the chair.( ) 4.Where is Helen?A. In the hall. B. In the library. C. In the playgroud.学校 班级 姓名 学号 密

5、 封 线 内 不 答 题 ( ) 5. Where is Lucys coat?A. Near the desk. B. Under the chair. C. On the bed.(笔试部分)四、选出每组发音不同的选项。 (5 分)( )1. A. knee B. neck C. read D. feel( ) 2.A. many B. animal C. stand D. hand( ) 3. A. thing B. thank C. there D. thin( ) 4. A. card B. after C. large D. some( ) 5. A. dear B. hear C

6、. year D. bear五、按要求写单词。 (8 分)1. strawberry (复数)_ 2. know(同音词) 3child ( 复数 ) 4. brush ( 第三人称单数) 5. Japan(形容词) 6. work (名词) 7. second (基数词) 8. theirs (宾格) 六、根据所给提示完成下列提示。 (5 分)1.There are many (水果) trees on the farm.2.What do you (意思)?3.How many (小刀) are there?4.There aret (一些 ) (马) in the zoo.七、翻译词组(

7、8 分)1.一幅世界地图 2.玩电脑游戏 3.在盘子里 4.放学后 5.向左拐 6.在星期一 7.两棵水果树 8.一起回家 八、介词填空(8 分)1. Whats the door? Its a cat.2. The mouse is the cats mouth now.3. Heres a card you. Happy New Year!4. Whats the fridge?5. The computer rooms are the first floor.6. Whats wrong you?7. May I speak you ?8. We have an English less

8、on Monday morning.九、单项选择。 (10 分)( )1.Come here, Mary. Look, the computer game is_.A. in B. Play C.on( ) 2. How many can you see on the hill?A. Sheeps B, sheep C. sheepes( ) 3. Our coats .A. look the same B. look like C. look at( ) 4. Are you ready? _ yet , Dad.A. No B.Dont C. Not( ) 5. do you spend

9、your weekends?A. What B.When C.How( ) 6. Dont look out the window. Look at the blackboard, please.A. from B. / C.of D.for( ) 7. This is Ben .Hes from .A. the USA B.America C.USA D.the America( ) 8. Miss Gao a box of sweets. What does Miss Yang_?A. has; have B. has; has C. have; have D. have ;has( )

10、9. She cant _music.A. listen B. listen to C.listening to D. listens to( ) 10.Whats seventy nine? Its sixty-one.A. and B. plus C.minus 十、句型转换(8 分)1. This is a triangle.(对画线部分提问) is this ?2. I like cooking nice food.(改为一般疑问句)3. Lets meet at the zoo.(改为疑问句)meet at the zoo?4. Would he like to come?(改为陈述

11、句)to come.十一、翻译句子(6 分)1.这学期,我们学习九门科目。 We have this .2.她学中文吗?she study ?3.灯在书和钟之间。The is the books the clock.4.铅笔盒里有多少枝圆珠笔?ball pens in the pencil-box?十二、单句改错(6 分)( )1.I teach him Chinese .He teaches my English. A B C D( ) 2.Helen and I am the same age. A B C D( ) 3.Does he have some hobbies? A B C D( ) 4.He usually make model ships. A B C D( ) 5.How do you spend you weekends? A B C D( ) 6.Everyone are very excited. A B C D十三、从栏中找出栏相应的答语



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