英语论文TranslationofDenominalVerbs (2)

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1、原创英语毕业论文 请咨询 QQ253771735第 1 页吉林华桥外国语学院毕业论文用纸Translation of Denominal VerbsI IntroductionDenominal verbs, simplely said, which are the verbs oringinated from nouns or nouns are used as verbs. They exist massively in English and appear frequently (only you are unconscious and used to them, that is all

2、). There are few denominal verbs in Chinese and the frequency that they appear is very low. They exist in English but not necessarily in Chinese, so their correspondences are even fewer. However, sometimes its not greatly good processing which translate the English sentence into Chinese. According t

3、o the investigation, the reason why grasp insufficiently about the semantic structure and semantic bleaching of denominal verbs, which restrict the understanding and expression of the whole sentence, because this type of words exit generally not only in oral English but also in written language, suc

4、h as newspaper, magazines and so on. It is necessary to carry on the discussion and solution about “bottleneck question”. This thesis analyzes the semantic structure of denominal verbs simply and stress their translation. The semantic structure has been made to be clear so that the above question ha

5、s been solved greatly in order to achieve a new theory layer that draw inferences about other cases from one instance and comprehend by analogy and know why any also knows, not only sense but also speak out. II Morphological Structure and Word-Formation2.1 The component parts of a wordA morpheme is

6、the minimal significant element. It is also the smallest unit of grammatical analysis. It can have of show a grammatical function.Words are composed of morphemes. Some words are formed by one morpheme, such as log, clerk, soldier and so on; and others are formed by two or more morphemes, such as lov

7、ely (love + -ly), unacceptable (un-, accept, -able).2.2 Content morphemes, grammatical morphemes and allomorphsContent morphemes known as free morphemes are those that may constitute words by themselves: cat, walk, and kind, teach. Grammatical morphemes known as bound morphemes are those that must a

8、ppear with at least one other morpheme, either bound or free: cat + s, walk + ing, un + kind, teach + er. Sometimes words consist of two content morphemes: lighthouse, housework.Grammatical morphemes may also be called affixes; affixes are segments that are 原创英语毕业论文 请咨询 QQ253771735第 2 页吉林华桥外国语学院毕业论文

9、用纸added to a root. In English, this root is usually a free morphemefor example, the word “acceptable” is formed by root accept and adjective marker able. But in some cases this root is a bound morphemefor example, the word “audience” consists of bound root audi- and noun marker ence.Many morphemes h

10、ave semantic meaning attached to them. Certainly all free morphemes do: dog, horse, room, and house. Bound morphemes, however, may not. The plural marker s and the past tense marker d/-ed by themselves have no semantic meaning, they contain only grammatical meaning. The same applies to the suffixes

11、tion and ise: -tion may be used to form a noun and ise to form a verb.According to Stephem Ullmann, words that are formed by one content morpheme only and cannot be analyzed into parts are called opaque words: axe, glove. Words that consist of more than one morpheme and can be segmented into parts a

12、re called transparent words: workable (word + -able), doorman (door + man).A morpheme is a linguistic abstraction; it is a concept. It needs to be represented in certain phonological forms. These forms are called morphs. It can be found that the same functional unit varies in form from one context t

13、o another: thus the terminal (e)s of cats, dogs, horses has the regular meaning “more than one”, yet has three different phonological forms: / -s, -z, -iz /. The three forms are the variants of the same morpheme s. They are called allomorphs.III The Semantic Structure of Denominal Verbs Denominal ve

14、rbs refer to a verb which derives by the noun. As there are origin relations between the noun and its correspondent verb, E. Clark and H. Clark(1979) and Quirk (1985: 1561) call such words parent nouns. The denominal verbs are usually formed with functions as the verb by parent noun, dont need to ad

15、d prefix or suffix, thus the two sides are often in the same form. For instance, the denominal verb “paint, land, dress” are the same as its correspondent parent noun “paint, land, dress” in form. Look from the novel degree of denominal verbs, they can be divided into two kinds: the ordinary denomin

16、al verbs and the innovation denominal verbs. The ordinary denominal verbs are accepted in the usage (such as paint, land, dress); the innovation denominal verbs refer to in certain literary style or in linguistic environment, the noun serves as the verb flexibly. For example, “to author the book, to sheet the furniture, to tenant the building”, the verb is author sheet tenant. This kind of speech flexible usage belongs to “nonce use” or “innovative use”, which has livel



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