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1、12014 年度本科生毕业论文(设计)英语文献翻译院 系: 理学院化学系 专 业: 化 学 年 级: 2011 级 学生姓名: 何宣鹏 学 号: 201101020132 导师及职称: 王泽锋 2014 年 4 月22014 Annual Graduation Thesis (Project) of the College Undergraduate Translation of English LiteratureDepartment: Dpartment of Chemistry, School of ScienceMajor: ChemistryGrade: 2011Students N

2、ame: He XuanpengStudent No.: 201101020132Tutor: Wang ZefengApril, 20143Analysis and Assessment of Agrimonia Pilosa Ledeb fromDifferent Sources Using FT-IR Spectroscopy 用红外光谱对不同来源的仙鹤草进行分析和评估Bao-qing Wang (王宝庆),Zhe-xiong Jin(金哲雄)(College of Pharmacy,Harbin University of Commerce,Harbin 150076,China)(哈

3、尔滨商业大学, 药学院,哈尔滨150076,中国)ABSTRACT摘要To get the IR spectrums of Agrimonia Pilosa Ledeb(APL) from China and Japan 从中国和日本地区得到仙鹤草的红外光谱,areas, and to find out the characters of IR spectrums through the content of diferent 通过不同化学成分的含量找出红外谱图特征,chemical constituents, to provide a fast and effective analysis

4、method monitor the 提供一个快速和有效的分析方法,监测仙鹤草传统中医治疗inherent qualities of traditional Chinese medicine APL Fourier transform Infrared 的内在品质。 用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)Spectroscopy (FT-IR) was applied to detect sample of APL from China and Japan 技术检测中国和日本地区的仙鹤草样品。areas This study showed that the IR spectra of APL fr

5、om China and Japan areas 这项研究表明,来自中国和日本地区的仙鹤草的红外光谱有其独特的红have their unique IR fingerprint features The contents of tannin and calcium 外指纹特征。 从中国和日本得到的仙鹤草phosphate in APL from China is diferent APL from Japan So FT-IR is a very 中的鞣酸和钙的含量都不相同。 所以,傅里叶变换红外光谱 quick,efective and well repetitive method for

6、monitoring and distinguishing the 傅里叶变换红外光谱是一种很快的,有效的和重复的监测、识别传统中医的方4法。traditional Chinese medicineKeywords: Agrimonia Pilosa Ledeb ;Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 关键词: 仙鹤草; 傅里叶变换红外光谱 ;(FT-IR);chemical constituents化学成分1 Introduction1 前言Agrimonia Pilosa Ledeb(APL) is a widely used medicinal

7、plant by 仙鹤草(APL)是一种广泛使用的药用植物asian countries and has been reported to possess various biological 亚洲国家已经报道其具有有多种生物学活性。activitiesIn Asia, APL is used in folk medicine as haemostatic,tonic for 在亚洲,仙鹤草在民间是一种作为止血,补虚,涩的腹泻,利尿的药物。asthenia,astringent in diarrhoea,and diureticFor example,APL has been 例如,仙鹤草已用

8、于血液,心used for blood,cardiovascular ,gastrointestinal,genitourinary,血管,胃肠道,泌尿生殖系统,炎症,肝,呼吸道,皮肤和其他一些疾病。inflammatory,liver , respiratory tract,skin and some other conditionsIn addition, APL is also a famous medicinal plant used for cancer 此外, 仙鹤草是著名的药用植物, 用于治疗癌症,therapy in Japan and the antitumor activi

9、ty of the methanol extract of 在日本,用甲醇从仙鹤草根中提取抗肿瘤活性物质, the roots of this plant has been widely reported In China,this plant is 5已经被普遍报道。 在中国, 这种植物traditionally used to suppress diarrhoea,to reduce gastric ulcers,to 传统上是用来抑制腹泻, 治疗胃溃疡, relieve inflammation,to improve eyesight,to calm the liver,to detox

10、ify 消炎, 明目, 平肝, 解毒的。poison from bodyThe tannin is the main component of the plant that acts 单宁酸是仙鹤草的主要成分之一,against several rodent tumors and it has been suggested that the immune 研究表明,单宁酸是调整免疫系统和system adjustment is important in the antitumor effect of tannin1 抗肿瘤的主要成分。In recent years it is reported

11、 that FT-IR is used in traditional Chinese 近年来,据报道, 傅里叶变换红外光谱在传统中医medicine on some aspects , such as identifying counterfeits,controlling 的一些方面有所应用, 如假冒产品的识别,质量的控制,qualities,forecasting stability , etcAlthough traditional Chinese 稳定性的预测等。 虽然中医是非常复杂的体系,medicine is very complicated systems,the fingerp

12、rint characters in FT-IR 但只要其所含化学成分的种类和含量不同, spectra will show differences,as long as the categories or contents of 红外光谱指纹特征会显示出差异。their contained chemical components are differentUsing these differences of fingerprint characters can identify,compare and control the 使用这些指纹特征的差异可以快速识别,medicinal mater

13、ials and their corresponding products quickly,accurately 比较和对照药材及其相应的产品,6and effectively2准确和有效。Now the mainstream analysis method for monitoring the qualities of 现在的质量检测中药化学成分的chemical constituents in herb medicine is GC MS method ,which can 主流分析方法是气相色谱质谱法,offer much detailed information of chemical

14、 componentsHowever,the 此方法提供了更详细的的化学成分的信息。low reproductivity,expensive instrument and rigorous experiment 然而,低生产力,昂贵的仪器和严格的实验条件condition limit it to generalize in some degreeAnd only a few 在某种程度上受到了限制。components selected to test cannot reflect the real qualities of the 只有少数选定的成分测试不能反映复杂样品的真实性,compli

15、cated samples as traditional Chinese Medicine 不能作为中医的有效依据。efficientlyTherefore, it is the hot issue to find a fast and effective 因此,找到充分的评估样品的快速和有效的analysis method for evaluating fully the qualities of such samplesFT-IR 分析方法是一个热点问题。spectroscopy presenting the whole features and fingerprint characters of a 红外光谱呈现一个样本的整体特征和指


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