英语关联词、写作专题及初中语法知识 (2)

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《英语关联词、写作专题及初中语法知识 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语关联词、写作专题及初中语法知识 (2)(113页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、经典词组如此以致sothat太以致不能tooto既不也不neithernor 无论还是Whetheror.足够enough to直到才notuntil不但而且not onlybut alsoas well as目的是为了in order to in order that而不是 instead ofrather than做对某人来说.Its +adj. for sb. to do关联词 一、二、三原则,表先后顺序:First, First of all , To begin with second, third, after that, at last finally, in the end,

2、last but not least, 并列或递进: and, also, besides, not onlybut also;in addition, moreover, whats more, furthermore ;on the one hand, on the other hand 转折:but, however, though, although, while 因果和总结:because, so, because of, as a result, therefore, thus, in a word, to sum up, in short,generally, in genera

3、l, on the whole, 意见与期望: I think /I believe/ in ones opinion, Id like to say, It seems thatI hope. I expect. . You/I had better, I am looking forward to ,IfI willfrom now on, I agree with名词佳句 知识就是力量 Knowledge is power. 时间就是金钱 Time is money. 熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。No pains, no gains.

4、有志者,事竟成 Where there is a will, there is a way. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 Nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it 比较范文:How to reduce the pressure1. Hello, everyone! My name is Bob, I am 15 years old. Do you want to know about how to reduce the pressure? Let me tell you.I have too much pres

5、sure. Do you want to know about my pressure? Let me tell you, I have much homework. So I feel I have much pressure. When I feel I have much pressure, I will listen to music.This is my way. Do you know? How about you?2. Pressure is a serious problem in todays world. Students in our class are under to

6、o much pressure. Me ,too. I have so much homework to do that I cant have enough time to sleep. I m always sad. Therefore, Its very necessary to reduce the pressure. I have thought of two ways to solve the problem. On the one hand, I dont stay up late to study every night in order that I can run in t

7、he early morning. I think running can make me relaxed. On the other hand, I listen to some soft music after studying.In a word, it is a good way of reducing the pressure as long as it can make you feel relax, I think.Which kind of life is better?1. Peoples life is getting better in China. You can ke

8、ep fit in the country. You can keep fit in the city, too.In the city, you can go to a supermarket, a restaurant. and live in a apartment. You can take a car and bus to go some places. You can go to a cinema, a club and a park. In the country, you can plant vegetables and rice. You can built your hou

9、se. You can ride your motorbike or bicycle to visit your neighbors.I think the county life is better. Because the air is fresh.2. At present, peoples life is getting better and better in China. Whether you are living in the city or in the country, you can keep fit. Now, let me introduce the two kind

10、 of life to you.In the city, there are big supermarkets, great restaurants and beautiful apartment. Also, you can go to some places of interest by car or bus. In your free time, its convenient for you to go to the cinema, a club or a park. However, if you live in the country, not only can you plant

11、vegetables and rice but also build your own beautiful house. In addition, you can ride your motorbike or bicycle to go out to visit your neighbors.In my opinion, I prefer living in the country. As we know, in the country ,you can enjoy the quiet and beautiful nature, and there is less pollution.英语写作

12、专题讲座一、写作教学的目的 ? 1 、表述与表达事实、观点、情感、想象力; 2 、交流信息; 3 、培养规范的写作习惯。 二、写作教学要求的基本技能 (一)写作技能包括哪些内容 (10) 1 、激活灵感; 2 、整理思路; 3 、组织素材; 4 、规划文章结构; 5 、列出提纲; 6 、起草文章; 7 、组织语言; 8 、谴词造句; 9 、修改文章; 10 、正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。 (二)课程标准对各级写作技能的要求? 五级 : 1 、能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材; 2 、能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改; 3 、能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系; 4 、能简单描

13、述人物或事件; 5 、能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。 (三)写作教学建议 1 、首先,通读各年级教材, 梳理教材中所涉及的写作技能及相关策略; 2 、其次, 梳理课标对各学段的要求; 3 、最后,比较二者的差异。对教材不能满足的部分,通过合理的补充,使之达到课标要求。 初一教材写作示例 教材中涉及的写作技能 课标要求达到的标准 1 、连词的使用; 2 、标点符号及大小写; 3 、能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息; 4 、能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候卡和邀请卡; 5 、能写出或回复简单的邮件; 6 、能根据提纲或图表提示写出简短的介绍性的文字。 7 、能用短语或句子描述系列

14、图片,编写简单的故事。 1、 能正确使用常用的标点符号; 2 、能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息; 3 、能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候卡和邀请卡; 4 、能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的故事。 小结:从上表中可以看出,初一教材所涉及的写作任务,完全能满足课标的要求,而且很多方面甚至要高于课标的要求。所以,初一的写作教学,以教材为纲,扎扎实实地对学生进行引导和训练就可以了。 三、写作教学模式与策略探讨 ( 一 )写作教学模式 1 、重结果的教学模式( product-oriented approach ) 强调语法、句法、词汇和拼写等句子层面上的教学。 教师命题 学生写作 教师批改。

15、 阅读别人的写作然后模仿。 第一稿也即最后一稿。写作的内容和过程往往被忽视。 2 、重内容的教学模式 ( content-oriented approach ) 比较注重写作素材的收集。 重点在于帮助学生准备写作,丰富其内容。 ( 1 )收集信息 ( 2 )写初稿 ( 3 )修改 3 、重过程的教学模式( process-oriented approach ) ( 1 )写前准备( pre-writing ) ( 2 )写初稿( drafting ) ( 3 )修改( revising ) ( 4 )写第二稿( second draft ) ( 5 )教师批改讲评( teachers feed

16、back ) (二)写作策略探讨 1 、构思策略 ( 1)头脑风暴 ( brainstorming ) 放开思路、充分联想,把头脑中闪现的,凡是与主题相关的内容都记录下来;然后进行整理和归纳,留下与主题相关的内容,删除无关的细节。 Flat sharing Cheaper, not privacy, communication, lonely clean, cooking, noisy, uncomfortable interruption, share housework 归类 梳理内容、提炼观点,奠定框架: Advantages of sharing a flat cheaper share housework have someone to communicate Disadvantages of sha



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