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1、English conversation一 Greeting and Good-byesHow are you?您好! /最近怎么样?Nice to teet you。很高兴认识您。*初识Hello!你好!Hwo have you been?过的怎么样?Long time no see.好久没见了。Hows every thing?一切都还好吗?Hows your work going?最近工作怎么样?Whats going on?过得还好吗?Good-bye.再见 /慢走See you late.回头见Nice meeting you?很高兴认识你Take care.多保重/注意身体Good

2、 luck 祝你好运Keep in touch.常联系Im leaveing.我走了/我要走了句型1 Nice to teet you. 很高兴认识您Lisa,this is my friend,Mr.Kim.利萨,这是我的朋友金先生。Mr.Kim,this is my English teacher,Lisa.金先生,这是我的英语老师利萨。How do you do ?Mr.Kim.您好。金先生。Nice to teet you,lisa.很高兴认识您,利萨。2 Hi,there.你好。Hi, Kim. 你好,金。Hi there, where are you guys going?你好,你

3、们要去哪儿?Were going to the park.。我们正要去公园3 Long time no see. 好久没见了。Hi,peter.Long time no see.你好,彼得。好久没见了。Hi,kim.How have you been?你好,金。过得怎么样?Not so bad.How about you?还好,你呢?Pretty good.好极了!4 Hows everything? 一切都好吗?Hows everything? 一切都好吗?Its going pretty well. How are you getting along these day?非常好,最近你过得

4、怎么样?Same the uaual.还那样.5 Hows your work going?你工作怎么样?Hows your work going?你工作怎么样?It couldnt be better.很好。Good for you.不错啊!Thank you.6 See you late.回头见。I really have to go now.Its getting late.Suit youself. See you late.那好吧,回头见。O.K.see ya.好,再见。二 ThanksThank you very much 非常感谢您。Thanks a lot 十分感谢。Thank

5、 you for your concern 感谢你的关心I appreciate it very much 我衷心地感谢您I owe you one 麻烦你了。/让您操心了。Its very kind of you.你太好了。You are so kind 你太善良了。Its very nice of you to say so.你能这么说,我感到很高兴。句型1 Thanks a million. 真是太感谢了Have you seen a report on the desk.你看见桌子上的报告了吗?Yes,I submitted it with mine.嗯,和我的一起交上去了。Thank

6、s a million.I didnt have time to go out and submit it 真是太感谢了,我都没事就去交报告。2 Thank you for your concern.感谢你的关心。You look pale.whats eating you?*你脸色不太好,怎么了?I have a fever.有点发烧。You should go see a doctor.你应该去看看医生。I will. Thank you for your concern.我会的,感谢你的关心。3 Happy birthday!this is for you.生日快乐! 这是送给你的生日礼

7、物。Oh,thanks a iot.Thats a pretty purse!噢,谢谢,这么精美的钱包!Ive wanted one just like this. I appreciate it very much.我正想要这样的钱包呢,衷心地感谢你。三 Apology1 Im sorry to trouble you.对不起,麻烦您了。2 Im sorry I was so careless.对不起,我太不小心了。3 I apologize for the delay. 我为迟到表示道歉。4 Please forgive me 请原谅我。5 Im sorry Im late.对不起,我来晚

8、了。6 Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。7 its my fault.是我的错。8 I didnt mean it.我不是故意的。9 may I interrupt you? 可以打断一下吗?1 Im sorry to trouble you.对不起,麻烦您了。Im sorry to trouble you.对不起,麻烦您了。You drank too much last night. 昨晚你喝得太多了。Im afraid I dont remember anything at all.不好意思,我什么都不记得了。I took you h

9、ome by taxi.是我打车送你回家的。Is that right.是吗?2 Im sorry I was so careless.对不起,我太不小心了。Im awfully sorry. I didnt mean it.非常抱歉,我不是故意的。Thats all right.没关系。Im sorry I was so careless.对不起,我太不小心了。Its no dig deal.*这没什么。3 Please forgive me 请原谅我。Please forgive me 请原谅我。Well,I dont know.哦,我不知道该不该原谅你。Ill never do it a

10、gain.我再也不会这样做了。Do you swear?*你保证吗?4 Im sorry Im late.对不起,我来晚了。Im sorry Im late.对不起,我来晚了。Never mind.Shall we go. 没关系,我们可以走了吗?5 Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。Whats wrong?怎么了?There was a traffic jam.*路上堵车了。四 weatherIts nice weather ,isnt it.天气不错

11、啊。Hows the weather to day?今天天气怎么样?The typhoon is gone.台风已经过去了。Its boiling hot 天气闷热起来了。Its getting dark.天黑了。Its cloudy today. 今天多云。Its likely to snow tonight.看来晚上要下雪。1 Its nice weather today.今天天气真好。Its nice weather today.今天天气真好。Sure thing 是啊。I feel refreshed.*我觉得很清爽。Me.to. 我也是。2 Its boiling hot 天气闷热起

12、来了。Its boiling hot 天气闷热起来了。You said it.*what shall we do today?就是啊,今天我们干什么好呢?Were going to go to a awimming pool.我们去游泳场吧。Thats a good idea.太好了。* You said it.意思是“就是啊/您说的是/ 真是这样”表示同意。3 Its cloudy today. 今天多云。Its cloudy today. 今天多云。Yes,do you think its going to rain in the afternoon .是啊,你觉得下午会下雨吗?It mi

13、ght。有可能。Youd better take an umbrella with you 你最好还是带把伞吧?4 Its getting dark.天黑了。Its getting dark.天黑了。I cannt see the tennis balls.我看不清网球了?Shall we stop playing?*我们不玩了吧?Yes,lets.好吧。5 Its likely to snow tonight.看来晚上要下雪。Its terribly cold today.今天可真冷啊!Yes,it is.是啊。Its likely to snow tonight.看来晚上要下雪。I dou

14、bt it.*不一定吧。 Doubt怀疑6 The typhoon is gone.台风已经过去了。The typhoon last night was huge,wasnt it? 昨天晚上的台风太厉害了!It sure was 没错。I was scared* sll right.我担心了整整一晚。 Be scared of 恐惧,害怕Im glad its gone.幸运的是它已经过去了。Permission 允许与同意1 May I ask a favor of you ? 可以请您帮个忙吗?May I ask a favor of you ? 可以请您帮个忙吗?What is it?

15、什么事?Can you take the wheel? 你来开车好吗?My pleasure.*我很乐意。2 Can I ask you to do it?你能帮我一下吗?Can iask you to do it?你能帮我一下吗?Will you make 100 more copies?在复印 100 份行吗?Oh, I see.哦,好的。Can I ask you to do it by 12 oclock?12 点之前能完成吗?Sure,you can.当然可以。3 Can I leave it up to you?能把这事交给你吗?How about having dinner at

16、 that new French restraut?去那家新开的法国餐厅吃饭,怎么样?I think we need to make a reservation.我觉得我们要预约一下。Can I leave it up to you?能把这事交给你吗?Of course. .当然可以。4 May I use your phone?可以借用一下您的电话吗?May I use your phone?可以借用一下您的电话吗?Sure,go ahead.当然,给你。Thanks.谢谢。5 Is it all right if I borrow you car?我借用一下你的车行吗?Is it all right if I borrow you car?我借用一下你的车行吗?Im sorry,jimmie. im using it all day to day. 对不起,杰米。今天我要用一整天。Ju



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