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1、一个残疾人的求职信!(2008-07-30 16:17:25)标签:爱在中国行 杂谈 求职信尊敬的女士/先生:坦诚的讲我是一个可以当作非残疾人雇佣的残疾人。我不想多说其他的,我只想找出您雇佣我的理由:1.身体健康。我的左手先天残疾并不十分严重,不影响我做任何的事情,无论是工作还是生活,比如我可以打字很快,每分钟60字,自己在外独立生活十多年。身体健康的标准是没有疾病并且心里健康,相对于身体的表面残疾,我拥有十分健康的心里,我和非残疾人公平竞争,我不抱怨,我懂得接受自己,微笑着接受别人异样的目光,理解别人的拒绝,懂得感 我生 的 和 爱我的人 2. 。 我 得 士 和 士 3.工作 :我有年在

2、的 和 IT公事人 理的工作 ,工作得currency1“ 以 的fi,fl 以我有比的工作 4.的”任:残疾人 fi比雇佣一fi的残疾人,我想fl对于一个有”任感的公,fl样的”任。5.的 :雇佣残疾人可以,对于 公说,的不是 还有 ,并且说不 一 人 ,fl是一个没有 的 ,何 不 6.对的 诚 :残疾人 不 的工作 , 有很的fi,对有很的 诚 和感 情。接 我 想一不雇佣残疾人的理由:1.身体不 ,影响工作:fl一 我想残疾人的自尊可以 您我 不是 的人 2.:其 身体的残疾 的受 是我 自己和我 的家人,我想我 自信的微笑,健康的心理完全可以弥补所谓表面的缺憾 。3.潜在的劳动纠纷:

3、健康人也存在fl个问题,另外残疾人都是心地善良,并非胡搅蛮缠的刁民,谁也不想没事找事。“授 以鱼,不如授 以渔”。如果说残疾人需要帮助的话,不是 他(她)钱, 是 他(她)一个可以凭自己的 赚钱养活自己的平等的工作 ,不要戴着有色眼镜看待我 。当然fl个前提基础是他 够胜任fl项工作,因 我 深知不是福利 构,是一个 有一fi”任的赢利 构。作 一个人 ,我想人 开发的目的 一就是 的挖掘人 的潜 ,不浪费人 。因此对于自己的职生涯 划,我的求职意向有两个:1.事人 的相 工作,fl是基于我 科的知识背景和工作 以自己的兴趣决fi的 2.currency1公市场部门事体 赞助项目或 体 纪公事

4、相的工作,fl是基于我 科 士交叉 科的知识背景以自己的兴趣决fi的,当然 去的工作 对于fl 面的工作也是很有帮助的。后,感谢您在忙 中浏览我的求职信简历, 人不胜感,并敬候佳音。求职 :XXXLetter of ApplicationDear Sir/Madam,Frankly, I have to tell you that I am a person with a physical disability but can do all work that a person without disability does.Here are the reasons why I can be

5、employed: First, I am in good health. Although I am disabled in my left hand from birth, Iget no hindrance in doing anything. For example, I can type 60 words a minute. Ihave been living away from my hometown over the past 10-odd years independently.The criterion for being a healthy person is being

6、disease-free and mentally healthy. By this criterion, I am just healthy. I am never complaining, ready to accept who I am and always understanding the strange eyes cast upon me. I appreciate refusals from others. I thank my parents for their love of me and allmy friends for their care about me. Seco

7、nd, I am enterprising. I have earned my bachelor degree in economics and master degree in education through my hard work.Third, I am experienced. I have worked with joint ventures and world-leading IT companies in Beijing in the field of human resources for the last 6 years. My work has gained recog

8、nition from my superiors, colleagues and subordinates. Fourth, a social responsibility conscious corporation will employ disabled people. Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection of Disabled Persons stipulates that corporations ought to employ a proportion of disabled people. I believe

9、 that a social responsibility conscious corporation will shoulder some of the responsibility. Fifth, it is also beneficial to corporations to employ disabled people. Employing disabled people may exempt your corporation from taxes. It will increase your economic returns, social reputation and earn y

10、ou good reputation.Sixth, disabled people are highly loyal to their corporations. They cherish their work opportunities, feel grateful to their corporations and always stay loyal to them.Let me venture to offer some reasons why corporations refuse to employ disabled people as well: First, disability

11、 hampers work. As a disabled man, I can tell you that we never expect “gain without pain”. Disabled people will never live onothers and disability is never an excuse for not working. Disability will never ever hamper our jobs once we decide to commit ourselves to them. Second, appearances of disable

12、d people are not good. It is we and our loved ones that get most hurt by our appearances, but I believe our heartfelt smiles and good mental health will compensate for what we have lost. Third, disabled people cause more employment disputes. This idea is biased. Employment disputes happen among all

13、employees. Disabled people are mostly kind and never want to seek trouble.s“It is better to teach a person to fish rather than give him a fish.” Disabled people do need help, but rather than money, they need a job opportunity most, a job that can support themselves. Of course, they must be equal to

14、the jobs, because a corporation is not a welfare institution but a profit making one with social responsibilities.As a practitioner of human resources management, I think one of the goals of human resources management is to tap the most potential out of a person so as toavoid talent waste. Based on

15、my career plan, I apply for: first, a job related human resources management, which is in line with my undergraduate study, my work experience as well as my personal interest; second, a job in sports sponsorship program in the marketing department of a corporation or a sports brokerage company, a jo

16、b which coincides with my knowledge of my undergraduate and graduate study as well as my interest. My work experience also helps in thisrespect too.Finally, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule for reading my resume and I look forward to the earliest reply at your convenience.Applicant: XXX


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