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1、缩写 英文 中文常见计算机技术词汇IS information system 信息系统MIS management information system 管理信息系统TPS transaction process system 事务处理系统DSS decision support system 决策支持系统ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划MRP material requirements planning 物料需求计划MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划BSP Business Systems P

2、lanning 企业系统规划CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计OCR Optical Character Recognition 光学字符识别SA Structured Analisys 结构化分析方法OOA object oriented analysis 面向对象分析法OOD object oriented design 面向对象设计OOP object oriented programming 面向对象编程DFD data flow diagram 数据流图DD data dictionary 数据字典E-R entity relationship dia

3、gram E-R图OLAP on-line analytical processing 在线联机分析处理OLTP on-line transaction processing 联机事务处理系统EDI electronic data interchange 电子数据交换CRM customer relationship management 客户关系管理SCM supply chain management 供应链管理SQA software quality assurance 软件质量保证PPTP point to point tunneling protocol 点对点协议ATM async

4、hronous transfer mode 异步传输模式DAS direct attached storage 直接连接存储NAS network attached storage 网络连接存储SAN storage area network 存储区域网络PDS premises distribution system 综合布线系统data mining 数据挖掘data warehouse 数据仓库database 数据库data mart 数据集市work area subsystem 工作区子系统horizontal backbone subsystem 水平干线子系统administr

5、ator subsystem 管理间子系统backbone subsystem 垂直干线子系统campus backbone subsystem 楼宇(建筑群)子系统equipment room subsystem 设备间子系统performance 性能reliability 可靠性availability 可用性security 安全性modifiability 可修改性maintainability 可维护性extendibility 可扩展性reassemble 结构重组portability 可移植性functionality 功能性FDMA frequency division m

6、ultiple access 频分多址WDMA wave division multiple access 波分多址TDMA time division multiple access 时分多址CDMA code division multiple access 码多分址ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line 非对称数字用户环路HDSL high speed digital subscriber line 高速率数字用户线路VDSL very high bit rate digital subscriber loop 甚高速数字用户环路HFC hybri

7、d fiber coaxial 混合光纤同轴电缆网DDN digital data network 数字数据网VPN virtual private network 虚拟专用网AON active optical network 有源光网络PON passive optical network 无源光网络SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步光网络PDH plesiochronous digital hierarchy 异步光网络FTTR fiber to the remote module 光纤到远端接入点FTTB fiber to the building

8、 光纤到楼FTTC fiber to the curb 光纤到路边FTTZ fiber to the zone 光纤到小区FTTH fiber to the home 光纤到户IPSEC the Internet protocol security Internet协议安全性PKI public key infrastructure 公钥基础设施PMI privilege management infrastructure 授权管理基础设施CA certification authorization 认证机关confidentiality 机密性integrity 完整性non repudia

9、tion 不可否认性G2E government to employee 政府对公务员G2B government to business 政府对企业G2G government to government 政府部门间G2C government to citizen 政府对公众BI business intelligence 商业智能EC electronic commerce 电子商务B2C business to customer 企业对消费者B2B business to business 企业对企业C2C customer to customer 消费者对消费者O2O Online

10、2 Offline 线下电子商务ISO international organization for standardization 国际标准化组织IEC international electro technical commission 国际电工委员会ITU international telecommunications union 国际电信联盟IEEE institute of electrical and electronics engineers 电气电子工程师协会ANSI American national standards institute 美国国家标准协会GIS geog

11、raphic information system 地理信息系统cloud computing 云计算grid computing 网格计算distributed computing 分布式计算IOT Internet of things 物联网RAID Redundant array of independent disk 独立冗余磁盘阵列RFID radio frequency identification 射频识别information security 信息安全DES data encryption standard 数据加密标准IDEA international data encr

12、yption algorithm 国际加密数据算法RSA 由Ron Rivest、Adi Shamirh和LenAdieman三人创建 非对称加密算法big date 大数据常见项目管理词汇projects 项目PMBOK project management body of knowledge 项目管理知识体系operations 运作process 过程activity 活动activity description 活动描述/说明activity definition 活动定义activity list 活动清单phases 阶段approve 批准product life cycle 产

13、品生命周期PMO project management office 项目管理办公室project charter 项目章程project manager 项目经理project sponsor 项目发起人project stakeholder 项目干系人project management plan 项目管理计划project team 项目团队functional organization 职能组织matrix organization 矩阵型组织project organization 项目型组织PMIS project management information system 项目管

14、理信息系统project management process group 项目管理过程组initiating process 启动过程组planning process 计划过程组executing process 执行过程组controlling process 控制过程组closing process 收尾过程组plan 计划rolling wave plan 滚动式计划do 行动check 检查action 处理walkthrough 走查inspection 审查review 评审demonstration 论证round-robin review 轮查defect 缺陷brains

15、torming 头脑风暴法CMM capability maturity model 能力成熟度模型CMMI capability maturity model integration 能力成熟度模型集成input 输入output 输出tool 工具method 方法technology 技术enterprise environment factors 事业环境因素organizational process assets 组织过程资产SOW statement of work 工作说明书CR change request 变更请求CCB change control board 变更控制委

16、员会WBS work breakdown structure 工作分解结构delphi 德尔菲法CPM critical path method 关键路线法gantt chart 甘特图bar chart 横道图PERT program evaluation and review technique 计划评审技术analogous estimating 类比估算expert judgment 专家判断Monte Carlo analysis 蒙特卡洛分析sensitivity analysis 灵敏度分析three point estimate 三点估算pareto chart 帕累托图reserveanalysis 预留分析COCOMO constructive cost model 构造性成本模型ADM arrow diagram method 箭线图法PDM precedence diagram method 前导图法bottom up estimating 自底向上法decision tree analysis 决策树分析AOA active on



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