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1、How do you get to school?,Unit 3,Section A 1a-2e,boat. boat. take a boat,How do you get to school?,train. train. take the train,bus. bus. take the bus,subway. subway. take the subway,taxi. taxi. take a taxi,bike. bike. ride a bike,chant,train,subway,bus,bike/ bicycle,taxi,car,plane,take the train,ri

2、de the bike,take the bus,take the subway,walk,Lingling,She s to school.,There are different ways for students to school. Look and try to make sentences.,take the subway,Li Lei,He s to school.,Wei Fang,She s to school.,ride his bike,take the bus,Li Lin,He drives his car to school.,What about you ?,Bo

3、b,He walks to school,I ride my/ a bike to school.,How do you get to school?,He walks to school.,How does he get to school?,ride a bike,take a bus,take the train,take the subway,take a taxi,walk,A:How do you get to school?,B:I . . to school.,Pairwork,A:How does he/sheget to school?,B:He/She . . to sc

4、hool.,take the plane,Match the words with the pictures.,2. take the bus_,3. take the subway_,4. ride a bike_,5. walk _,1. take the train_,a,d,e,b,c,1a,1b,Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture.,1. Bob,2. Mary,3. John,4. Paul,5. Yang Lan,6. Jim,2,3,4,5,6,takes the tr

5、ain to school.goes to school by train.,How does Mary get to school?She ,takes the subway to school.,goes to school by subway.,He ,How does Bob get to school?,1C,Look at the picture in 1a. How do the students get to school? Make conversations with your partner.,How does he get to school?,goes to scho

6、ol by _.,rides a _ to school.,He,bike,bike,How does he get to school?,goes to school by _.,takes the _ to school.,He,subway,subway,_bicycle,by,_ _ bicycle,ride a,_train,_ _,take a,by,by,by,by,take a,take a,take a,take a,take the,_bus,_ plane/air,_ boat,_ taxi,_ subway,_ _ bus,_ _ plane,_ _ boat,_ _

7、taxi,_ _ subway,by,by,两种方法表达交通方式,take a bus / by bus 乘公共汽车ride a bike / by bike 骑自行车 take the subway / by subway 乘地铁 take a car / by car 乘坐小汽车walk / on foot 步行,可以用介词by表示乘坐方式:by bus, by subway, by ship, by bike, by plane / air,A: How do you get to school?,ride my bike take the bus take the car take t

8、he subway take the train walk,I,B:,to school.,Summary,I,go to school,by bike . by bus. by car. by subway. by train. on foot.,How do you get to school? 你是怎么上学去的?how 是疑问副词, 通常用来提问方式等。含有动词的交通方式有: take the subway 乘坐地铁 take the train 乘火车 walk (go on foot) 步行 take the bus 乘公交汽车 ,take the bus,take the trai

9、n,1c,Make conversation with your partner.,ride a bike,walk,A: How do you get to school?,B: I take the subway.,B: I go to school by subway.,1. I take the train to school. = I get to school _.2. She takes the subway to school. (同义句) She _ to school _ _.,by train,gets,by subway,3. Jenny rides the bike

10、to school = Jenny gets to school _ _.,gets,on foot,by bike,4. Mr. Wang walks to school. (同义句) Mr. Wang _ to school _ _.,thirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteen,thirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninety,one hundred two hundred,注意forty 的拼写!,one thousand three hundred and sixty five 1365

11、,英文数字,fifty-eight,one hundred and three,How long?,Twenty-five minutes.,How far?,Ten kilometers(公里).,nine hundred,B: It takes him twenty minutes.,20 minutes,A: How does Tom get to school?,B: He walks to school.,A: How long does it take?,A: How does Jack get to school?,B: He takes the bus to school.,A

12、: How long does it take?,B: It takes about 30 minutes.,home,school,20 minutes,-It takes me 20 minutes to go to school by bike.,-How long does it take you to get from home to school?,注意,take在此句中的意思是“花费”,20 minutes,1 mile,40,60,How long does it take?It takes her about twenty minutes to walk.,.,8 minut

13、es,1 mile,16,24,It takes her about twenty-four minutes to take thesubway from home to school.,home,4 minutes,1 mile,8,12,It takes her about twelve minutes to take the bus from home to school.,home,It takes about 15 minutes to walk. 步行大约要花15 分钟的时间。,It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某事花费某人 时间,e.g. It

14、takes me 30 minutes to finish my homework.,sb.,some time,to do sth.,20 minutes,2 hours,12 minutes, How long does it take you to get to school? It takes me 10minutes to get to school by bus.,five kilometers10 minutes,seven kilometers25 minutes,two kilometers8 minutes,Make conversations with one of the pictures below.,Write the correct number next to the word.,sixty-one _ seventy-two _ eighty-four _ ninety-nine _ one hundred and five _two hundred _,61,72,84,99,105,200,2a,Listen and repeat the numbers.,84 105 99 200 72 61,



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