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1、Im 28 years old and Im from Victoria, BC, Canada. The City of Victoria is on Vancouver Island and its a very beautiful place. 您好,我是Jenny,28岁, 我来自加拿大的 维多利亚温哥华岛(加拿大西南部岛屿),那是一个非常美丽的地方。have 3 degrees;I completed my undergraduate studies in English Literature and Psychology. Then I did a Masters Degree i

2、n Communications, specializing in International and Inter Cultural Communications. I have experience working with ESL. For two years, I worked at the University of Victorias English Language Centre. I helped to run the English Language programs. Students from all over the world come to the Universit

3、y to learn English and experience Canadian culture.我有三个学历;当我完成了我的本科英国文学和心理学的学习之后。我取得了信息通讯的硕士学位,专门从事国际通信和跨文化交流。我有在ESL工作的经验。我在维多利亚大学的英语语言中心工作了两年。在那里我负责教授英语课程。那里有来自世界各地的学生来到这所大学学习英语和体验加拿大文化。This is my first time in China and Im enjoying it very much there is so much to see and do! look forward to my ti

4、me here at the Maple Leaf international School and Im excited to learn more about my students and to help them speak English better.这是我第一次到中国来,我很喜欢这里, 这儿有数不尽的新鲜事物!我期待在天津泰达枫叶国际学校的工作是美好的,并且相信我也可以从孩子那里得到不一样的收获,希望能帮助他们 将英语说得更好。Since Im a new teacher this week (I started on Tuesday) I have been getting t

5、o know the students. I started by introducing them to me, where I am from, why I am here and who I am. I then asked them to write me a letter, telling me who they are. Where are they from? What do they like to do? They had to tell me at least 3 things about them. Their letters were very good.我是周二刚刚就

6、位的新老师,我已经开始了解学生们了。我的 课以向孩子 们介绍我自己开始,告诉他们我从那里来, 为什么我在这里工作,我是谁 。然后我 请他们给 我写一封信,告诉我他们是谁。他 们是从哪里来的呢? 他们想做什么?他们需要告诉我至少三件有关他们喜欢做得事情。他 们完成的都很好。Next, I continued from the previous teachers lessons. The class had been learning opposite words. They have a spelling test on Friday so I reviewed the words and as

7、ked them to use each one in a sentence. We have also been studying the verb “To Like” and have been practicing using it in different forms and different sentences. 接下来,我们继续 学习之前的教师教授的学习内容。 这个班已经学习了反义词,并且在上周五 对单词拼写进行了测试。所以我带孩子们对其进行了复习并且让他们用这些词造句。我们也正在学 习“ like to”的用法,让他们练习并且学会这些词在不同的形式和不同的句子中的使用。The

8、classroom atmosphere is positive, although some of the students are very chatty! Its good that they have lots of energy and enthusiasm but they can be disruptive. They need to learn to be chatty in English!孩子们在课堂上很积极,但是还是不乏有些男孩爱说话!这很好, 他们课上很有活力,精力充沛,但是有时会扰乱课堂。他们需要学会课上用英语交流。第三周双语家长信:本周我们继续对第四单元的知识进行学

9、习,在学习的过程中我发现孩子们能够活学活用。在学 过了With句式后,他们能够将这个句型应用到描述身边的事物当中,例如孩子 们自己造的句子:I can clean the board with the eraser.还用此句式来描述小动物的生活特性。例如, The monkey picked upthe bananas from the trees with its hands 等等。 让我更加欣慰的是在周三的单词小测中,我 们对第四单元的相关的20 个单词短语进行了测试,孩子们都取得了令人欣喜的成绩。只有两位同学没有合格,希望你 们合理利用时间,在英 语的学习上多下功夫,在最短的时间 内迎头

10、赶上。第一次月考在即,希望孩子们在学习新知识的同时不要忘记对以前的知识进行定期复习。第一次月考会考核 Unit1,2,3 的内容。这两周观察发现,我们的周末作业 孩子们完成的都很好。但是周一到周五的平时作业质量有待提高。确切的说,住宿的学生完成的要好于通勤的学生。这里我要 对周末作业提出要求:1. Apple 批示之后要及时的改错。对于作文部分,如果错误超过五处,孩子们要重新将其写在作文本上。2. 周末是孩子们复习和吸收消化本周所学知识的黄金时期,希望家长们都能够帮助孩子制定周末的复习计划, 对于周末作业,请仔细 看一下孩子们是否完成了 试卷上的习题部分。并在试卷上签字表示您已经阅卷了!(无需

11、帮助孩子们改错)谢谢!对于孩子们来说,他们一定度过了愉快第三周,因为他们迎来了新的外 语教师 Miss Jenny .(原来的 Teacher Sheena 老师现担任中学的教学工作 )Jenny 是一位美丽,大方很有耐心的 Teacher。一周来,她的言行举止得到了孩子们的喜爱。我还是一如既往的尽力多与外教课期间和孩子们在一起,除了做一些简单的翻译以为,我更想了解孩子 们在外教课上的表现,以此更加了解每一个我刚刚拥有的孩子们。两周以来,我们的 4.1 的孩子们曾经发生过个别学生在课堂上惹老师生气的事件,其实说起来也无非就是孩子们和老师说中文,活动中不用英语交流,不及 时将 课外的书籍收拾起来

12、等等。起初,我认为这是地域的不同,外教对他们还没有初步的了解造成的。但是后来我和外教的交谈和我观课后总结,部分原因是来自于我 们的孩子本身。这个年龄段的孩子们,思想和行 为意识比较活跃 ,是 铸成性格的关键转折期。叛逆和懂事有时会瞬时发生在同一个孩子身上。我们将会用最大的耐心铸就孩子们坚强,乐学,关心他人的心,并在课堂上严格要求每一个孩子,照 顾到每一个孩子。也希望家长在我们的家庭小会议中给出孩子们明确的课堂要求,让他们知道什么是课上能做的,什么是不能做的。希望有我们的共同努力 ,能 够铸就孩子们轻松快愉快的学习道路。本周单词:动物:elephant 大象 horse 马 bird 鸟 gir

13、affe 长颈鹿 snake 蛇 crab 螃蟹dolphin 海豚 starfish 海星 monkey 猴子 snake 蛇 crab 螃蟹dolphin 海豚 starfish 海星 monkey 猴子 snake 蛇 crab 螃蟹seed 种子 stem 茎 roots 根 leaf(leaves)叶子 flower 花句型句式:(四会)What we can see with? (eyes)你能用什么看?What we can hear with? (ears)你能用什么听?What we can .speak with? (mouth)你能用什么说?What we can sme

14、ll with? (nose)你能用什么闻?I can see with my eyes. 我用眼睛看。This part is often very beautiful. ( flower)This part is green and flat. (leaf) This part is below the ground. (root) This part is green, long and grows upwards. (stem) This animal uses its arms and legs to climb the tree. (monkey)This animal moves

15、 without any arms and legs. (snake) This animal has got five arms. (starfish) This animal has got special arms to help it swim. (dolphin) This animal uses its legs to catch food. (crab)What body parts does a plant have? 一个植物的身体是由那些部分组成的?Songs:I can, you can, everybody can.Sing, dance, jump and run.H

16、e can, she can, everybody can.Come, go, sit and stand.You can, they can, everybody can.Cook, clean, wash our pants.We can, you can, everybody can.Play, laugh and have a lot of fun.Fulfill the sentences:E.g. I have two eyes. I can see with my eyes.I have_ (body parts.) I can (walk/run/dance/draw/sing)I have_ (body parts.) I can



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