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2、熟悉常用功能意念语言之外,还要学会从上下文的语境来推测信息,整体把握对话的主题,所写句子只要符合语境,无语法错误即可得分。要做到下面几点:1. 通读对话全文,摸清对话发生的地点、时间,人物的身份,对话的内容。2. 理清上下句的逻辑关系,使你填入的话和整篇对话文理通顺,融为一体;3. 符合说英语国家人的习惯,不要按中国人的习惯去应答。4. 注意空白处的标点。是问号就应填问句;是句号,就应填陈述句。河南中考对此类试题的评分标准是非常开放的。请看2007-2010年河南试题:一、河南省2007补全对话(5个小题,每小 题2分,共10分)A:Morning, Jack. You dont look w

3、ell.76 ?B: Well, I have got a cold. But its not serious. Hey, Tom, did you see the movie on CCTV6 last night?A: No, Ididnt.77 ?B: Harry Potter.It was so exciting. So what were you doing at that time?A: 78 ,Im not good at English, you know.B: But English is not very hard to learn.79 A: Thank you for

4、your advice.80 ?B: Its nearly 7:50.Hurry up , or well be late for school.分析:本题选材贴近学生生活实际,第一句,76题涉及到“询问身体状况”,79题涉及“提出建议”,80题涉及“询问时间”等日常会话,均以课程标准中的“功能意念表”和“日常用语”为准绳,综合考查了学生在真实情景中的语言运用能力,给了学生充分自由发挥的空间,试题难度不大,话题比较活。补全对话根据情景内容来填写句子完成对话,突出对学生语言交际能力的考查。但需要指出的是,近年题目设置中引入了“开放性”问答,即某句话的回答并不是惟一的,只要言之有理便可得分。我们来

5、看一下76题所给的参考答案:76、Whats wrong/ Whats the matter/ Whats the trouble with youWhat has happened ( to you)Whats up除了列举的六个参考答案外,还有三个小数点(省略号)。不难看出,试题给学生自由发挥的空间是相当大的。二、河南省2008 补全对话 (5个小题,每小 题2 分,共10 分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。A:Hello,Fangfang.We are looking for you everywhere.76._?B:I went to t

6、he school library.Whats up?A:Were going to help the children in hospital.Will you join us?B:Of course.77._?A.This Saturday morning.Well stay there for the whole day.B.Thats great.See you then.(At the Childrens Hospital)B:Hello,Im Fangfang.Can I have your name,please?C:Im Li Hua.B:Hello,Li Hua.78._?C

7、:Ive got a high fever.I have stayed here for five days.B:How are you feeling now?C:79._.I hope I can go back to school soon.B:Dont worry.I will help you with your lessons.C:80._.B:Its a pleasure.Now,let me read you a story.分析2008年河南省补全对话题型特点:1.体现了交际性.2.体现了生活元素.3.多种情景交织.应对策略:1.明确要表达的意思.2.注意时态.3.注意句型.

8、2008年补全对话答案(5小题,每小 题2分,共 10分)76.Where did you go(just now)/Where were you(just now)/77.When is it/When shall we go there/When are we going to help them/78.Whats wrong(with you)/Whats the matter (with you) /What happened(to you) /Whats your trouble/79.Much better/I am feeling much better/I am getting

9、 better and better/Not so good/Not very well80.Many thanks/Thank you(very much)/Thanks a lot/Thanks for your help/Its very kind of you2008年河南省补全对话继续延伸2007年的出题宗旨.3、河南省2009补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。A: Are you free this weekend?B: 76_Yes,whats up?_A: Lets go to Beijing Zoo! B: 77_Why do

10、 you want to go to the zoo?_A: Because I hear eight pandas have just arrived there.B: Really? 78_Where are they from?_A: Theyre from Sichuan, and they will welcome the friends all over the world during the Beijing Olympic Games.B: Thats great! 79_Id love to go with you!_A: I also hear the eight pand

11、as like to eat apples. Why not take some apples? B: 80_Wd better not_. Cant you see “No Feeding” in the zoo?A: Sorry, I forgot it. Well, remember to take a camera.B: OK!对话场景为游客向当地人求助,询问问旅馆和邮局信息等。2009年试题特点如下:1)坚持题目的开放性,坚持能力立意。题中每空答案都不唯一,考查学生语言综合运用能力,考生在理解对话的基础上,可以进行合理推测,这给考生留下了很大的思考空间,考生可以从不同的角度分析和答题

12、,只要言之有理均可以得分,充分体现了语言的多样性和丰富性。2) 话题贴近生活,学生喜闻乐见.本题设计一个位游客向当地人求助,询问问旅馆和邮局信息的情景,用地道的英语口语进行对话,虽然题干简洁,但是交际情景设置完整、自然、流畅,有利于考生根据情境和上下文进行合理推测,在具体的语境中得体、自然使用语言。本题考生出错较多的地方是时态运用、前后语言不吻合,代词主、宾格以及交际用语的固定用法和单词拼写。这就要求在平时的教学中,一定注意学生交际能力的训练和培养,多给学生创设情景,让他们自主实践语言,提高他们的实际运用能力四、河南省2010年补全对话补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共 10分)A:Hello,

13、 Charles.B: Hello, Claire. Nice to see you here. How are you?A: Fine, thanks, Where are you going for your summer holidays, Clarles?B:76. . Im going to stay with my uncle for three weeks.A: You certainly are lucky. How are you going there?B: By air, of course. 77 ?A: Im going to visit my grandparent

14、s in a small villageI go there every summerB:Sounds great! Ive never been to the countrysideWhat do you do there?A:I do many things78 .B:Its fantastic! Are you going there alone?A:N079 By the way, whats John going to do this summer?B:He says hes going to the mountains with his parentsWell,Ive got to 90Have fun,C1aireA:80 I11 see you in September2010年河南省补全对话答案:76 To my hometown AustraliaShanghai Im going to my hometownAustralia Shanghai/77 Where are you going(for your summer holidays)What are you going to do this summerWhats your plan (for summer holidays)What are your plans (for Summer hol



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