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1、 高考英语高频词汇训练(13)详解版1 / 3Exercise 13一、 单词1. cabbage 卷心菜2. cabin 小木屋;机舱;船舱3. cable 钢索;缆绳;电缆4. calculate 计算;估计;揣测5. camera 照相机;摄像机,摄影机6. campaign 战役;运动;竞选运动7. cancel 取消;删去8. canteen 小卖部; (自助) 食堂9. captain 首领;船长;队长;上尉10. capture 俘虏;捕获;占领11. cage 鸟笼12. calendar 日历13. calm 镇静的,沉着的14. campus 校园15. canal 运河1

2、6. candidate 候选人17. capable 有能力的18. capital 首都;大写字母;资本19. carbon 碳元素20. career 事业,生涯二、 短语1. cable car 缆车2. a piece of cake 轻松的事3. calculate on/upon 指望着,期待着4. It is calculated that 据计算5. solar/lunar calendar 阳历/阴历6. call on 拜访人;号召,要求7. call off 取消,延期8. within call 不要走开9. calm down 安静下来,使镇定、平静10. cann

3、ottoo无论都不为过11. cant (help) but do 不得不(由不得,禁不住)12. cancel out 消除(取消,抵消)13. a capital crime 死罪14. car park 停车场15. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳16. credit card 信用卡17. take care of 照顾18. a career teacher 专职教师19. free from care 无忧无虑20. career planning 职业规划三、 句子(英译汉)1. Whoever has been to Lijiang, Yunnan will find

4、it difficult to capture the beauty of the scenery there only with words.2. The press conference has been called off as the princess is said to have fallen ill momentarily.3. I do not like eating canned food. 高考英语高频词汇训练(13)详解版2 / 34. Finally we decided to have Jonnathson captain the football team, ho

5、ping that he would bring life back to Britain.5. You need some drug to let you calm down. You have been in high spirits all day long.6. You cant calculate upon fine weather in this season, when haze is the leading character.7. His father is a career teacher. It is more than 30 years since he stepped

6、 upon the platform to teach us Chinese.8. Please stay within call; supper will be ready soon.9. I cannot thank you too much. It was all because of your help that I managed to overcome the difficulty.10. Do you think that capital punishment is a good idea to curb the corruption of the government offi

7、cials?四、 句子(汉译英)1. 在这个时节,我们不能指望着开运动会时会有个好天气。(calculate upon) We cannot calculate upon having fine weather for the sports meet at this time of year.2. 只有当医生告诉他没有什么要紧后,他才稍稍镇静了点。(calm)Only when the doctor told him it was nothing serious did he calm down a little.3. 我们公司正在进行一个新产品的广告战役。(campaign)Our comp

8、any is staging an advertising campaign for our new products.4. 我的工作要求我无论什么时候都要随叫随到。(on call)My job requires me to be on call at any times.5. 由于大雪,会议被取消了。(call off)The conference has been called off due to the heavy snow.6. 你喜欢来一杯咖啡还是就言归正传呢?(care for)Would you care for a cup of coffee or we just get down to business?7. 当我把从网上抄袭来的笑话说给她听得时候,她忍不住笑了出来。(cant help)She couldnt help laughing when I told her the joke which I copied from the Internet.8. 我们公司需要大量有能力开拓国内市场的人才。Talented people capable of enlarging domestic markets are greatly needed in our 高考英语高频词汇训练(13)详解版3 / 3company.



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