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1、论傲慢与偏见的艺术魅力On the artistic charm of Pride and Prejudice目录:centents a-Pride and Prejudice is a famous British novelist Austens masterpiece of realism womenb-Realistic female novelist Austins lifec-Pride and Prejudice artistic charm and a strong influenced-Elizabeth personality on the main characters

2、e-Pride and Prejudice and the value of its literature, literary and artistic charm has long been recognized and admired by the critics. In this age of female writers concerns提要:SynopsisPride and Prejudice is Austens masterpiece. This works for the daily media, a sentimental novels prevalent in the a

3、nti-society and the artificial writing, vividly reflected in the 18 century to the early 19th century under the British conservative and isolated rural state personal life and the world. Cinema of this novel, not only in society at that time to attract a wider audience, to date, give readers a uniqu

4、e artistic enjoyment关键词 Key words : Jane Austen, artistic charm and practical significance 简* 奥斯丁 , 艺术的魅力 , 现实意义Text papers(1.)Introduction :Pride and Prejudice is a famous British novelist Austens masterpiece of realism women. She works narrower topics, which basically describes the class she lived

5、 in the love story. However, she observed carefully wrote detailed, vivid and profound description of the many dimensions of life that era, with the distinct characteristics of the times. She explained the work of the Ethics love marriage, a true reflection of many of the most essential feature of h

6、uman nature. The reality is quite another. William Leon Phillips name as transliterated said : Austin is one of the worlds most important writers and artists. and Pride and Prejudice is her masterpiece. Pride and Prejudice loved by generation after generation of readers. Critics have been such impor

7、tance that it deserves to be a treasure trove of treasures of world literature 傲慢与偏见是闻名遐迩的英国现实主义女性小说家奥斯汀的杰作。她的作品题材较窄,基本上都是描写她所处的那个阶层的爱情故事。但她观察仔细,文笔细腻,生动而深刻地描述了那个时代生活的许多层面,具有鲜明的时代性。 她的作品阐明了恋爱婚姻的伦理道德观,真实地反映了许多人性最本质的特点,又具有较强的现实性。威廉莱昂菲尔普斯曾说:“奥斯汀是世界上最重要的文学艺术家之一,而傲慢与偏见又是她的代表作。”傲慢与偏见受到一代又一代读者的喜爱,得到评论家如此重视,

8、不愧为世界文学宝库中的珍品。(2.)TextFor this book, I was interested in a year ago, but because of lack of patience, there is not familiar with the names of foreign countries. not sure who is right and who is the relationship has only read about the first two or three chapters. Later, return to this book, the open

9、ing chapters of really boring. However, she is here to see the scene after ambushing T. In a blink, more than 30 chapters have passed, the character figures to be the author depicts in a very obvious对于这本书,我一年前就有兴趣了,可是因为耐性不足,还有对国外名字不熟悉,搞不清楚谁是谁的关系,一直只读了两三章左右。后来重新拿起这本书,开头几章真的很无聊。后来才明白这里是在为以后的情景埋伏笔。一眨眼,

10、三十几章已经过去了,人物的性格也很明显地被作者刻画出来了a.Austin (17751817) Austen, British writer Jane. December 6, 1775 Born in a village in Hampshire County, the Rev. Steven Kingston home July 18, 1817 died in Winchester. In her early years, she attended elementary schools, mainly through self-cultivation and good access to

11、 a wide scope of knowledge. 25 years old, his father retired and soon died. She has moved with her family to Kiribati, Southampton, Chawton and so on. Austen started from the era of teenage literature assignments and has shown the humorous satire can be. Adult in the home life of mediocre novels to

12、writing, a total of six novels. Which Sense, Pride and Prejudice and Northanger Abbey Writing in the 18th century 1990s, often referred to the early works; Mansfield Park, Emma and Persuasion Writing in the 19th century, late for work. Generally believed that the Pride and Prejudice and Emma is her

13、masterpiece.奥斯丁(17751817 ) Austen,Jane 英国作家。1775 年 12月 6日生于汉普郡的斯蒂文顿一乡村牧师之家,1817 年 7月 18日卒于温切斯特。她早年上过初等学校,主要靠自学获得广博知识和良好修养。25 岁时,父亲退休,不久逝世。她随家人先后迁居巴斯、南安普顿、乔顿等地。奥斯丁从少女时代即开始文学习作,并表现出幽默嘲讽的才能。成年后在平庸的家居生活中从事小说创作,共有 6部长篇小说。其中理智与情感、傲慢与偏见、诺桑觉寺写作于 18世纪 90年代,通常称为前期作品;曼斯菲尔德庄园、爱玛、劝导写作于 19世纪,为后期作品。一般认为傲慢与偏见和爱玛是她的

14、代表作。b.Pride and Prejudice is the custom to marry the main content of novels Austin familiar circle of life reflect the reality. Written works without a dowry of the daughter of Elizabeth Bennett small towns rely on their own qualities and rich and mighty to tie the nuptial knot. Darcy and the love a

15、nd light around her, her two sisters and a description of a friend of the marriage. Jane Austen wrote her novels, stories, spiritual and social background than most love stories wide. Novels Hero and Heroine of the emotional entanglements are more utilitarian and reality, few romantic feelings. Thro

16、ugh these stories, we can figure real meticulous psychological perspective, At that time, but also understand the reality of social life within a certain scope of content, in particular class, social and moral concepts, customs and so on. Her novel is the history of the British realist fiction novel precedent-setting for the world state. 傲慢与偏见属于以谈婚论嫁为主要内容的风俗小说,反映了奥斯丁熟谙的生活圈子中的现实。作品写一个无陪嫁的小乡绅之女伊丽莎白



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