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1、There are no boys and girls at a new school in Stockholm, just friends. Is this the cutting edge of gender equality, or just silly?At Egalia, everyone is a friend. The news-making preschool in Stockholm is fighting gender stereotypes by banning the use of gender pronouns in the school, instead refer

2、ring to all students as friends. Is this bold move creating a gender-neutral nirvana, or gender madness? Here, a brief guide:What is Egalia?Egalia is a taxpayer-funded school in the Sodermalm district of Stockholm, Sweden. The school has incorporated a gender-free pedagogy, operating under the theor

3、y that by eliminating any reference to gender, the students wont fall prey to the stereotyping of gender roles. Society expects girls to be girlie, nice and pretty, and boys to be manly, rough and outgoing, says one of the schools teachers, Jenny Johnson, as quoted by Britains Daily Mail. Egalia giv

4、es them a fantastic opportunity to be whoever they want to be.How do the kids talk to each other?For starters, there are no boys and girls in Egalia, just friends. Thats the term teachers in the school use to address all students. In addition, the staff refrains from using the pronouns him or her. I

5、nstead, the gender labels, which are han and hon in Swedish, are replaced by the genderless pronoun hen a word that doesnt actually exist in the Swedish language.They use a made-up word?Yep. For example, when a doctor or plumber is coming into the classroom, we dont know if its a he or a she, so we

6、just say, Hen is coming around 2 p.m., says director Lotta Rajalin, as quoted by the Associated Press. Then the children can imagine both a man or a woman. This widens their view.What about playtime?Lego blocks are stored directly next to kitchen and cooking toys, so as not to encourage gender prefe

7、rence through toy storage and organization. There are no squabbles over who gets to play mommy in a game of house, either. If one girl has already claimed the role, then we suggest two moms or three moms and so on, says Rajalin. And dont expect to find gender-promoting fairy tales on the bookshelves

8、, either. Snow White and Cinderella are nixed in favor of books featuring gay and lesbian couples, single parents, and adopted children, says CNN.Umm. is this really a good idea?Parents in Sweden seem to be fans. Not only is there a waiting list to get into Egalia, but only one family has dropped ou

9、t, says Erin Anderssen at Canadas The Globe and Mail. And according to a 2010 World Economic Forum report, Sweden leads the world when it comes to gender equality. The country is also widely considered a pioneer when it comes to gay and lesbian rights.Does everyone agree?Well, no. It sounds like a l

10、oad of manure to me, says Jeanne Sager at The Stir. No matter how much Egalia tries to hide gender norms within its walls, the truth is that outside them, they do exist. Its still going to have to be dealt with. One Swedish mother agrees. Different gender roles arent problematic as long as they are

11、equally valued, says Tanja Bergkvist, as quoted by the Associated Press. And in the end, says Meredith Carroll at Babble, Egalia may be confusing gender neutrality with gender equality. We should celebrate the differences between the genders, not push for a homogenized society. Eliminating gender-sp

12、ecific pronouns altogether is both confusing and silly.在斯德哥尔摩的一所新学校里,没有男生和女生,只有朋友,这是性别平等的先锋潮流,还是一次傻兮兮的尝试?据The week杂志报道,在平等幼儿园(Egalia) ,每个人都被称为朋友。斯德哥尔摩的这家新办幼儿园希望能消除对性别的刻板印象,禁止在校内使用性 别代称,而是把所有学生称作朋友。这样一个大胆的尝试究竟是在创造一个中平等的世界,还是在制造性别混乱?在这里,先做一个简单的介绍。什么是平等幼儿园?平等幼儿园是瑞典斯德哥尔摩马尔姆区的一家公立幼儿园。这家幼儿园采取模糊性别的教学方法,希望通

13、过消除有关性别的所有指称来避免让学生形成对性别 角色的固有印象。据英国每日邮报报道,社会希望女孩子像个女孩子,漂漂亮亮,男孩子像个男孩子,坚强外向,学校的一位老师珍妮约翰逊说:在平 等幼儿园,孩子们可以成为自己想成为的人,在这里,他们有很好的机会。在这里孩子们如何称呼彼此?首先,这里没有男生女生的说法,只有朋友,老师们把学生们都叫作朋友。然后,老师们不会使用瑞典语里表示他或她的 han 和 hon,而是造了一个词没有性别含义的 hen。他们造了一个词?是的。举个例子,如果有医生或是管道工要来,我们不知道是他还是她,就会用hen,hen 两点左右来 。据美联社报道,园长洛塔拉吉林说,孩子们就会猜

14、来的可能是男人可能是女人。这样能扩大他们的思维面。孩子们玩的时候呢?乐高玩具就放在厨房玩具旁边,通过玩具的收纳来避免性别偏向。玩过家家的时候,我们也不限定只由女生来扮演妈妈。如果已经有女生想扮妈妈,我们就 会鼓励可以再来一个两个妈妈。拉吉林说。另外,园内也没有性别区分导向明显的童话书。 白雪公主和灰姑娘是被禁止的,倒是有同性伴侣、单亲父母和 领养儿童这些元素的书籍,CNN 报道。嗯,这样真的好吗?瑞典的家长们似乎很支持。有一批家长排队要把孩子送进这所幼儿园,而且只有一家退学了,加拿大环球邮报的艾琳安德森说。根据 2010 年世界经济论坛的报告,在性别平等这方面瑞典做得比其他国家都要好。在同性恋权益方面瑞典也是公认的先驱。所有人都支持吗?也不是。这个主意在我看来就是一坨屎,The Stir 博客的珍塞及说。不论平等幼儿园如何试图避免性别词汇,这些词在园外都还是真实存在的。还是需要去面对性别区分的,一位妈妈表示赞同。只 要男性女性的价值是被平等看待的,性别角色其实不是什么问题,博客作家坦娅柏克维斯特说道(美联社报道) 。Babble 的美瑞狄斯卡洛尔认为,平等 幼儿园这样做是混淆了性别中性与性别平等,我们应该欢庆性别之间的差异,而不是促成一个单一性别的社会,消除性别词汇又傻又乱。from:



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