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1、1山东省宁阳县第二十五中学八年级英语下册Unit4 He said I was hard-working(第 4 课时) 学案(无答案) 人教新目标版共 5 课时 授课班级课题名称 八年级下册 Unit4He said I was hard-working 课时 第 4 课时 总课时数 19教学重点 直接引语和间接引语教学难点 Be able to describe the future or what our life will be like in 100 years.课前准备 The learning papers ,the PPT ,the listening materials ,t

2、he notes.学 案一 快乐预习.(一)学习方式:按要求自主完成下列内容.(二)预习内容:1、朗读并识记 P30-31 的单词及短语.2、翻译 P30-31 的句子.(三)预习检 测: 句型展示一切顺利吗?It going?我希望你们身体健康。I hope you are .(3)好消息是数 学老师说我很用功。The good nwes that my math teacher said I .(4)西班牙语老师说我听力很好。My Spanish teacher said my very good.(5)这 就 是 目 前 我 全 部 的 消 息 。Thats about I have f

3、or now.(四)预习质疑: .学习目标:1 11 熟练掌握直接引语和间接引语I二:合作探究(一)阳光展示:组内交流课前自主学习内容.(二)导学点拨:I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.我很遗憾地听说上周他感冒了。Im sorry to hear that 是常用的交际用语。在听到不愉快或不幸的事情时,常用这个句型来表示对对方的同情或安慰。典例1.听说你妈病了我很难过 。Im that your mother is ill.22.对不起,我不会回答这个问题。, I cant answer this question.点拔 1.so

4、rry to hear 2.Im sorryIm sorry 的常见用法:1.表示同情或后悔,意为“我很难过;我很遗憾” 。2.表示道歉,意为“对不起;很抱歉” 。3.表示客气地提出异议或拒绝,后常接 but 分句。4.表示没有听清对方的话,请对方重说一遍(主要用于英式英语中,相当于 I beg your pardon.)(三)针对性练习1. _ (luck),she caught the last bus.2. Dont worry about me. Please tell me the _(true)3. 2 It is _ (report) that the new supermark

5、et will be open next week.4. 3 This is the _(bad) day I have ever had.5. 4 He didnt answer the question. So it made him _(disappoint)三:拓展提高完成 3a-self-check课堂小结:四感 额达标:.从下面选词并用其适当形式填空(5 分钟,10 分)luck,disappoint,true,hear,start1.She said I was lazy,which isnt .2.You are really a dog.3.Another news was

6、in history.I only got a C.4.Copying homework can a bed habit.5.Im sorry that your are ill.单项选择(5 分钟,10 分)( )1.I hope you are good health.A.in B.on C.with D.for( )2. ? very well.A.How do you do B.Hows it going C.How are you D.How do you think of it( )3.Lin Tao had a hard time English last term.A.in B.at C.with D.of( )4.We finished our exams yesterday.A.end of year B.end of-year C.end-of-year D. end-of-years( )5.I dont think its good to copy others homework.You shouldit.A.get over B.get on C.get up D.get off课后反 思3


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