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1、1山东省宁阳县第二十五中学七年级英语下册Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from-Section A 1a-1c学案(无答案) 人教新目标版一、快乐预习:预习目标:1. 学习有关国家的词汇:pen pal, France, country, Japan, Canada, The United Kingdom, The United States, Australia,Singapore,China, 2. 学习如何询问及回答人们的国籍:-Where is your pen pal from? -Where is Johns pen pal from?-She is f

2、rom Australia. -Hes from Japan.预习重点:学会表示人们国籍的方法预习任务:Task1、根据音标及拼读规律认读、识记单词:写出下列单词:笔友_ 英国_ _法国_ 日本_ 美国_ 加拿大_ 澳大利亚_ _ 新加坡_ Task2、预习 1a-1c, 掌握正确询问及描述国籍的句型翻译句子:Where is your pen pal from? _ He is from Australia. 预习质疑:通过预习,我学会了_,但对以下问题还有疑问_ 。二、合作探究:(一).预习检查:小组内互检;教师精讲(二).阳光展示精讲点拨.预习过程中的精讲:.课堂教学实施过程中的精讲:如

3、何询问人们的国籍:be from “来自”:Where is your pen pal from? “你的笔友来自哪里?”Mary and Tony are from the United States.“玛丽和托尼来自美国。 ”Im /I am from China.“我来自中国。 ” come from “来自”:Where do you come from? “你来自什么地方?”Where does your pen pal from? “你的笔友来自哪里?”My pen pal comes from Korea. “我的笔友来自韩国。 ”2三、拓展提高趣味训练1.Where _ you

4、r pen pal _ from? ( )A.is;come B.does; come C.does;/ D.does; comes 2.Jim _ from England, and his pals _ from the USA.( )A.come; is B.is; comes C.comes; is D.comes; are四 、感恩达标: 1、系统总结:如何询问和回答人们的国籍2、 【限时作业】:满分:10 分 得分:_ 一、单项选择1. Where _ Lily and Jane from? A. do B. are C. is2._ you come from England.

5、A. Do B. Are C. Is3. -Where are you from? -I am from _A. Chinese B. China C. Japanese4.-_ Kate from? -England.A. Where B. Wheres C. What5. Mary and Sam are _. They come from_.A. Americans; America B. America; AmericanB. Americans; America D. American; American6. Mike is_ England. Now he lives_ Beijing.A. in, in B. from, in C. in, from D. in, on二词的适当形式填空:7How many_(country) can you see on the map?8. -Where is Wuhan? -Its in_ (Chinese) 句型转换9. My pen pal is from Australia.(对划线部分提问)_ _ your pen pal from?10. They come from Japan.(同 1)_


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