实用英语口译背诵教程Unit9 Human Rights in China1

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1、1联合国人权委员会第 57 届大会 the 57th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights贫困人口 poverty-stricken population消除绝对贫困 to wipe out/eliminate abject poverty实现从贫困到温饱和从温饱到小康的两次历史性跨越 to achieve two historic leaps from poverty to adequate clothing and food, and then to a fairly comfortable life实施依法治国和以德治国的基本方略 to

2、 implement the basic strategies of “ruling the country by law” and “ruling the country by virtue”摈弃“人治”影响 to root out the influence of “rule of man”以宪法为核心的法律体系框架基本形成。A legal framework with the Constitution at its core has basically taken shape in China.全面落实警务、检务、审判及狱务公开制度 the full implementation of

3、transparency in the work of the police and procuratorial departments and in court proceedings and prison administration强化外部监督和内部纠错机制 the strengthen the mechanism of external supervision and internal redress严肃查办司法人员贪赃枉法、徇私舞弊案件 to investigate and severely punish judicial and law-enforcement officials

4、involved in cases of corruption, obstruction of justice and bending the law out of personal consideration and favoritism严格区分罪与非罪的界限 to strictly distinguish what constitutes an offence from what does not推进政府工作的法制化、科学化,依法行政,从严治政,从严惩处各种贪污腐败现象 to ensure standardized governance in accordance with the law

5、 and strict performance of official duties, and severely punishing corruption in all manifestations依法保障公民的言论和结社自由 to guarantee, in line with the law, the freedom of speech and association of Chinese citizens中国的非政府组织已走上国际论坛。Voices of Chinese NGOs have been heard in international forums.人权高专办 the Offi

6、ce of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights双方签署了人权领域技术合作的谅解备忘录。The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on technical cooperation in the field of human rights.轻罪惩罚问题研讨会 the Seminar on the Punishment of Minor Crimes经济、社会及文化权利国际公约the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural

7、 Rights“儿童权利公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书”the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflicts所谓“中国人权状况恶化”是没有根据的。The allegation that Chinas human rights situation is deteriorating is completely groundless.无视中国政府在促进和保护人权领域取得的巨大成就以及开展人权领域国际合作的诚意 in di

8、sregard of the tremendous achievements of the Chinese government in promoting and protecting human rights and Chinas sincerity about engaging in international human rights cooperation逆时代潮流而动 an act that runs counter to the overwhelming trend of the time提出反华提案 to table an anti-China draft resolution无

9、端攻击中国,挑起对抗 to pose groundless allegations against China and provoke confrontation热衷于搞别国国别提案 to be always keen on tabling country-specific resolutions against others2打着“维护人权”的幌子 under the pretext of “protecting human rights”将人权问题政治化 to politicize the issue of human rights美国国内种族、性别歧视、贫富分化、警察暴力、枪支泛滥及司法

10、不公等问题积重难返,臭名昭著。The United States is notorious with its recurrent and incurable racial and gender discrimination, the ever-widening divide between the rich and the poor, police violence/brutality, gun abuse and judicial injustice.消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimi

11、nation against Women投票反对“发展权宣言”to vote against the Declaration on the Right to Development美国对自己存在的严重人权问题熟视无睹。The United States is turning a blind eye to its own serious violations on human rights.对世界各国进行声讨 to launch a human rights crusade against other countries in the world这只能证明美国在所谓关心人权完全是虚伪的。This

12、 only serves to prove US hypocrisy in its so-called concern for human rights.在对待邪教问题上,美国政府采取双重标准。The US government has adopted double standards on the question of evil cults.粗暴干涉中国内政 to wantonly interfere in Chinas internal affairs“”残害生命、危害社会,与美国的“大卫教”等如出一辙,是地地道道的邪教。“Falun Gong”deprives innocent peo

13、ple of their lives and endangers social stability. “Falun Gong”, like the “Davidians” of the Unites States, is in every sense an evil cult.依法取缔和打击邪教“”to ban “Falun Gong” in consistence with the law教育、团结绝大多数练习者 to persuade and educate the majority of the practitioners说三道四,颠倒黑白 to make irresponsible r

14、emarks and confound black and white说穿了,美国的行径关心人权是假,实行强权是真。In a nutshell, the US concern for human rights is a sham, What is really pursues/practices is power politics.美国滥用国别提案干涉他国内政与联合国宪章精神背道而驰、违背人权会的宗旨,肯定是不会得逞的。The abuse of country-specific resolutions by the US constitutes interference in the inte

15、rnal affairs of other countries, runs counter to the spirit of the UN Charter and the purposes of the Human Rights Commission, and is doomed to failure.中国人权研究会 the China Human Rights Society世界人权大会 the World Conference on Human Rights世界人权宣言the Universal Declaration on Human Rights发展权宣言the Declaration

16、 on the Right to Development突尼斯宣言the Tunis Declaration圣何塞宣言the San Jose Declaration曼谷宣言the Bangkok Declaration普遍性原则 the principle of universality国际人权领域 the world arena of human rights国际人权公约 international conventions on human rights国际人权法律文书 international legal instruments on human rights捍卫和促进基本人权 to safeguard and promote the basic human rights正在为生存而斗争 to be struggling for survival保证人的基本需要 to guarantee peoples basic needs确保生存权和发展权的全面实现 to ensure the full realiz


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