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1、C、short answer1、Culture shock: a state of disorientation and anxiety about not kowing how to behave in an unfamiliar culture. stages:(1) honeymoon, when positive attitudes and expectation, excitement, and a tourist feeling prevail; (2)irritation and hostility, the crisis stage when cultural differen

2、ces result in problem at work, at home, and in daily living-expatrates and family members feel homesick and disoriented, lanshing out at everyone.(3) gradual adjustment (4) biculturalism, the stage in which the manager and family members grow to accept and appreciate local people and practices and a

3、re able to function effectively in two culture.2、how many dimensions are made by Global Project Team about culture?Assertiveness( how much people in society are expected to be tough, confrotational, and competitive versus modest and tender.Future orientation(refers to the level of important of perfo

4、rmance improvement and excellence in society and refers to whether or not people are encouraged to strive for continued improvement.Performance orientation(the importance of performance improvement and excellent in society and refers to whether or not people are encouraged to strive for continued im

5、provement.Humane orientation(measures the extent to which a society encourages and rewards people for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring, and kind.3、How many modes are involved in the global operations of managerial staff?1,ethnocentric staffing approach2,polycentric staffing approach 3, globa

6、l staffing approach 4,regiocentric staffing approach4、Say something about the strengths and weakness of TNC to host countries.Benefits costsCapital market effects.Broader access to outside capital . increased competition for local .Foreignexchange earning scarce capital.Import substitution effects a

7、llow . increased interest rates as supplygovernments to save foreign of local capital decreasesexchange for priority projects . capital service effects of balance.Risk sharing of paymentTechnology and production effects. Access to new technology and R&D .technology is not always developments appropr

8、iate. Infrastructure development and support .plants are often for assembly. Export diversification only and can be dismantled. Government infrastructure investment is higher than expected benefitsEmployment effects. Direct creation of new jobs .limited skill development and creation.opportunities f

9、or indigenous .competition for scarce skillsManagement development .low percentage of managerial jobsFor local people.income multiplier effects on local . employment instability becauseCommunity business of ability to move production Operations freely to other countries5、List the choices for TNCs to

10、 make strategies.Mission and objectives6、what are the motivation and benefits of global alliances.(1) To avoid import barriers, licensing requirements, and other protectionist legislation.(2) To share the cost and risks of the research and development of new products and process.(3) To gain access t

11、o specific market, such as the EU, where regulation favor domestic companies.(4) To reduce political risk while making inroads into a new market(5) To gain rapid entry into a new or consolidating industry and to take advantage of synergies.7、Give the main entry modes for going internationalization.(

12、1) Exporting is a relatively low-risk way to begin international expansion or to test out an overseas market.(2) Licensing agreement grants the rights to firm in the host country to either produce or sell a product, or both.(3) Franchising the franchisor licenses its trademark, products and services

13、, and operating principles to the franchisee for an initial fee and ongoing loyalties.(4) Contract manufacturing- which involves contracting for the production of finished goods or component parts.(5) Service sector outsourcing- they enter overseas market by setting up local offices, call centers to

14、 reduce their overall costs.(6) Turnkey operationsa company designs and constructs a facility abroad, trains local personnel, and then turns the key over to local managementfor a fee, of course.(7) Management contractsgives a foreign company the rights to manage the daily operations of a business bu

15、t not to make decisions regarding ownership, financing or policy changes.(8) International joint venturesownership is shared, typically by an MNC and a local partner, through agreed-upon proportions of equity.(9) Fully owned subsidiaryan MNC wishing total control of its operations can start its own product or service business from scratch,


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