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1、分类号UDC学号密级公共管理硕士(MPA)学位论文。Y788 850完善株洲市城镇居民住房保障制度的研究硕士生姓名 塞查澧学科专业 公基笪理研究方向 公基堕筮坌盘指导教师 处多耍副耋堑援国防科学技术大学研究生院二00四年十一月基鏊藏璧羹垄,鑫堂竖嚣垒隆室焦量窒撞 要住房保障制度是随着经济社会的发展、詹民收入的两极分野及住房政策的改变而产生,是国家通过立法对国民收入进行分配和褥分配,对中低收入家庭特别是生活有特殊垂戆鹃家庭兹基零经房毅力给予保障熬毒l疫。檬溯泰是一令l二韭蠛专,大囊金韭因为没有适应市场视制丽纷纷破产、关闭或改制,很多职工随之下岗、失业,城镇居民的住房问题尤为严重,株洲市建立和完善



4、本文试图为株洲市政府建立并完善城镇居民住房保障制度提供决策依据,期待为更好地解决城镇居民住房问题提供参考。笔者深信,随着经济的不断发展,适应株洲市具体愤况的住房保障制度将得以建立和完善。荧键词:住房保障制度保障方式住房补贴低收入和最低收入园陵持鲎基垄厶生监盈生瞳堂位迨童ABSTRACTHousing Guarantee System(HGS)was estabfished along with the development of socialeconomythe differentiation of incomes and the reform of housing policiesIt i

5、s a systemthrough legislation by the state government to carry out distribution and redistribution ofnational income,and ensure fundamental housing rights for lowincome families,especiallythose with special difficultiesZhuzhou is all industrial city,as a number of enterprises wentbankcrupcy、shut dow

6、n or reformed,thus a lot of workers were 1aid off or out of iobThehousing problems of residents in cities and towns seem very seriousIt is urgent tO establish andconsummate a housing guarantee system for residents in ZhuzhouSince the establishment of housing system Reform in 1994,Zhuzhou has made as

7、ignificant exploration into housing guarantee which chiefly focused on guarantee pattems:Asystem of housing provident was established to improve capital utilization ratio;Theconstruction of appficably economical apartments was strengthened to satisfy the demands oflowincome families;An allotment sys

8、tem of housing currency was established tO enhance thehousing consumption ability of redidents;Tax mitigation was carried out to develop second-and third-level housing market,which has made grerat achievementsHowever,because ofvarious reasons there is still much tO be improved,which includes:no spec

9、ific regulations ofhousing guarantee system;no definite housing guarantee targets,objectives,levels andstandards,pattems,administrating institution as well as stable capital sourceThere exist a lot ofmalpractices in patterns of housing guarantee systemThe author has studied the housing guarantee sys

10、tems of such developed marketorientedcountries as Britain,America,Japan and Singapore,and also systems Of such big cities asShanghai,Guangzhou and Tianjin,and has got some enlightenment,and combining with theconditions of economic development,the financial payment ability,the housing of residentsand

11、 their income levels the author proposes an assumption:The guarantee principle should thatof basic guarantee,of multilevel and of diversification;The guarantee targets should be thefamilies of low-income residents;The guarantee objectives be 30 square meters per capita by2010 which will be realized

12、in three stages;The guarantee patterns be supporting pattems ofhousing supply,ofbuyingconstructing and ofrenting;The guarantee institution be the housingguarantee office in Zhuzhou Bureau of Real Estate Administration;The guarantee fund is byway of pubfic financial budgetHousing guarantee should be

13、included in other social guaranteesystem as a systematic project tO be established and perfectedThe paper tries to provide decisionmaking enlightenment for the establishment andperfection of housing guarantee system of Zhuzhou Municipal Government,and looks forward垦堕挝生丝查盔芏业豇生医生僮监毫tO solving housing

14、problemsThe author believes that the housing guarantee system which suitsthe characteristics of Zhuzhou will be established and perfected with the economicdevelopment in ZhuzhouKeyword:Housing Guarantee SystemThe subsidy ofhousingPatterns of housing guarantee systemMultilevel and diversification国应烈堂

15、整盔左堂匠冠生医堂焦地塞图表目录图5-i“砖头补贴”与“人头补贴”的政策效益比较图41表5一l 2002年城镇居民不同收支层次家庭分组情况表35表5-2历年竣工房屋情况表38表5-3历年财政收入情况表38表54主要大中城市廉租房租金补贴及租金标准情况表43表55主要大中城市公房租金和城镇居民收入对比表44表56株洲市城镇居民住房保障体系表49表61株洲市经济适用住房建设行政事业性收费表54独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我本人畿导师指导下进行的磷究王作及取罨的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文申不包禽其他人已经发表和撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得国防科学技术大学

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