四级 视听说 教案(新视野)

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1、New Horizon College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(Book 4, Unit 1)新视野大学英语视听说课程教案( Book 4, Unit 1)Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentHeilongjiang University1Unit 1: Enjoy your feelings!Time Allotment: (3 periods)Teaching Objectives On completion of this unit, students should be a

2、ble to: 1. Describing anger, sadness and happiness.2. Making and accepting suggestions sympathy.3. Promising and refusing to help.Teaching Content1. Lead-in2. Basic listening practice3. Listening In4. Speaking out: describing good and poor memory, expressing sympathy, resuming interrupted speech5. L

3、ets talk6. AssignmentTeaching Procedure. Lead-inTeaching tips1. Ask students to work in pairs or in groups, discuss these questions and then share their answers with the whole class.2. It is not necessary for every student to discuss all the questions, soothe teacher may assign one or two questions

4、to each pair or group.3. The teacher may walk around the classroom and provide assistance when neededQuestions1. Mention at least three reasons people get angry. What can we do to control our anger?2. Why do people get depressed? Is there any connection between depression and bad luck? Can depressio

5、n be overcome?3. What makes you happy? Are you happy when others are happy?4. Is there a relationship between reason and emotion? Which plays a bigger role in our lives?Possible Answers to the Warm-up QuestionsPlease look at the teachers book on P2.II Basic listening practiceWord tips1. beside onese

6、lf (with): extremely excited or angry; New Horizon College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(Book 4, Unit 1)新视野大学英语视听说课程教案( Book 4, Unit 1)Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentHeilongjiang University2e.g. He was beside himself with joy when he heard he had passed the exam.他得知自己考试合格时欣

7、喜若狂。2. wreck: v. destroy or ruin sthe.g. The ship was wrecked on the rock.3. should (not) have done (p.p.): (expressing duty or what is necessary or desirable) ought toe.g. If you see anything unusual you should call the police.e.g. You shouldnt have said that (= he said it but it was bad to do so)4

8、. Only time will tell: in the future we will find out if e.g. Only time will tell if you were right.5. air ones views/ opinions: to express (an idea, a complaint, etc.) publiclye.g. He likes to air his knowledge. (i.e. let others see how much he knows.)6. emphatically: adv. In a manner that shows em

9、phasis 强调地,坚决地e.g. “Certainly not,” she said emphatically.Functional Expressions 1. Im beside myself with joy. 2. Mary was furious.3. I just want to say how sorry I was to .4. Im still in a state of shock.5. I get furious at work when 6. How wonderful!7. Im really very pleased to know that.8. Its so

10、 good that 9. Im so happy to hear of Listening Strategy推论题 (short conversation 1, 3 & 5)在大学英语四级考试听力测试中,推论题是几种题型中最难的一种,也是考生失分较多的部分。推论题要求考生根据所听到的信息,推断出对话中隐含的含义。隐含的含义,顾名思义,就是在对话中没有直接说出来的内容,需要考生根据对话所提供的事实和语言环境,了解说话者的谈话意图,进行判断推理,从而确定正确答案。这类题型的提问方式主要有一下几种:What does the man / woman mean?What did you learn

11、from the conversation?What did you learn / know about ?What can we conclude from ?What can be inferred from ?What can you infer about?What is implied?What does the speaker think?Listening TasksSuggested Tasks: short conversation 1, 2, 5 (at least 3 short conversations)III. Listening InNew Horizon Co

12、llege English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(Book 4, Unit 1)新视野大学英语视听说课程教案( Book 4, Unit 1)Foreign Language Teaching and Research DepartmentHeilongjiang University3Task 1: Soft answer turn away wrath.Word Tips1. fortune: n. a great amount of money, possessions. Etc.e.g. This family made their fortune

13、 in / from computers.e.g. That diamond necklace she was wearing must be worth a fortune. 2. I kid you not. = Im telling you the truth. 我确实没有骗你。3. flare up: (1) burn suddenly more intensely 火焰突然变旺e.g. The fire flared up as I put more logs on it.(2) reach a more violent state;达到更激烈的状态e.g. Violence has

14、 flared up again.(3) suddenly become angry 突然发怒e.g. He flares up at the slightest provocation.Functional Expressions1. Please dont blow up.2. Dont lose your cool. 3. Youve got the nerve talking like that!4. Who wouldnt fly off the handle?5. Some people do look attractive when they are in a rage.6. I

15、 guess I really shouldnt have flared up.7. Im glad to see that youve cooled down.8. please dont let your happiness turn to wrath.Listening Strategy短文听力的应试技巧:(一)抓住主题句,掌握文章大意。本部分的突出特点是针对录音中的某个具体信息点或文章大意提问,因此并不要求考生听懂每一个单词,只要听好开头,听懂大意,抓住关键信息,一般就能答对题目。(二)把握关键词,做好笔记。由于短文有一定的长度,仅凭大脑的记忆是不够的,考生徐边听边做记录,用一些简单的

16、符号记下重要内容。选项中如果出现时间、地点、人名和数字等,而文章中对这几个选项的内容又都曾提到过,那么,考生在听音时尤其要注意做好笔记,因为问题不一定会针对哪一选项提出来的。(三)对短文听力的选项进行分析时要把握三条原则:1、四个选项中,只听到一个选项,该选项往往是答案。2、选项中有原词或原词的同义词或近义词的既有可能为解。3、带有不确定词来表示作者观点的、表义不绝对的选项常为答案。Task 2: Big John is coming!Word Tips: 1. timid: adj. afraid; lacking courage or confidencee.g. a timid deer/ young girl2. yell: v. (yell out / at) to shout or say very loudly, esp. in fear, anger, or excitemente.g. He yelled (out) orders at everyone.New Horizon



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