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1、武汉市部分重点中学期中考试高一年级英语试卷一 单项选择。21. China warned the French President Sarkozy(萨科奇) to _ the meeting with the Dalai Lama, which , however , didnt work.A. call on B. call up C. call in D. call off 答案:D解析: 中国警告法国总统萨科奇取消和达赖喇叭会晤,然而没有成功。 (中国在对待达赖喇 叭的态度上,是不希望他国和达赖保持关系的,所以一定是希望法国取消和达赖的会晤,而 不是要法国去召集和达赖的会晤。 ) 考点:

2、 考查动词词组。call on 访问,拜访;号召,请求;call up 打电话给;召集;使想起;提出 call in 召集;召来 call up 取消。难度:B22. Motoman , the last robot developed by Japanese scientists and skillfully cooked a pancake in an exhibition in Osaka earlier this month , showed it could _ a kitchen.A. take over B. take off C. take up D. take in 答案:A

3、解析:Motoman,日本科学家研发的最后一个机器人,在奥斯卡展览会上成功的做了一个薄烤饼。这显示着这款机器人可以在厨房独当一面,可以接替人类管理厨房。考点:考查动词词组。take over 接管,. take off 起飞, take in 接受;理解;拘留;欺骗;让进入,take up 开始从事某种事业或工作。难度:B23. We must keep up learning if we want to keep up with the _ of the changing time.A. schedule B. journey C. pace D. transport答案:C解析:如果我们想

4、跟上时代的步伐,我们必须坚持学习。考点:考查动词词组。 schedule n. 时间表;计划表;一览表,journey n. 旅行,transport 运输;运输机;流放,pace n. 一步;步速;步法,keep up with the pace 跟上时代步伐。难度:B24. Sorry , i didnt mean to hurt you _ . I had wanted to throw at the dog .A. by accident B. at present C. on purpose D. at dusk答案:C解析:对不起,我不是故意伤害你,我本想扔向狗。考点:考察短语。o

5、n purpose 有目的为之,dont do sth. on purpose 不是故意为之,by accident 偶然;意外地,at present 目前,现在,at dusk 傍晚;黄昏时刻。难度:B25. Little Jim _ his teachers suggestion so he made the same mistake again .A. chose B. concerned C. ignored D. injured答案:C解析: 小吉姆没有听他老师的建议,所以他又犯了同一个错误。考点:考察动词。choose vt. 选择,决定 vi. 选择,挑选,concern vt

6、. 涉及,关系到;使担心,ignore vt. 驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬 Injure vt. 伤害,损害。难度:B25. Nowadays we cant see dinosaurs because they _ long long ago .A. gave out B. dug out C. went out D. died out答案: D解析: 现在我们不能看到任何恐龙,因为很久很久以前他们灭绝了。考点: 考察短语。died out 灭绝,gave out 用尽;dug out 掘出,发现;went out 熄灭,离开。难度:B26. Ellen is _ in both English

7、 and French , which gives her advantages over other candidates.A. practical B. grateful C. fluent D. Equal答案:C解析:艾伦英语法语很流畅,这是他相对其他候选人的优势。考点:考察形容词。practical 实际运用,实践性是与理论性的相对应的,eg practical in his approach to business 将实践运用到.中,fluent 流畅,运用英语和法语很流畅, 突出的是可以同时流畅地使用英语和法语,这是个优势。grateful adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的,

8、equal adj. 平等的;相等的;胜任的 vt. 等于;比得上 n. 对手;匹敌;同辈;相等的事物。难度:B28. Anne made her diary her best friend and _ all her important thoughts in it.A. set out B. set down C. set up D. set off答案:B解析:安把笔记本当做他最好的朋友,并且把她重要的思想都写在里面。考点:考察短语。set down 记下,将自己的所有重要想法记下来,记到他的日记上。set out出发;开始;陈述;陈列 set up v. 建立;装配;开业;竖立 set

9、 off v. 出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开。难度:B29. The Beijing Olympic Games has been the biggest _ Games in the world .A. live B. lively C. alive D. living答案:A解析:北京奥运会是世界上最大的现场实况转播的运动会。考点:考察形容词。现在完成式,Live 实况转播的, lively 活泼的, alive 活着的 living 逼真的。难度:B30. What measures have Western countries _ to survive the ongoing

10、international financial crisis(金融危机) ?A. followed B. taken C. made D. had答案:B解析:西方国家为幸存与先进的国际金融危机采取了那些措施。考点:考察动词。take measures 采取措施,固定搭配。难度:B二 完形填空。On my birthday this year , I decided to do something different . I had been _1_ so much I wanted to reach out to bring happiness to someone else . So ,

11、that _2_ , I bought some flowers and went to a hospital . I had no _3_ who I was going to present the flowers to , but I would find someone who needed _4_ .I asked the nurse in the hospital , who thought it _5_ that I didnt have anyone in particular to see . _6_ , they gave me the room number of a(a

12、n) _7_ lady , who needed some comfort .I entered the room with the flowers . The elder woman looked up , staring at me _8_ . She was greatly moved when I told her about my _9_ in being there . She was an amputee(被截肢者 ) and she explained to me that she was very worried _10_ they were going to fit her

13、 with a prosthetic leg(假肢) . She knew that as she was getting used to the _11_ leg , she would be in _12_ .Later , in the following two hours , we _13_ a lot and both felt very happy . I _14_ until it was dark . I will always remember how _15_ she was the moment she received the flowers from me - a

14、_16_ . She called me her angel and said that she had no more _17_ .I _18_ the story with my neighbor and she _19_ that she was going to do the same thing on her birthday . And I hope that she will _20_ other to be kind and do the same thing . You never know you might be concerned someones angel one day !1. A. show B. told C. given D. bought2. A. week B. afternoon C. hour D. night3. A. belief B. sense C. message D. idea4. A. paying attention to B. cheering up



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