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1、 上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司支持性管理文件Supporting Management File of SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co.LtdZD/SGMW03C.G.12-2004 版本号 Version Number:A 可疑物料管理办法Suspect Material Control Procedure2005-04-1发布 2005-04-15 实施Issued on Apr.1st,2005 Implemented on Apr.15,2005上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量部 发布Issued by Quality Department, SAIC GM

2、Wuling Automobile Co.Ltd前 言 Foreword本文件是上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司的支持性管理文件,目的在于规范可疑物料的处理流程,以保证不合格品及报废品完全受控。This document is the supporting management file of SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co.Ltd with the purpose of regulating the disposition flow process of Suspect materials ensuring Suspect products and scrap prod

3、ucts are fully under control.本程序由上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量部提出。This procedure is put forward by the Quality Department, SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co.Ltd.本程序由上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量部归口。This procedure is managed by the Quality Department, SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co.Ltd.本程序由上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量部负责组织起草。This procedure is d

4、rafted by the Quality Department, SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co.Ltd.本程序主要起草人: 陈冰 覃汉英Main draft makers: Chen Bing, Qin Hanying本程序如出现文字理解歧义,以中文为准。If there is any different understanding to the words of this procedure, please refer to its Chinese version.审核 Audited by: 会签 Co-signature: 批准 Approved by: 上

5、汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司支持性管理文件Supporting management file of SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co.Ltd可疑物料控制程序 ZD/SGMW03C.G.12-2004 (0/A)Suspect Material Control Procedure1.范围 Scope本文件规范可疑物料的处理流程;This document will regulate the Suspect material disposition flow process.本文件适用于所有生产、试生产及原型车过程中使用的零部件,相关地点包括本公司内,返修加工商及外协加工商

6、。This document is applied in parts used in all productions, trail run and original model process. Affected places include company, repair processor 2.术语/缩写 Items for short可疑物料:在生产车间生产过程中存在的装配困难、破损或组件功能失效等,尚不能判定原因及责任方的物料。Suspect material: Damaged or non-conformance material ,or material that have dif

7、ficulty in assembling ,whose root cause and owner cannot be defined yet .SQE:供应商质量工程师Supplier quality engineerQE:质量工程师Quality engineerME: 特指车间的制造工程师Manufacturing engineer in shopsPE :指技术中心产品工程师PE:Product engineer in TDCPC&L:生产控制与物流 Production control and logisticsPAA:生产措施授权 Production action authori

8、zation3.职责 Responsibility3.1 制造车间负责3.1.1 可疑物料的隔离、标识、相关单据的填写; 3.1.2 参加可疑物料的分析及判定;上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量部 2005-04-1发布 2005-04-15实施ZD/SGMW03C.G.12-2004 (0/A)3.1.3 统计和分析属于本车间责任的不合格并每月报送质量部。 3.1 Manufacturing shops are responsible for 3.1.1 Segregating and marking suspect material ,filling in suspect material

9、bill ;3.1.2 Involves in analysis and definition to the suspect materials;3.1.3 Account and analyze the non-conformance belonged to its own shop, submit the results to Quality Dept.monthly. 3.2 质量部提供公司内部使用的相应质量检验标准,并组织可疑物料的判定并在相关方有争议时作最终责任判定。Quality Department offers corresponding quality inspection

10、standard used within the company. Leads in defining the suspect materials and makes the final judgement in case of disputes among correlative functions.3.2 采购物流部 SQA/SQE 负责3.2.1 参与可疑物料的分析及判定;3.2.2 向供应商发出 PRR;3.2.3 通知供应商对不合格品进行返工返修。3.2.4 对不合格物料统计和分析,并每月提供一份报表给质量部。3.2 SQA/SQE of Purchasing and OTD Dep

11、artment is responsible for3.2.1 Getting involved in the analysis and judgment of the suspect materials;3.2.2 Sending PRR to the supplier;3.2.3 Notifying the supplier to rework parts if applicable.3.2.4 Account and analyze the non-conformance materials, submit the report to Quality Dept. monthly3.3 采

12、购物流部物流负责办理已确认属供应商质量问题而报废的采购物料的处置。PC&L of Purchasing and OTD Department is responsible to deal with scrap parts that have been confirmed cannot be used or reworked.3.4 技术中心负责因设计、工艺问题的造成物料不合格的分析与处置,负责在规定的时间内完成 PAA的审批和发放。TDC is responsible for analyzing and dealing with the suspect parts due to enginee

13、ring design or process,approving and issuing PAA by the due date.4.工作程序 Work process4.1 可疑物料处理流程见附件 1。Attachment 1 is the Suspect Material Disposition Flow4.2 操作工发现可疑零件后应由班组长立即填写“可疑零件标签”所需内容并挂在零件上,可疑零件 移上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司质量部 2005-04-1发布 2005-04-15实施ZD/SGMW03C.G.12-2004 (0/A)入“可疑物料区” 。After operators fin

14、d the suspect part, team leader should immediately fill out the “suspect part tag ”and hang it on the part. Move the suspect parts into “suspect material area”4.3 质量部 QE 组织生产车间相关人员及采购物流部 SQE/SQA,并与之一起判别零件状态(必要时技术中心 ME 或 PE 参加) 。QE of Quality Department convenes ME and SQE/SQA to identifie the part s

15、tatus together.4.4 如果物料合格,判定人员在“可疑物料标签”上对应“合格”栏打勾,班组长去除“可疑物料标签”并将物料放回正常堆放区域。If the parts are judged as conformance,the judgedrs will mark a tick in the “OK” column of the “suspect material tag”.Team leader takes off the “suspect material tag” and puts the part to the conformance parts storage loacat

16、ion.4.5 如对可疑物料判定为“偏差使用” ,SQE/ME 应申请“PAA” , (自制件由 ME 申请,采购件由 SQE 申请,PAA 应在 4 小时内提交给技术中心,技术中心在其规定的时间内完成 PAA 审批及发放,超时采购部/车间有权对相应物料做报废处理,责任由于延时方负责) ,待批准后班组长除去“可疑零件标签” ,零件返回正常堆放区域。If the suspect material is judged as “deviation usage”, SQE/ME should apply for “PAA”. (ME applies for self-made parts and SQE applies for purchasing parts. PAA should be submitted to TDC within two hours and TDC will fi



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