(同步精品课堂)2015-2016学年高中英语 专题05 First aid(练)(基础版)新人教版必修5

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1、1专题 05 First aid.单词拼写 1.The heart performs a _(至关重要的)bodily function.2.The more he thought of it, the more _(难以忍受的) it became.3.The hotel offers its guests a wide _(多样) of amusements.4.Even though it was a _(复杂的) problem, we had to handle it quickly.5.The room was crowded but I managed to _(挤) in.6.

2、She still suffers considerable discomfort from her _(伤).7.In this way the scientist can better _(应用) theory to practice.8.This kind of glass must be t_ with care.9.Ive p_ coffee into your cup by mistake.10.To make our country more beautiful, we should f_ stick to the principle of scientific developm

3、ent.【答案】1.vital 2. unbearable 3. variety 4. complex 5. squeeze 6.injury 7. apply 8.treated 9. poured 10. firmly .单项填空1. Lets go Dutch for this supper, OK?No,_ this time, as a reward for all you help.A. its up to you B. its my treat C. lets talk about it D. it doesnt matter 2. In _case where somebody

4、 is bleeding heavily, _good knowledge of first aid can make _real difference.A. the; / ; a B. a ; / ; the C. a ; a ; the D. a ; a ; a 【答案】D 考查冠词。句意:在有人大量流血的情况下,有丰富的急救知识真的能起到很好的2作用。该句中 case 指“情况” ,此处为泛指,故用冠词 a. a good knowledge of 为固定短语,表示“精通;熟练掌握” ,而 make a difference 也是固定搭配,意为“起作用;有效果” ,故该题正确答案为 D.

5、 3. Busy as he was, the young man tried his best to _some time every week to do voluntary work in his community.A. squeeze out B. dig out C. put his hands on D. keep an eye on 【答案】A 句意:尽管忙,那个年轻人还是尽力每周挤出一些时间在社区做义工。A. squeeze out“挤出” ;B. dig out“挖出” ;C. put his hands on“找到” ;D. keep an eye on“留意观察” ,根

6、据句意可知,该题正确答案为 A. 4. Burdened with rising oil prices, taxi drivers across the country have been under great pressure just to _.A. make a living B. make a bet C. make a difference D. make a face 【答案】A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:因为油价上涨的重负,全国出租车司机都为维持生计而承受者巨大的压力。A. make a living“谋生” ;B. make a bet“打赌” ;C. make a diffe

7、rence“有影响;起作用” ;D. make a face“做鬼脸” ,根据句意可知,该题正确答案为A. 5. In order to protect planes against bird strike damage, a new electronic equipment has been put _.A. over and over again B. once in a while C. in place D. in return 【答案】C 考查介词短语辨析。句意:为了保护飞机免遭飞鸟撞击的损害,一种新型的电子设备已经安装到位了。A. over and over again“反复地”

8、;B. once in a while“偶尔” ;C. in place“在正确的位置;准备妥当” ;D. in return“作为回报” ,根据句意可知,该题正确答案为 C.6. Fever is a _ of many illnesses, so I suggest you take it seriously and see a doctor as soon as possible.A.message B.symptom C.evidence D.clue【答案】B 考查名词辨析。句意:发烧是许多疾病的症状,所以我建议你认真对待它并尽可能早地去看医生。A.message“信息” ;B.sy

9、mptom“症状;征兆” ;C.evidence“证据” ;D.clue“线索” ,根据句意可知,该题的正确答案为 B. 7. They were walking along the shore _ a huge wave appeared out of nowhere, 3sweeping them out to sea.A.while B.as C.when D.since【答案】C 考查连词。句意:他们正沿着海岸走着时,这时不知从哪儿来的巨浪将他们卷入了大海。sb was doing sth when表示“某人正在做某事时突然” ,故该题正确答案为 C. 8. It was not un

10、til near the end of the letter _ she mentioned her own plan.(2013 天津高考)A.that B.where C.why D.when【答案】A 考查强调句。句意:知道快写到新的结尾的时候,她才提到了自己的计划。句中被强调部分是时间状语 not until near the end of the letter,故该处的连词应选用 that. 9. He keeps a file of letters so that he can _ his hands on one when ever he needs it.A.put B.tak

11、e C.hold D.ring【答案】A 考查固定短语。句意:他将新建归档保存,为了需要时能找到。put ones hands on:找到,故该题正确答案为 A. 10. Now a lot new technologies can _ problems in industry.A.be applied to solve B.be applied to solving C.apply to solve D.apply to solvingIII.用短语的适当形式填空fall ill squeeze out in place a number of put ones hands onmake a

12、 difference a variety of take off over and over again apply for1. I have made up my mind to _the scholarship to finish my university education.2. In order to improve your kids reading ability, you should read _ books with him.3. Join in our activity. Your help will _ to the childrens future.4. Im gl

13、ad that _ students and teachers are in favour of me.5. The doctor has warned him _ to stop smoking, but he hasnt taken any 4advice.6. Having been working too hard in the last few months, he _suddenly.7. Sometimes its very difficult to _ the things that one is looking for .8. Her singing career _afte

14、r her TV appearance.9. The baby likes drinking the juice _ of the fruits.10. I hope you leave all the books in the library _.【答案】1.apply for 2.a variety of 3.make a difference 4.a number of 5.over and over again6.fell ill 7.put his hands on 8.took off 9.squeezed out 10.in placeIV.完成句子1.当人们开车上班或回家时,经常是依据交通情况从少量几条熟悉的路径中选择。When driving to and from work, people usually choose from a small number of favorite routes, _traffic conditions.2.除非被邀请,否则我不会去参加晚会的。I wont go to the party _


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