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1、1 / 3新学期国旗下演讲新的未来开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。在这秋风送爽的日子里,新的学期已拉来了帷幕! 十天前,我们怀揣着梦想走进 xx 校园,这里的一切都让我们无限向往。书声朗朗的校园,干净整洁的教室,青春飞扬的操场 十天里,我们经历了军训的磨练与洗礼,懂得了什么是团结与坚强;开学初的新生入学教育,更让我们的肩膀上多了一份高中生的责任与担当;初入中加方课堂,我们已深深体味到学习的充实与快乐,更坚定了未来的方向。 所以,亲爱的同学们,在步入新学期之时,我们要明确自己的奋斗目标,一步一个脚印砥砺前行;我们要有坚韧的意志和品格,在人生中不断拼搏,不断超越;我们要有端正的学习态度,与灿烂

2、的朝阳同行,在无涯的学海中寻觅更广阔的天空! XX 年是全体 xx 人奋勇前行的一年。在新学期伊始,作为 xx 的一员,我们必须站得更高,做得更好!天空吸引你展翅,海洋召唤你扬帆起航;高山激励你奋勇攀登,平原等待你信马由缰!出发吧,亲爱的同学们,愿你前程无量! dear principal, teachers and students: good morning! 2 / 3the new future brings us new hope and new dreams. with the golden autumn, the new semester is beginning! ten da

3、ys ago, we stepped into yinghua and was curious about everything. we enjoyed the beautiful campus, orderly classroom and active playground. during these days, military training let us know what is unity and tough; the education for new students asks us to take the responsibility of a senior high stu

4、dent; the classes offered by canadian and chinese teachers shows the happiness of study and determine the direction of future. so my dear students,we must clear our goals and achieve them step by the journey,it is necessary for us to have a strong mind so that we can overcome any difficulties. the c

5、orrect attitude of study is important for us to make progress. XX is a year with full of hope for all yinghua teachers and students. we should look further and do better! our school life will be filled with knowledge, prospect, courage and confidence. are you ready? i wish you may have a glorious future! 3 / 3thank you.


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