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1、奉 贤 区 2015 年 初 三 英 语 二 模 练 习 ( 八 )(满分 150 分,完卷时间 100 分钟) 2015.5考生注意:本卷有 7 大题,共 94 小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题卡上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening comprehension (听 力 理 解 ) (共 30 分 )A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the b

2、est answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8 分)7. A) Tea B) Coffee C) Beer D) Juice8. A) Sunny B) Cloudy C) Snowy D) Rainy9. A) 11:00 B) 11:15 C) 11:30 D) 11:4510. A) Dancing with Stars B) Im a singerC) Running Man D) Flower Sister11. A) By underground. B) By car C) By taxi D) By bu

3、s12. A) Interesting B) Terrible C) Boring D) Frightening13. A) Teacher and Student. B) Doctor and Patient.C) Shop-assistant and Customer. D) Husband and Wife.14. A) Because Linda thinks the teacher will help her.B) Because Alex has no time to help her.C) Because Linda wants to do it by herself.D) Be

4、cause Linda thinks it is easy.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7 分)15. There was a girl with beautiful, brown, thick hair.16. When she woke up one morning, she found she had little hair on her head.17. Her

5、mother thought the girl would cry sadly.18. The girl decided to wear her hair in a pony tail (马尾辫) when there were two hairs left.19. When there wasnt a single hair on her head, the girl looked terribly sad.20. The story told us hairstyle is important in a persons daily life.D. Listen to the passage

6、 and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词) (7 分)21. Enough sleep helps the body and brain _ and _.22. About _ _ of middle school students dont get enough sleep according to the report.23. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep worrying about their schoolwork and ca

7、nt _ _ quickly.24. Experts have shown that lack of sleep for teenagers leads to _ _.25. Its good to sleep in a _ _ that is dark, quiet, and neither too warm nor too cold.Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)IIChoose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共 20 分)26. Which of the following und

8、erlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A) More and more people spend their holidays in another country.B) The young lady over there is my aunt.C) He is old enough to look after himself.D) This house is made of wood.27. Which of the following words matches the sounds ?A) prize B)

9、 praise C) price D) piece28. What _ horrible day it was yesterday! Yes. But I love _ air after it rains because it smells fresh.A) a, the B) a, / C) the, the D) the, a29. The crash of German Flight 4U9525 _ the south of France _ March 25th shocked the whole world.A) at, on B) in, at C) in, on D) at,

10、 in30. - Have you found your bicycle?- No. But my mother promised to buy a new _ for me.A) it B) one C) this D) that31. _ handwriting looks the best in your class?A) Who B) Whos C) Whose D) Whom32. Learning English is a difficult but happy _.A) program B) progress C) process D) problem33. The film L

11、ost and Love( 失孤) _ a real kidnap case in Hubei Province. In the film, a farmer spent fifteen years looking for his lost son.A) is keen on B) is based on C) is interested in D) is familiar with34. The documentary, Under the Dome (穹顶之下), shows how _ the air is polluted.A) seriously B) serious C) more

12、 seriously D) more serious35. We teenagers _ have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.A) can B) may C) need D) should36. - Have you watched the film the Tiny Times?- Yes. I _ it with my cousin last night.A) watch B) have watched C) watched D) had watched37. CoCo Cola C

13、ompany promised that they _ the workers a chance for a three-minute free phone.A) offer B) would offer C) will offer D) have offered38. It is not wise of you to _ too late to surf the Internet.A) take up B) put up C) turn up D) stay up39. - How many students are there in your class?- _ the students

14、_ over 40.A) A number of, is B) A number of, areC) The number of, is D) The number of, are40. Wendy managed _ a company when she was only 15 years old.A) run B) to run C) running D) ran41. Youd better not come into the teachers office without _ at the door.A) to knock B) knock C) not knocking D) knocking42. You cant play the computer ga


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