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1、2010-7-20 高一英衔 4 第 1 页 共 5 页2010 年秋季初升高英语衔接第 4 讲非谓语动词之动词不定式(一)非谓语动词概述动词在句中除充当谓语外,还可以起名词、形容词或副词的作用。在句中充当主语、宾语、表语、补语、定语和状语。这就是动词的非谓语形式。当句中需要用某种动作作主语、宾语或作某种修饰、说明的成分时,就要用这种形式。动词非谓语形式有三种:动词不定式 to do,分词(现在分词和过去分词)和动名词,动词非谓语形式不随主语的人称和数的变化而变化,故又称为非限定性动词。动词非谓语形式仍具有动词的一般特征,可以带有宾语、状语等构成短语。(二)动词不定式动词不定式能起名词、形容词

2、和副词作用,充当谓语以外的各种成分。1、作主语:不定式可以直接放在句首做一句话的主语,如:To learn English is not an easy thing. 学习英语不是一件容易的事。也可以用 it 作形式主语,而将不定式充当的真正主语放在后面。如:It is important to protect our environment. 保护环境是重要的。2、作宾语:很多动词后面都可带不定式作宾语,如 want , decide , agree , would like , hope , wish 等。如:He wants to visit Nanjing. 他要参观南京。Mary d

3、ecided to go alone. 玛丽决定一个人去。3、作宾语补足语:这样的动词有 want , would like , wish , ask , tell , expect 等,但我们需要注意有的动词后带不带“to”的不定式作宾语补足语。如 “使役动词”:let , have , make+宾语+do,感官动词 hear / see / feel / notice +宾语+do,另外,感官动词还可以加 doing 作宾语补足语,这时我们要知道与加不带 to 的不定式之间的区别。如:I expect you to write to me. 我盼望你给我来信。I asked him to

4、 show me his new dictionary. 我要他给我看看他的新词典。The landlord made my grandfather work in the field all day. 地主以前让我祖父整天在田里干活。I often hear her sing when I am free. 当我有空时常听她唱歌。4、作表语:如:My hope is to become an artist. 我的愿望是成为一名艺术家。The young man seems to be a college graduate. 那个年轻人好像是个大学毕业生。To see is to believ

5、e. 百闻不如一见。(眼见为实)She was seen to enter the hall. 有人看见她到大厅里去了。注意此句用的是 see 的被动语态,它的主动语态是 see sb、do sth.的短语,这种在主动语态中不带 to 的不定式作宾补的动词,在被动中要还原 to。5、作定语:动词不定式作定语时,不定式所表示的动作与其所修饰的中心词之间一般有三种关系:(1)动宾关系:即动词不定式所表示的动作与其所修饰的中心词之间具有逻辑上的动宾关系。如:She has a lot of homework to do. 她有很多作业要做。句中不定式 to do 与 homework 之间构成动宾关

6、系。注意:当作定语的不定式中的动词为不及物动词时,不定式后面要加适当的介词。如:He needed a chair to sit on. 他需要一把椅子坐。I want a pen to write with. 我要一支笔写字。(2)主谓关系:中心词与不定式所表示的动作之间具有逻辑上的主谓关系,即中心词是不定式动作的发出者。如:She is always the first to come to school、她总是第一个到学校来。句中的 the first 是 to come to school 这一动作逻辑上的主语,即这个动作的发出者。(3)同位关系:作定语的不定式是对中心词内容的解释和说

7、明。如:This is the best way to solve the problem. 这是解决问题的最好办法。句中的 way 的内容是 to solve the problem,二者之间是同位的关系。2010-7-20 高一英衔 4 第 2 页 共 5 页6、作状语:不定式在句中一般可作三种状语:目的状语、结果状语和原因状语。(1)作目的状语:这时不定式前面还可加上 in order 和 so as,构成 in order to do 和 so as to do 的形式,意为“为了;以便于”,作目的状语的动词不定式可放在句首,也可放在句尾。如:In order to get there

8、 on time , he started very early. 为了能按时到那儿,他很早便动身了。She came here to visit some friends. 她来到这儿是为了拜访一些朋友。此外,我们还需注意,不定式作目的状语构成的简单句可以与 in order that 和 so that引导的目的状语从句之间进行互换。如:He started very early so that / in order that he could get there on time .(2)作结果状语:不定式作结果状语常用于 tooto 和 enough to的结构中,此外,还有 only

9、to也表示结果。如:He is too young to go to school. 他年龄太小,不能上学。Xiao Ming is old enough to join the army. 小明到了参军的年龄。I went to the cinema in a hurry only to find that the film had already finished. 我匆匆忙忙地赶到电影院,结果却发现电影已经结束了。(3)作原因状语:作原因状语的不定式常出现在表示情感的形容词后面,表示产生这种情感的原因。如:My father was surprised to hear the news.

10、 我父亲听到这个消息,感到惊奇。Im sorry to hear that. 听到这件事,我感到很遗憾 /抱歉。Im happy to see you. 见到你我很高兴。7、不定式的否定形式:在 to 前加 not 即可。如:He decided not to take up the job. 他决定不干这个工作。The teacher told him not to be late again. 老师告诉他别再迟到了。8、“疑问词+不定式”结构:(1)常用于此结构的动词有:tell , teach , know , learn , wonder , show , ask 等,这些词后面可以接

11、宾语从句,当主句与从句的主语一致时,后面的宾语从句可简化成“疑问词+ 不定式”的结构。如:I want to know how I can get there. = I want to know how to get there. 我想知道怎样去那儿。(2)当动词 tell , ask , show , teach 等后带双宾语且直接宾语是从句时,当宾语从句主语和间接宾语一致时,宾语从句可以转换成“疑问词+不定式”的结构。如:Please tell me where I can find her. = Please tell me where to find her. 请告诉我到哪儿能找到她。

12、9、作简短回答时或避免不必要的重复时,动词不定式可省略 to 后的动词,但不定式的标志“to”不可以省略。如:Did you go to see the Great Wall ? No , I wanted to(go to see it), but there wasnt time. 你游览长城了吗?没有,我想去(游览长城),但是没时间。Will you help me ? Ill try to(help you)、你愿意帮助我吗?我会尽力而为。(但不一定能做到)10、如果动词不定式的逻辑主语不是句子的主语或谓语动词的宾语,需要在这一逻辑主语前加 for。如:I opened the doo

13、r for her to come in. 我开了门让她进来。(不定式的逻辑主语是 her)试比较:I want to open the door. 我要开门。(动词不定式 to open 的逻辑主语是 I)I want him to open the door. 我要他把门打开。(to open 的逻辑主语是谓语want 的宾语 him)2010-7-20 高一英衔 4 第 3 页 共 5 页2010 年秋季初升高英语衔接第 4 讲课后练习1姓名: 1、After school we usually play basketball for half an hour on playground

14、. A、the ; the B、/ ; / C、/ ; the D、the ; /2、There are few in the fridge. Lets go and buy some peas , carrots and cabbages. A、vegetables B、fruit C、meat D、eggs3、About of the workers in the clothes factory are women. A、third fifths B、third fifth C、three fifths D、three fifth4、The two little girls are cry

15、ing. cannot find mother. A、She , her B、They , them C、They , their D、They , her5、Jim always comes to school of all because he has to open the door for others. A、early B、earlier C、most early D、earliest6、 were you away from school last year ?About two weeks. A、How often B、How soon C、How long D、When7、We have four classes the morning and then have a rest noon. A、in ; in B、in ; at C、on ; at D、at ; in8、What are you going to do in the future ?Id like to be a doctor you are. A、so B、as C、what D、when9、Can you go swimming with us this afternoon ?


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