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1、你对西洋酒了解多少?2013-10-15 11:53:55 来源:中国日报网站 编辑:huangqiaoxiao 点击:次月薪 2 万的英语水平,你有吗? 30 天,练就一口流利英语!“举杯邀明月,对影成三人。”酒自古就是诗人的挚友,让他们抒发自己的旷放豪情,激发他们无边的想象力。今天就向大家介绍西洋酒的基本分类。不过大家还是要培养好的酒品,对自己和他人负责!Wines: It is produced after the fermentation process of grape juice is complete. It is said that the longer the aging p

2、rocess, the better it tastes. ABV (alcohol by volume) - 9% to 16%.葡萄酒:新鲜的葡萄或葡萄汁经发酵酿成的酒精饮料,酿造的时间越久,口感越好。酒精含量的体积百分比 ABV:9% 16%。Beers: Beer is made after the fermenting and brewing process is done. The use of wheat, corn, barley, and rice is essential to make beer. ABV - 2% to 4%.啤酒:以大麦芽、酒花、水为主要原料,经酵母发

3、酵作用酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳的低酒精度酒。酒精含量的体积百分比 ABV:2%4% 。Spirits: It is simply a term used to describe unsweetened and distilled alcoholic beverages.烈酒:用来描述所有的不经甜化和蒸馏的烈性高浓度酒。Brandy: Short for brandy wine, this is a distilled wine. This drink is usually consumed after dinner. ABV- 30% to 60%.白兰地酒:以水果为原料,经发酵、蒸馏制成的酒,

4、通常所称的白兰地专指以葡萄为原料,通过发酵再蒸馏制成的酒。常在饭后饮用。酒精含量的体积百分比 ABV:30%60%.Gin: To produce gin, juniper berries and white grain spirit are distilled. ABV - 37% to 40%。金酒(杜松子酒) :以杜松子果和谷物蒸馏制成。可单独饮用,也可调配鸡尾酒,并且是调配鸡尾酒中惟一不可缺少的酒种。酒精含量的体积百分比ABV:37%40%.Liqueurs: This spirit is obtained when various flavors like herbs, cream,

5、 spices, flowers, and fruits is combined. ABV - 15% to 30%.利口酒:泛指酒中添加了天然芳香药,用动、植物,并具有一定保健作用的饮料配制甜酒。ABV:15%30%.Rum: A distilled alcoholic drink which is produced after the fermentation of sugarcane or molasses is done. ABV - 40% to 55%。朗姆酒:用甘蔗压出来的糖汁,经过发酵、蒸馏而成。ABV: 40%55%.Tequila: The use of a plant,

6、blue agave(found in a town in Mexico) is important to make tequila. The various colors of tequila is obtained due to aging process, method, and time duration. ABV - 35% to 40%。龙舌兰酒:龙舌兰酒又称“特基拉酒 ”,是墨西哥的特产,被称为墨西哥的灵魂。龙舌兰成熟后割下送至酒厂,再被割成两半后泡洗 24 小时,然后榨出汁来,汁水加糖送入发酵柜中发酵两天至两天半,然后经两次蒸馏,陈酿时间不同,颜色和口味差异很大。ABV: 35

7、%40%.Vodka: Again a distilled drink which is transparent (its clear). Vodka contains purified ethanol and water which at times goes through various stages of distillation. It is fermented from potatoes, wheat or rye, corn, or sugar beet molasses. ABV - 25% to 37%.伏特加酒:是一种经蒸馏处理的酒精饮料,是由水和经蒸馏净化的乙醇所合成的透

8、明液体。在蒸馏过程中除水和乙醇外亦会加入马铃薯、菜糖浆及黑麦或小麦,如果是制作有味道的伏特加更会加入适量的调味料。ABV: 25%37%.Whisky: In Gaelic, whisky means Water of Life. You get whisky after the fermentation process is done which uses wheat, barley, rye, and corn. ABV - 40% to 50%.威士忌酒:以大麦、黑麦、燕麦、小麦、玉米等谷物为原料,经发酵、蒸馏后放入橡木桶中陈酿、勾兑而成的一种酒精饮料。ABV: 40%50%.Cockt

9、ail: A cocktail is an alcoholic mixed drink that contains two or more ingredientsat least one of the ingredients must be a spirit.鸡尾酒:鸡尾酒是包含两种或以上酒类的混合酒,其中至少有一种烈酒。The ABV percentage is pretty high in the drinks made with spirits, which is why they are called hard drinks. So whenever you drink any of

10、these drinks, make sure you do so responsibly.酒杯知多少?1. Beer Mug 啤酒杯You put beer in this. Some people put them in the freezer to frost them before use. One glass typically holds 16 oz. of fluid, but there are no rules.2. Highball Glass 高球杯Its a straight-sided glass of varying heights and is what your

11、e usually given when you order a whiskey and Coke, gin and tonic or other mixed drink.3. Cocktail Glass (a.k.a. Martini Glass) 鸡尾酒杯( 又称为马提尼酒杯 )The angled, triangular bowl and long stem are unmistakable and is designed to keep the drinker from allowing her or his hands to warm the drink. Of course, a

12、fter two drinks pretty much everyone cradles the bowl, thereby wasting its functional purpose.4. Brandy Snifter 白兰地矮脚杯Its short stem and globe shape encourage cradling so the hand warms the drink, and the tapered edges focus the odor of the liquor up into the tipplers nose.5. Champagne Flute 香槟杯The

13、long tulip-shaped vessel lets drinkers enjoy the gentle cascade of boozy bubbles and also focuses the effervescence upward so that it will create a foamy, nose-tickling mousse.“女汉子”英文中怎么表达才地道?很多人都认为tomboy和“女汉子”的英文表达接近,A girl considered boyish or masculine in behavior or manner.即“ 男人婆、假小子”,指那些打扮气质都很中

14、性的女生。有种说法是它代表 lesbian 中的 T,所以尽量少用。用 tough girl 来表达,比较符合那些开朗真爽,内心强大,甚至有点彪悍的“女汉子”。还有一个词“cowgirl 女牛仔”,也很符合艺高人胆大的真性情“ 女汉子”哈!除了“女汉子”,其他类型的女生也有各自的称谓,如 “软妹子”就可以说成是girly girl、时尚御姐则是fashionista,还有一种是valley girl脑残女。当这四类女生遇到一起时,从她们说话的方式上就能分辨出来:Seeing a handsome guy:当看到帅哥时:Girly girl: OMG hes so handsome!萌妹子:天啊,好帅啊!Valley girl: Wow, like I havent seen such a handsome guy for, like, a million years!脑残女:哇!我上次见这么帅的人怎么着也是 100 万年前了吧!Fashionista: Is that a Prada suit?时尚御姐:那件西服是普拉达的吧?Tough girl: That dude looks freaking awesome! Dibs!女汉子:那哥们儿太他妹的帅了!归我了!


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