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1、- 1 -Topic 001 粗谈英文与中文在结构上的差异 (1)S + VI stood in line for a whole hour. But when it was my turn to get the ticket, the sign “Full Up” was shown. I was mad.中文可以不要主词排队排了整整一个钟头,轮到我的时候,客满了,气死我了。英文S + VIm tired/hungry.中文可以不要动词我累了/我饿了。英文时态(动词变化)I walk to the office every day.I walked to the office yesterd

2、ay.中文动词没有变化我每天走路上班。我昨天走路上班。英文V + to V / V + V-ingI need to go to the bathroom.It starts raining.中文动词 + 动词我要上厕所。开始下雨了。英文N + Adj.Whos the pretty girl with long hair standing at the door?中文形容词 + 名词站在门口长头发的漂亮女孩是谁?英文Wh- + V + S?Who is she?Where are you?中文主词 + 动词 + 疑问词?她是谁?/ 你在哪里?英文active/passive voiceThe

3、 clothes have been washed clean.中文可以不用被动语态衣服洗干净了。英文conjunction(一句子只能用一个)- 2 -I was sick, so I didnt go to school.Although he is lazy, he is clever.中文连接词可成对的使用因为我病了,所以没上学。虽然他很懒,但是他很聪明。Topic 002 粗谈英文与中文在结构上的差异 (2)英文S + VI stood in line for a whole hour. But when it was my turn to get the ticket, the s

4、ign “Full Up” was shown. I was mad.中文可以不要主词排队排了整整一个钟头,轮到我的时候,客满了,气死我了。英文S + VIm tired/hungry.中文可以不要动词我累了/我饿了。英文时态(动词变化)I walk to the office every day.I walked to the office yesterday.中文动词没有变化我每天走路上班。我昨天走路上班。英文V + to V / V + V-ingI need to go to the bathroom.It starts raining.中文动词 + 动词我要上厕所。开始下雨了。英文N

5、 + Adj.Whos the pretty girl with long hair standing at the door?中文形容词 + 名词站在门口长头发的漂亮女孩是谁?英文Wh- + V + S?Who is she?Where are you?- 3 -中文主词 + 动词 + 疑问词?她是谁?/ 你在哪里?英文active/passive voiceThe clothes have been washed clean.中文可以不用被动语态衣服洗干净了。英文conjunction(一句子只能用一个)I was sick, so I didnt go to school.Althoug

6、h he is lazy, he is clever.中文连接词可成对的使用因为我病了,所以没上学。虽然他很懒,但是他很聪明。Topic 003 词类 (1)Part 词类: Nouns 名词Explanation 说明: are names of people, places and qualitiesExample 范例: man; desk; happiness; Taipei; ChristinaPart 词类: Verbs 动词Explanation 说明: describe actions, states or experienceExample 范例: go; study; dr

7、ink; push; break; understandPart 词类: Auxiliaries 助动词Explanation 说明: are used with main verbs to show the tense, mood etc.Example 范例: do; will; can; may; must; shouldPart 词类: Adjectives 形容词Explanation 说明: describe nounsExample 范例: Shes a pretty woman. Im sleepy.Part 词类: Adverbs 副词Explanation 说明: desc

8、ribe verbs, Adj., Adv., or a sentenceExample 范例: He walks slowly. She runs very fast.Part 词类: Prepositions 介系词Explanation 说明: are used before nouns to show time, place, direction etc.Example 范例: in the box; on the tabe; at 7:00; go to schoolPart 词类: Conjunctions 连接词Explanation 说明: connect parts of s

9、entences, phrases, or clauses.Example 范例: and; but; because; Though Im poor, I am happy.Part 词类: Interjections 感叹词Explanation 说明: are used to express surprise, shock, pain etc.Example 范例: Ouch! It hurts! Hurray! We won.Part 词类: Articles 冠词Explanation 说明: help us to refer to nounsExample 范例: You can

10、see a girl at the door. The girl is my best friend.- 4 -Topic 004 词类 (2)Part 词类: Nouns 名词Explanation 说明: are names of people, places and qualitiesExample 范例: man; desk; happiness; Taipei; ChristinaPart 词类: Verbs 动词Explanation 说明: describe actions, states or experienceExample 范例: go; study; drink; pu

11、sh; break; understandPart 词类: Auxiliaries 助动词Explanation 说明: are used with main verbs to show the tense, mood etc.Example 范例: do; will; can; may; must; shouldPart 词类: Adjectives 形容词Explanation 说明: describe nounsExample 范例: Shes a pretty woman. Im sleepy.Part 词类: Adverbs 副词Explanation 说明: describe ve

12、rbs, Adj., Adv., or a sentenceExample 范例: He walks slowly. She runs very fast.Part 词类: Prepositions 介系词Explanation 说明: are used before nouns to show time, place, direction etc.Example 范例: in the box; on the tabe; at 7:00; go to schoolPart 词类: Conjunctions 连接词Explanation 说明: connect parts of sentence

13、s, phrases, or clauses.Example 范例: and; but; because; Though Im poor, I am happy.Part 词类: Interjections 感叹词Explanation 说明: are used to express surprise, shock, pain etc.Example 范例: Ouch! It hurts! Hurray! We won.Part 词类: Articles 冠词Explanation 说明: help us to refer to nounsExample 范例: You can see a g

14、irl at the door. The girl is my best friend.Topic5 主词+不及物动词 (1)S 主词 Vi 不及物动词 Vt 及物动词 SC 主词补语O 受词 OC 受词补语 IO 间接受词 DO 直接受词S + ViCome with me. 跟我来。Where are you from? 你从哪儿来?I come from Malaysia. 我来自马来西亚。Dont laugh at me. 不要笑我。Dont look at me. 不要看我。Look at your book. 看你的书。Dont shout at me. 不要对我吼叫。You ca

15、nt rely on him. 你不能依赖他。You can count on my word. 你可以信任我的话。Children depend on their parents for food and clothes.- 5 -Topic 6 主词+不及物动词 (2)S 主词 Vi 不及物动词 Vt 及物动词 SC 主词补语O 受词 OC 受词补语 IO 间接受词 DO 直接受词S + ViJohn walks to school every day. 约翰每天走路上学。The train slowed down to a stop. 火车减速停车。Ill stay to the end

16、 of this month. 我将待到这个月底。Go to your room. 到你房间去。Lets go for a walk. 我们去走走吧。The decision goes against me. 这个决定对我不利。I arrived last night. 我昨晚到的。I arrive at school at about 7:30 every morning. 我每天早上约七点半到校。He arrived in New York last night. 他昨晚抵达纽约。He left for Hong Kong. 他到香港去了。Topic 7 主词+不及物动词 (3)S 主词 Vi 不及物动词 Vt 及物动词 SC 主词补语O 受词 OC 受词补语 IO 间接受词 DO 直接受词S + ViIt rained heavily yesterday. 昨天雨下得好大!(=We had heavy rain yesterday.)Please stay fo



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