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1、科技英语第三阶段在线作业(自测)试卷(47150)1第 1 题 单选题 The employees wage rise and the wage of senior managerial personnel are decided by the _ of directors of the enterprise through discussionsA、boardB、abroadC、boastD、bold标准答案:A2第 2 题 单选题 It was suggested that this problem _ at the next meeting. A、was discussed B、will

2、 be discussed C、have to be discussed D、be discussed标准答案:D3第 3 题 单选题 After a joint venture dismisses the surplus employee during the contract term, the enterprise will give the dismissed certain _A、comprehensionB、compositionC、compensationD、consultation标准答案:C4第 4 题 单选题 The labor contract includes the

3、rights and obligations of the employers and employees, employment and training of the worker, the _ term of the contract, wage, etcA、vividB、vitalC、validD、vain标准答案:C5第 5 题 单选题 It is required that anyone who applies for this job should _ a recent photo to the application formA、attackB、attachC、attendD、

4、attempt标准答案:B6第 6 题 单选题 The driver was at_loss when_word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.A、a; /B、a; theC、the; theD、/; /标准答案:A7第 7 题 单选题 Foreign investors are allowed, _ the relevant regulations, to invest their profits in RMB in the domestic enterprisesA、ahead of timeB、in accordance

5、 withC、in advanceD、with regard to标准答案:B8第 8 题 单选题 Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _, so we didnt accept the offer. A、not being finished B、had not finished C、not having finished D、was not finishing标准答案:A9第 9 题 单选题 Never before _ so highly successful in his attemp

6、ts to modify the weather on a very small scale. A、 man has been B、man isC、has man beenD、will be man标准答案:C10第 10 题 单选题 They found a _ statesman to head the project someone who could make the worlds of politics and business work togetherA、seniorB、superiorC、juniorD、inferior标准答案:A11第 11 题 单选题 The prices

7、 of the products of joint ventures sold in China should be fixed on the basis of quality _ the price regulations set by the state and be charged in RMBA、first of allB、with a view toC、regardless ofD、in line with标准答案:D12第 12 题 单选题 I hope that I shall never again have to _ such unpleasant experience; o

8、therwise I might sue to the courtA、undergoB、underlieC、underlineD、understand标准答案:A13第 13 题 单选题 In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some _ shops in the areaA、flowingB、mobileC、driftingD、unstable标准答案:B14第 14 题 单选题 _ is accepted as true is relatively, a

9、nd not absolutely, true. A、ItB、ThatC、WhatD、That it标准答案:C15第 15 题 单选题 If an employee of a company has not signed a contract, he is under no _ to pay the company any moneyA、obligationB、resignationC、allowanceD、supervision标准答案:A16第 16 题 单选题 John wants to see you today. I would rather he _ tomorrow than

10、today. A、comesB、cameC、should comeD、could come标准答案:B17第 17 题 单选题 _ is announced in the papers, a nation-wide sports meeting will be held in the city next month. A、BecauseB、ForC、AsD、So标准答案:C18第 18 题 单选题 There are many children and adolescents _ behavior is generally unacceptable . A、theirB、whoC、whomD、

11、whose标准答案:D19第 19 题 单选题 With flowers and trees _ everywhere, the city took on a new look. A、to be planted B、being plantedC、plantingD、planted标准答案:D20第 20 题 单选题 _ the importance of wearing seat belts while driving.A、Little they realize B、They little realizeC、They realize littleD、Little do they realize标准答案:D



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