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1、18 个摩擦音 +音的同化+词汇链接 /f/ 这是个清辅音,送气强,声带不振动,注意不要发为汉语拼音中的“夫”。发音时气流从唇齿间的缝隙及牙缝中通过,软腭抬起,声门敞开,气流摩擦成音。 if, coffee, enough, half, photo, laugh, cliff, physics 发/f/ 的字母及字母组合: /v/ 这是个浊辅音,声带振动,发音方法与/f/类似。 love, five, have, clever 发/v/的字母及字母组合:Story Time Peter and Mary live in the same village. Peter is a clever m

2、an and Mary is a lovely girl. They love each other very much. They plan to marry in November. They will invite all their friends to the wedding. 2对比单词练发音:谚语习语 1. Self do, self have.自作自受。绕口令 1Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh. 2A flea and a fly were trapped in a f

3、lue, and they tried to flee for their life. The flea said to the fly lets flee! and the fly said to the fleaLets fly!.Finally both the flea and fly managed to flee through a flaw in the flue.3An elevator on Everest is an Everest elevator.4Very well, very well, very well .谚语习语 1A faithful friend is h

4、ard to find.知音难觅。 2A friend in need is a friend indeed.3To see is to believe. /s/ 这是个清辅音,是个强送气音,声带不振动。发音时,抬起舌前部,靠近硬腭前部,但不要接触;上下齿自然合拢,口型不要太大,让气流从舌尖齿龈所形成的窄缝中强行通过,摩擦成音,注意不要发成汉语拼音中的“撕”。sick, kiss, science, miss, rice, bus, face, scene 发/s/的字母及字母组合有: 特别提醒:/s/后的清辅音读成与之相对应的浊辅音。如:stand 中的 t 浊化为 d,sport 中的 p

5、 浊化问 b,school 中的 k 浊化为 g。 /z/ 这是个浊辅音,声带要振动,发音方法和/s/类似,注意不要发为汉语拼音中的 “资”。zip, zoo, buzz, has, easy, possess 找出发/z/的字母及字母组合:3对比单词练发音 绕口令 1. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!2. He thrusts his fists against the posts, and still insists he sees the ghosts.3. Elizabeth has eleven elves 谚语习

6、语 1.A bad workman always blames his tools.2.Close mouth catches no flies.3.Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. /F/ 这是个清辅音,声带不振动。这个音要特别注意,很多中国英语学习者发不好这个音。发音时舌端抬起,靠近齿龈后部但不要贴住,舌的两侧贴住上齿两侧,形成一条狭窄的通道,气流通过时摩擦成音。ship, sure, Russia, conscience, pressure, machine, delicious, Asia, patient, ocean 发/F/的字母及字母组

7、合有: /V/ 这是个浊辅音,发音时声带振动,摩擦在舌端。发音方法与/F/类似。 pleasure, television, seizure, garage 发/V/的字母及字母组合有:对比单词练发音:绕口令 Sheep shouldnt sleep in shaky shacks, should they? 4Shadows shade the sheltered shallows. 谚语习语 After rain comes the sunshine.Penny wise, pound foolish. /h/ 这是个清辅音,声带不振动,注意不要发成汉语拼音的“喝”。发音时气流自由逸出口腔

8、,只在通过声门时产生轻微摩擦,口型不定,随后面的元音而变化。 habit, heavy, who, whole 发/h/的字母及字母组合有: /r/这是个浊辅音,声带振动。发音时舌尖卷起,靠近上齿龈两侧(不要贴住) ,双唇略张开并收圆。rat, grandmother, marry, carry 发/r/ 的字母及字母组合有:对比单词练发音:绕口令 Ripe white wheat reapers reap(收割) ripe white wheat right.The great Greek grape growers(种植者) grow great Greek grapes. 谚语习语 Al

9、l roads lead to Rome.All rivers run into sea. 综合练习 1:写出每组单词中包含的共同因素 face fun family life laugh very visit save live village zoo zip lazy busy zone six seven sad kiss boss house horse hate head holiday ship dish fish show fresh red read right rain river measure treasure usual television pleasure 5综合练

10、习 2: 朗读下列单词,写出每组包含的共同因素。 / / finger finish offer information photo / / voice view various active vote / / safe service price peace science / / cause size analyze buzz easy / / hope hero high whose whom / / reason risk correct write research / / shout shake position dictionary sugar / / pleasure meas

11、ure treasure revision vision 综合练习 3: 根据音标写单词,根据单词写音标。/f:st/ _ /5visit/ _/lB:s/_ /5i:zi/_/FQt/_finish_ active_ peace_busy_ heavy_ correct_physics_ reason_ 1失去爆破和不完全爆破两个爆破音相邻时,第一个爆破音不发出爆破声,只保留发音动作,稍微停顿一下,实际上只有后一个爆破音发音。 bookkeeper /5bukki:p/ handbag /hAndbag/ blackboard /5blAkbR:d/ September /sp5temb/

12、sit down /sit5daun/ used to /5ju:sdtu/ that time /5TAt5taim/ a red car /5red5ka:/ 练习 1He used to swim. 2Are you used to the food here? 3I had a bad cold. 4I bought a red handbag. 5Tom is a good book-keeper. 6He likes to talk big. 7I stopped to let the black car pass. 8I expect to join the football t

13、eam. 6当爆破音后跟着摩擦音或破擦音时,爆破音只有轻微爆破。 Advance /d5vB:ns/ success /sk5ses/ picture /5piktF/ object /5RbdVikt/ a good job /5ud5dVRb/ my best friend /mai5best5frend/ 练习1I feel a bit thirsty. 2He has a good job. 3Tom is my best friend. 4Have you got that? 5Have you heard from Mary? 6Im not feeling well. 7He a

14、rrived home from school at nine. 当爆破音后跟着鼻辅音后边辅音时,爆破音轻微爆破。topmost /5tRpmust/ sudden /5sQdn/ submerge /sb5m:dV/ mostly /5mustli/ take me /5teikmi/ let me /5letmi/ 练习 1Good morning. 2Good luck! 3Do you mind my smoking? 4How long will it take me to get there? 5Dont let me down. 6Better luck next time. 7

15、I would like a cup of tea. 音的同化是在语速快时,前后两个音连读,语音相互影响而产生的语音变化。音的同化可以使发音省力,说话流畅。它常出现在快速口语中,而在正式场合和语速慢的时候不是必须的。了解它们有助于提高听力水平。/sj/F/ this year /5TiFi/ Whats your name? /5wRtFR:neim/ 7/zj/ V/ Has your friend come? /5hAVR:frend kQm/ Is your brother home? /5iVR:brQThUm/ /tj/t F/ didnt you /5didntFu/ wont you /5wntFu/ /dj/dV/ did you /didVu/ would


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