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1、Unit 22 Lesson 3 Natural Disaster灵宝二高 孙亚丽 Teaching Aims:1. To develop students knowledge of an earthquake.2. To master some new phrases and words.3. To develop students overall language ability through listening, speaking, reading and writing.4. To develop students moral qualities. Help the students

2、 to master the ways to protect themselves in the earthquake and the true love towards the people in trouble.Teaching main points the difficult points:1. Teach the students the way to read and get the information.2. Guide the students to use their own words to discuss and express their ideas.Teaching

3、 Principle: Students-centred teaching principle is applied.Teaching Methods: Comunicative language teaching methods.Teaching Aids: A multi-media computer.Teaching Procedures:Step1. Warming-up1.A daily report (One student read his article and ask other students some questions about his article)2.Back

4、ground music An English song “how is the weather?”Step2.Leading-in 1. Revision1.Ask the students two questions T: “ What is the weather like today?”S: “Its.”T: “ Is it a fine day?”S:” Yes, it is /No it isnt”.Encourage students to conclude “Sometimes bad weather causes natural disasters.”2.Reivision.

5、 Revise the names of natural disasters by playing a guessing game. Divide the students into two groups Boys pk girls. (some students describe something about a natural disaster using their own words. E.g. It will rain heavily. There is a strong wind. There is thunder and lightning .whats that? Can y

6、ou guess?)Ask five students to describe .and meanwhile one student of each group write down the names on the Blackboard)设计理念:这部分通过谈论日常天气来引出自然灾害,在前面一课已经学过表示自然灾害的名词,通过设计一个游戏环节来完成。把全班同学分成两组,男同学和女同学分为两队,各派出两位同学上来描述一个自然灾害,这一部分作为家庭作业提前让每个同学准备好。两组同学抢答。同时各派一名同学上来写出名称。这一环节其实还是一个生生互动的环节,这一部分也渗透了英语的听说写能力的训练)3L

7、eading-in Present a picture of the Wenchuan Earthquake1. Ask What natural disaster is it? When and Where did it happen? What did you do after the earthquake?设计理念:汶川地震学生都很熟悉,这一部分不是详细叙述,只是稍微带一些问题,为马上要进行的阅读部分做好准备工作,所以只是表面的问题,这些学生都能理解并解答,捐款捐物的表达方法在初一也已经学过,自己都亲身有过这样的行为,所以也比较容易让他们理解并且有话可说,因为相对来说,台湾地震对他门来说

8、是遥远了一点。)2Ask: If there is an earthquake when we are having lessons, what will you do ?Students discuss it in groups of 5 ( 3 minutes)3.Encourage the students to present their conclusions.设计理念:(这一部分的内容也不是很困难的,因为地震过后学校里组织过一些相关地震逃生知识的教育,学生也有话可说,这一环节也能够帮助学生更好地了解一些相关的地震逃生知识。)4. Question: How did Timmy su

9、rvive the earthquake? Discuss this question into groups.5. Present their conclusions.设计理念:(每天上新课前都要求学生做好预习工作,包括听录音,跟读,并自己划出一些生词以及重点。还要对全文进行中文的翻译。这样学生对于新授课文就不会感到陌生,或无从下手,通过预习,然后小组讨论,这一个任务也能够很好的完成。从前面的地震逃生知识过渡到这里也比较自然。从这里开始新授课的教学。还是鼓励学生自己探究学习,教师做好引导。对于这里出现的生词教师板书、领读、并用英文解释举例。从这一步骤开始正式导入阅读课文的教学)Step2 P

10、resentation1. Group work1)Divide the whole class into five groups. Each group prepare 2-3 questions about each passage .2)One student of each group ask some questions about their passage ,the members of other groups answer.设计理念:(这一部分通过把全班分成 5 组,每组对课文的一段内容准备一些阅读理解的问题,然后其他小组成员进行解答,教师根据实际情况进行引导和帮助,比如一些

11、生词的辅助解释以及发音等等。通过小组讨论来引导学生进行探究学习,对课文内容进行分析理解。同时还是渗透生生互动,师生互动)。2Present some important expressions on PPT.Explain and add one or two examples.e.g. I was doing some shopping when it started.I felt a slight shaking through my body.Look at each other in fear. 3. Listening and reading Read after the tape.

12、 Each sentence twice after the tape.Practise reading themselves.Ask students to read one passage by another .One pair each time.A reading competition . Boys pk girl “Lets see who can read better and more fluently?”设计理念:(最后听录音跟读,进一步理解课文,并纠正一些自己的发音。最后男女两大组竞赛 PK 的形式,看哪组完成的好,这主要是培养他们的一良好的英语朗读习惯,培养他们的朗读兴

13、趣,也能更好的活跃课堂的气氛。)Step3. Homework1.Ask the students to practise reading after class.2.Ask the students to finish off the exercise on P96-97 after class.3.Ask the students to work out an outline and try to prepare to retell the story next class.设计理念:(这里布置了一个准备复述的环节,基本上完第一课时以后我都要让学生准备一段复述,培养学生的英语思维和组织能力

14、,加深对阅读课文的理解。提高他们的口语表达能力。)Step4. Teaching conclusionWe all know that English is a foreign language, Its not easy for the Chinese students to learn it as easily as Chinese. Especially “Reading” is a little long for the students, So I try to make it interesting for the students to learn. But maybe most

15、 of the students can understand it well in two lessons, some students who are poor in English still need more practice and exercises to help them remember the language points more clearly. If I spend more time on “Reading”, Im sure the result will be better.教后反思:本文尽可能的创设不同的情境激发了学生的兴趣,让学生积极主动的参与到课堂教学中来,真正让学生成为课堂的主人,大量的通过小组学习,和生生互动来完成。教师借助 PPT 呈现并讲解重点句型。这样课堂气氛变得活跃起来,学生的听说读写都能得到训练。如果课后学生再认真完成课文复述的准备工作,做好巩固阅读和练习的话,效果会更好。


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