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1、武汉科技大学本科毕业设计I摘 要维生素 B2,又称核黄素。是人类和动物不可或缺的营养补充剂。它在制药工业、食品工业、饲料工业有着广泛的用途。本设计对年产 2000 吨维生素 B2工厂进行设计,主要包括工艺流程设计、设备计算与选型以及绘制相应的图纸。本设计中的核黄素发酵工艺以阿舒假囊酵母菌为菌种,糖蜜为原料,采用机械搅拌式发酵罐发酵。设计的主要内容包括原料的处理,无菌空气制备,种子扩大培养,发酵过程中温度、pH、培养基、溶氧量等各项参数的设计,以及产物的提取过程。其中发酵罐的设计采用了通气搅拌式发酵罐的设计理论,并根据核黄素的发酵特点,提出了依据产量来进行工艺参数计算的设计思路,即通过物料衡算、

2、热量衡算来对罐体各项参数和电机搅拌功率进行确定,最后得出每年 300 个工作日,以大约 150 h 为一个生产周期进行生产。发酵罐体积 100 m3,换热面积 40 m2,电机搅拌功率 180 kW。为了满足生产需求,需要 17 个发酵罐。关键词: 核黄素;维生素 b2;阿舒假囊酵母菌;发酵;发酵罐武汉科技大学本科毕业设计IIAbstractVitamin B2, also known as riboflavin. Is essential for human and animal nutrition supplements. It has a wide range of functions

3、in the pharmaceutical industry, food industry and feed industry. The design designs an annual output of 2,000 tons of vitamin B2 plant, including process design, equipment selection, as well as computation and rendering the corresponding drawings.The design of riboflavin fermentation processes utili

4、zed Achouri yeast Eremothecium as primary strains, molasses as raw material, the use of mechanical agitation type fermentor fermentation. And mechanically stirred tank as bioreactor. The main content consists of raw potato disposing, axenic air preparation, strains expansile breeding, and the temper

5、ature, pH, medium, dissolved oxygen and other parameters controlled in the process of fermentation, as well as product extraction. The ventilation-stir fermentation tank theory are adopted by us, accord to the fermentation characteristics of riboflavin acid, to put forward a design for calculating t

6、he design parameters based on the yield of the product. Thats to say, to determine electrical parameters and the stirring power via the material balance and energy balance. The result is that for an annual 300 working days and about 70 hours one cycle of production. The fermenter volume is 100 m3, h

7、eat transfer area is 40 m2, the electrical power stirring is 180 kW. 17 fermenters are needed for routine production.Key words: Riboflavin; Vitamin B2; Achouri yeast Eremothecium; Fermentation; Fermenter武汉科技大学本科毕业设计III目 录摘 要 .I1 文献综述 .11.1 维生素 B2 简介 .11.1.1 维生素 B2 的发现 .11.1.2 核黄素的结构特点 .11.1.3 核黄素的理化

8、性质 .11.1.4 核黄素的功能和用途 .21.1.5 核黄素的生产现状 .21.2 核黄素的生产方法 .21.2.1 抽取法 .21.2.2 化学合成法 .21.2.3 微生物发酵法 .31.2.4 半微生物发酵半化学合成法 .41.3 目前国内外核黄素生物合成的研究进展 .41.3.1 菌种选育 .41.3.2 核黄素发酵条件的优化 .51.4 本课题研究内容 .62 核黄素的发酵生产工艺设计 .72.1 核黄素发酵的培养基 .72.2 种子扩大培养 .72.2.1 试管斜面固体菌种的表面培养 .82.2.2 三角瓶固体表面培养 .82.2.3 种子罐种子的培养 .82.3 无菌空气制备 .82.4 发酵过程的技术控制 .92.



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