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1、 120 9 - 400 9 currency1“ fifl ” 120 41-45 41.0n the rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpture wasdesired Americans turned to foreign sculptors as in the 1770swhen the cities of New York and Charleston, SouthCarolina commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to makemarble statues of William Pitt.

2、( Americans turned to foreignsculptors; when occasion when 1770swhen ;as(in the 1770s) ) ” 1770 夫威 制造威廉皮特 石 样 求 于外 1 0n the rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpturewas desired2 Americans turned to foreign sculptors3 as in the 1770s when the cities of New York andCharleston, South Carolina commis

3、sioned the EnglishmanJoseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pitt.2 1 2 3 2 1 2嵌套2 3并列42.Add to this the timidity with which unschooledartisansoriginally trained as stonemasons carpenters orcabinetmakers-attacked the medium from which they were tomake their images and one understands more fu

4、lly thedevelopment of sculpture made in the United States in the lateeighteenth century.(add to this the timidity =add the timidity tothis祈使 相 于条 if one adds to this the timidity )再加上没有受过校 艺 他们最初 被训练石匠、木匠或 具木工 待他们”制作成 媒介物 胆怯 使 更充 地 18世纪晚期 艺术 发展1 Add to this the timidity2 with which unschooled artisa

5、nsoriginally trained asstonemasons carpenters or cabinetmakers-attacked themedium3 from which they were to make their images4 and one understands more fully the development ofsculpture made in the United States in the late eighteenthcentury.4 1、2、3 4 条 证据 把些合currency1 你 会明白 2修饰timidity 虽然 度最 信息最多 但仍

6、然只 话最终论 支撑3 修饰medium 1 2嵌套2 3嵌套123 4嵌套43.Instead of trying to keep down the body temperaturedeep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure ofwater and energy desert mammals allow their temperatures torise to what would normally be fever height and temperaturesas high as 46 degrees Celsius

7、 have been measured in Grantsgazelles.(what 作rise to 宾 )沙漠哺乳动物并不图将体温控制得很低 因么做将会涉及水量 消耗 而 允许体温上升到常 高烧 温度有 格兰特羚羊身上曾测到高达46 度 体温1 Instead of trying to keep down the body temperaturedeep inside the body2 which would involve the expenditure of water andenergy3 desert mammals allow their temperatures to ri

8、se to4 what would normally be fever height5 and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius havebeen measured in Grants gazelles.3、5 2 1 4 3 宾 1 2嵌套1、2 3嵌套3 4嵌套3、4 5并列44.Rent control is the system whereby the local governmenttells building owners how much they can charge their tenants inrent.(whereby

9、=by which )制 他们 多 1 Rent control is the system2 whereby the local government tells building owners3 how much they can charge their tenants in rent.1 2 1 whereby相 于 们 by which3 2 宾 修饰tell 宾 (因tell有 宾 )1 2嵌套2 3嵌套45.They were spurred by the inflation of the1970s which combined with Californias rapid po

10、pulationgrowth pushed housing prices as well as rents, to recordlevels.(which )们受到20世纪70 加 currency1“ 合 currency1 将 到纪fi 水1 They were spurred by the inflation of the 1970s2 which combined with Californias rapid populationgrowth3 pushed housing prices as well as rents, to recordlevels1 2 1 修饰inflation3fl样 1 仍然 上 which1 2、3嵌套2 3并列上 期 120 (9) 外” fifl 不 升” 最 得 成


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