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1、Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!金所中学 彭瑞第 1 课时 sectionA 1a-2c学习目标:1 词汇:掌握词汇表中黑体词及重点短语2 语法:a:掌握 if 引导条件状语从句的考点:时态规则主将从现b:if 与引导宾语从句的区别教学重点:1.If 引导条件状语从句,时态规则主将从现;When(当时)as soon as(一就)引导时间状语从句用法同2.If 引导宾语从句 “是否” ,视具体情况选择时态;When 引导宾语从句“何时 ”,视具体情况选择时态。学法指导:1 词汇:自主拼读-跟读- 识记2. 语法:联系前

2、一单元宾语从句知识,区别记忆状语从句的知识;通过专项训练习题学习流程自主学习:(在 P34-35 找出下列词组)1.去参加聚会 2.过得愉快 3.呆在家里4.穿牛仔裤参加聚会 5.乘公共汽车参加聚会 6.玩聚会游戏7.为考试而学习 8.让某人进去 9.帮我组织晚会10.看录像 11.一半的学生 12.在聚会上自我评价:合作探究:1. 1)If you stay at home,you will be sorry. 2)If you dont take a bus,you will be later.聪明的你,发现“If”引导条件句的规律了吗?2. half the class 一半的学生, “

3、class”在此表示 “全班人” 。作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。eg : If you study hard, you can pass the exam. 译_小组讨论,总结 if 引导状语从句的用法并根据汉语提示完成句子:1.时态特征:主句用_时态,从句用_时态。2句子位置:从句可以放在主句前,也可以放在主句后。如果放在主句之前,从句要用_号与主句分开。完成下列句子:1 如果你不为考试做准备,你就会不及格。_you _ _ for the exam, you _ _the exam.22.如果你没完成作业,老师会生气的。_you _ _ _ homework,your teacher _

4、 _ _.知识链接:句型转换。1.Get up early, or(否则) youll be late for the meeting. ( 同义句)_you_ _ _ early, youll be late for the meeting.2 . If we have the party today, half the class wont come.(提问)_ _ _ if we have the party today?3. You ride your bike. You are late. (用 if 连成一句)You_ _ late _ you ride your bike.4.

5、You cant bring your friends to the party .( 改祈使句)_ _ your friends to the party.5. We will go to the party. We will have a great time. (改条件句)_ _ _ _ _ _, well have a great time.中考链接:( ) 1.If you show your ticket, Ill let you _.A. in B. to C to go in D going in( ) 2. If the phone _, can you answer it

6、?A. rings B is ringing C rang D will ring( ) 3. March is a good time_ China.A. visit B. visits C. to visit D. visiting ( ) 4. I dont know if he_ tomorrow. If he _, Ill meet him.A will come, comes B. comes, comes C. will come, will come D. comes, will come( )5、 If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow,

7、 _.A. he will, too B. he wont, either C. he does, too D. he doesnt, either4.如果这样的话,你会玩的很开心。_ you do, you_ _ _ _ _.5.如果他们今天举行聚会的话,会发生什么?_6.你们打算在聚会上看录像吗?_7. You ride your bike. You are late.(用 if 连成一句)8. Hurry up, or you will be late for class._ you _ hurry up, you will be late for class.( ) If you do

8、nt go to the meeting tomorrow, _.A. he will, too B. he wont, either C. he does, too D. he doesnt, either学后反思3第 2 课时 sectionA 3a-4学习目标:1 词汇:掌握词汇表中黑体词及重点短语2 语法:a:掌握 if 引导条件状语从句的考点:时态规则主将从现b:完成 3a,努力背会教学重点:1、If 引导条件状语从句,时态规则主将从现;When(当时)as soon as(一就)引导时间状语从句用法同2、If 引导宾语从句 “是否” ,视具体情况选择时态;When 引导宾语从句“何

9、时 ”,视具体情况选择时态。学法指导:1 词汇:自主拼读-跟读- 识记2. 语法:联系前一单元宾语从句知识,区别记忆状语从句的知识。学习流程:自主学习:(在 P36 找出下列词组)1. 年终晚会 2. 学校晚会的规则 3. 拿走 4. 带别的学校的朋友来 5. 请某人离开 6. 参观敬老院 7. 学校大扫除自我评价:合作探究:1. 表示提建议的句型:Why not do sth. ?=?2. ask sb to do sth. 否定形式: _类似的短语:tell sb. to do sth. 否定形式:_3. let sb. do sth. 否定形式:_知识链接:1、 用所给词的适当形式填空:

10、1. Please ask the children_ (not play) in the street.2. Can you help me _ (feed) my dog while Im away ?3. Please remember _ (close) the door when you lesve.4. If he _ (not come) to see me tomorrow, Ill be sorry.5. She often goes to the _(child) hospital.42、汉译英:1.我想让你记住学校聚会的规则。 2.晚会期间不要离开体育馆。3.如果你没有身

11、份证,老师不会让你进去。4.如果你带食物到晚会上来,老师会把它拿走。句型转换:1. You mustnt listen to music in class._ _ to music in class.2. Study hard, and youll get good grades._ you study hard, _ get good grades.( ) There is going to _ a sports meeting next week. If it _ ,well cancel(取消)it.A. be, will rain B. have, will rain C. be, r

12、ains小结:第 3 课时 sectionB1a-2c1 词汇:掌握词汇表中黑体词及重点短语2 语法:掌握 if 引导条件状语从句的考点:时态规则 主将从现教学重点:1.If 引导条件状语从句,时态规则主将从现;When(当时)as soon as(一就)引导时间状语从句用法同2.If 引导宾语从句 “是否” ,视具体情况选择时态;When 引导宾语从句“何时 ”,视具体情况选择时态。学法指导:1 词汇:自主拼读-跟读- 识记2. 语法:联系前一单元宾语从句知识,区别记忆状语从句的知识。5学习流程:自主学习:(在 P37 找出下列词组)1. 上大学 2. 周游世界 3. 挣许多钱4. 受教育

13、5.因而著名 6.加入狮子队7.工作确实努力 8.成为一名出色的足球运动员9. 成为一名职业篮球运动员 10. 高兴,快乐自我评价: 合作探究:你知道 join 与 take part in 的区别吗?知识链接:1.My dream is to _ _ _ (上大学).2.Everyone should_ _ _ (受教育).3.China is _ _ (因而著名) the Great Wall.4. Lu Xun is famous _ a writer.(for/as).5. You cant leave during the party._6. If I am free this afternoon, Ill clean the sittin


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