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1、【看电影学雅思】 肖申克的救赎解析超详细学习笔记这个故事发生在 1947 年,银行家安迪(在屏幕左边的那位帅哥)被指控枪杀了妻子及其情人, 安迪被判无期徒刑,这意味着他将在肖恩克监狱中渡过余生。瑞德(屏幕右边的那位帅哥)1927 年因谋杀罪被判无期徙刑,数次假释都未获成功。他成为了肖恩克监狱中的“权威人物” ,只要你付得起钱,他几乎有办法搞到任何你想要的东西。以上对白发生在Andy 刚入狱不久,而结尾处的 Get busy living. or get busy dying (忙着活,忙着死)这两种生活态度也引发了观影者们无限地深思。 此段对话发生在 Andy 越狱之前.肖申克的救赎电影经典对

2、白解析:(红色划线词语 or 句子会有 B 老师的详细解析哦!)Andy: No. I didnt. Somebody else did, and I wound up in here. Bad luck, I guess.安迪:是的,我没有开枪。别人开的枪,可结果是我进了监狱。我想可能是运气太差了吧。Red: Yeah.瑞德:是啊。Andy: It floats around. Has to land on somebody. It was my turn, thats as I was in the path of the tornado. I didnt expect the storm

3、 would last as long as it has. You think you II ever get out of here?安迪:那晦气到处闲逛,总会落到某人的头上。结果那个人是我,就这样。我在这旋涡的中心,只是没有想到倒霉会持续这么长时间。你有没有想过离开这里的?Red: Me? Yeah. One day when I got a long, white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs. They II let me out.瑞德:我?有啊,当我老得满脸胡须、脑子不正常的时候,他们就该让我出去了。A

4、ndy: Tell you where ld go. Zihuatanejo.安迪:告诉你我如果出去会去哪里,芝华塔尼欧。Red: Zihua.?瑞德:芝什么 t?Andy: Zihuatanejo. lts in Mexico. A little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory. Thats where t want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no m

5、emory. Op8n up a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up new. Take my guests out charter fishing.安迪:芝华塔尼欧。在墨西哥。太平洋上的一个小地方。你知道墨西哥人怎么说太平洋吗他们说那是没有记忆的海洋。我要在那里度过余生。没有回忆的温暖所在。在海边开个小旅馆,买条破船整饬一新。载客出海,包船海钓。Red : Zihuatanejo ?瑞德:芝华塔尼欧?Andy: in a place like that, i could use

6、a man that knows how to get things.安迪:你在这种地方也大有可为,因为你有办法搞到各种玩意儿。Red: I dont think I could make it on the outside, Andy. lve been in here most of my life. lm an institutional man now. Just like Brooks was.瑞德:我在外头吃不开了。我一生大部分时间都耗在这儿了。我现在也被体制化了,跟老布一样。 (老布是曾经监狱图书管理员)Andy: Well, you underestimate yourself

7、.安迪:别小看自己。Red: I dont think so. In here lm the guy who can get things for Vou, sure but outside all you need is the Yellow Pages. Hell, I wouldnt even know where to begin. Pacific Ocean? Shit! About to scare me to death, somethin that big.瑞德:我不这么看。我在牢里对你有求必应,但是一岁入社会你想要什么查查电话号码簿就行了。其实我连查都不会啊,太平洋?放屁。那

8、么大个玩意儿得把我吓个半死。Andy: Not me. I didnt shoot my wife and I didnt shoot her lover, and whatever mistakes I made lve paid for them and then some. That hotel, that boat. I don t think thats too much to ask.安迪:我可不。我没有杀死我老婆和她的情夫,即使我犯了铡已经偿清了。一间旅馆,一叶扁舟,这一点儿也不过分。Red: I dont think you oughto be doing this to yo

9、urself, Andy This is shitty pipe dreams! I mean Mexicos in the way the hell down there, and youre in hera, and thats the way it is!瑞德:你不该这么妄想。这完全是痴人说梦。墨西哥和这里天地北,就这么简单。Andy: Yeah, right. Thats the way it is. lts down there, and lm in here. I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy li

10、ving. or get busy dying安迪:话是如此,天南地北。说到底就是个二选一的问题。要忙于生存,要么赶着去死。 点课台名师解析: tornado龙卷风。这里表示“事情的旋涡” 。与这个词一类的词汇有以下几个:whirlwind 旋风hurricane 飓风typhoon 台风大家不妨把这一组词放在一起比较记忆。 two or three marbles rolling around upstairs意思是 go crazy in brain/head。英文中有个短语 lose ones marbles,意思就是 go crazy in brain/head。Red 这里说 two

11、 or three marbles rolling around upstairs是活用了 lose ones marbles 这个短语。 charter“包租”的意思,既可以做动词,也可以做名词。租船,包机,包车,都可以用这个词。如:charter flights 包机a chartered boat 一条租来的船 Yellow Pagesa volume or section of a telephone directory that lists business services, or products alphabetically according to field. 黄页(电话)

12、查号簿(美国按行业、职业分类的部分常用黄色纸。 ) scare me to death“吓得要命”的意思,和中文的表达是不是很相似?动词的过去分词+to death 表示“非常,要命” ,例如:I was worried to death. 我担心得要死。I was scared to death. 我吓得要死。I was bored to death. 无聊死了。 pipe dream非常口语化的表达,意思是:(鸦片鬼的)幻想,白日做梦,想入非非的计划。pipe 有一个意思是“烟斗” ,在这个词组里引申为“鸦片”或者“毒品” ,这种表达很形象。比如我们可以说 Stop dreaming that pipe dream that you will become a millionaire someday without hard work!(别成天幻想着不费劲将来就能成为百万富翁!)



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