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1、船舶主机遥控试验程序 ME Remote Control System Test 1主机控制位置转换试验ME Change-over of Control Position 在主机停车的情况下,按下列顺序转换主机控制位置试验: When ME in stopping, change-over control position according to the following: 机旁 集控室 驾驶室 集控室 机旁 E/S ECR W/H ECR E/S 检查转换过程中各控制位置显示和报警的正确性。 Check the correctness of indication and alarm o

2、f each control position. 2主机遥控系统试验(分别在集控室和驾驶室进行) Remote Control System Test (in ECR and W/H respectively) 2.1起动和停车试验 Starting and Stopping ME 在主机停车的情况下,按正车慢速 停车 倒车慢速 停车的顺序分别用慢转方式和正常方式起动主机。检查遥控起动和停车的功能。 When M/E in stopping, Start ME by means of slowing turning and normal starting respectively in seq

3、uence of ahead slow stop astern slow stop. 2.2遥控倒车试验 Remote Astern ME 在主机慢速运转的情况下,进行正常倒车和应急倒车试验。 ME in slow turning, carry out normal astern and crash astern test. 2.3起动连锁报警试验 Starting Interlock 模拟下述情况工况,检查起动连锁故障报警: Mimic the following condition and check starting interlock alarm A)盘车机啮合Turning gear

4、 engaged B)切断燃油供给Fuel oil cut off C)应急停车按钮动作(包括主滑油压力过低)Emergency stopping on( including main L.O. pressure low) D)起动空气不正常Starting air pressure abnormal E)辅助鼓风机不运行Auxiliary blower not in running 2.4 三次起动失败报警试验Thrice Starting Failure 按下列步骤进行三次起动失败试验: Carry out thrice starting failure test according to

5、 the following steps: A)备车;ME is stand-by B)切断进主机的空气;Load limit due to the scavenging air pressure for governor is cancelled. Cut off air inlet ME. C)车钟手柄从停车位置到正车微速.向主机送起动空气,主机应自动起动三次失败并报警. Turn telegraph handle from stop to ahead dead slow, supply air to ME, ME should starting thrice automatically

6、and failure alarm is given. 2.5起动失败报警试验 Starting Impossible 3主机安全系统试验ME Safety System 3.1手动应急停车试验Manual Emergency Stop 在主机正车慢速运转的工况下,分别在机旁、集控室和驾驶室按下应急停车按钮,检查主机应急停车功能及报警。 When ME in ahead slow condition, push emergency stop button respectively by E/S ,in ECR and W/H, check the emergency stop and alar

7、m. 3.2主机停车试验Automatic Emergency Shut Down 如果发生下述情况,主机停车: ME automatically shut down if anyone of the following occurs: A)主轴承滑油进口压力0.110.01MPa;Main L.O. inlet pressure low B)增压器滑油进口低压:0.110.01MPa;T/C L.O. inlet pressure low C)推力轴承块高温: 902 Thrust bearing segment temperature high D)主机超速: 99rpm ME over

8、speed 3.3主机降速试验ME Automatically Slow Down (1) 主机缸套冷却水低压: 0.30.01MPa M/E jacket C.W. inlet press. Low (2) 主 机 滑 油 进 口 低压: 0.130.01MPa M/E lub. oil inl. press. low (3) 活塞冷却油出口断流: M/E cyl. 16 piston cooling oil out. flow low (4) 涡轮增压器滑油进口低压: 0.100.01MPa M/E T/C oil out. temp. high (5) 推力轴承块高温: 802 M/E

9、thrust pad temp high (6) 主滑油进口温度高: 602 M/E lub. oil inlet temp. high (7) 各缸活塞冷却油出口温度高752 M/E cyl. 16 piston cooling oil out. Temp. high (8) 各缸气缸冷却水出口高温: 952 M/E cyl. 16 cooling C.W. outlet temp. high (9) 各缸扫气箱火灾: 1202 M/E cyl. 16 scavenge air fire detection. high (10) 各缸排气出口温度高: 45030 M/E exhaust ga

10、s before T/C temp. high (11) 各缸排气平均温度偏差大60:M/E cyl. 16 exhaust gas dev. temp. high (12) 气缸注油器故障; M/E cylinder lubricator failure (13) 曲柄箱油雾浓度高。 M/E oil mist in crankcase density high 4主机车钟功能试验Telegraph 分别在驾驶室和集控室操纵车钟,观察各控制位置车钟指示和报警情况。检查车钟错向报警功能。检查驾驶室车钟打印机工作情况。 Operate telegraph in W/H and ECR respec

11、tively, observe telegraph indication and alarm of each location. Check wrong way alarm. Check telegraph printer in W/H. 5.主机调速器报警试验Governor Alarm 模拟主机调速器的下述报警: Mimic ME governor alarms of the following: A) 转速传感器故障 revolution sensor failure B) 执行器故障 actuator failure C) 综合报警 common alarm D) 电源故障报警 power failure 6.主机转速表效用试验Efficiency Test for ME RPM Indicator


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