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1、 12014 年寒假杨老师英语课堂第 9 讲:Unit3Could you please clean your room?(SectionB)【考纲要求】重点单词:rubbish, fold, sweep, floor, mess, throw, neither, shirt, pass, borrow, lend, finger, hate, while, stress, provide, waste, anyway, depend, develop, fairness, since, neighbor, ill, drop, fair重点短语:take out the rubbish 倒垃

2、圾 do the dishes 洗碗 make the bed 铺床 have to 必须 ,at least 至少,come over 过来, all the time 频繁,反复 as-as 和-一样, in surprise 惊奇的, finish doing 做完, have a test 测验,in order to 目的是,为了 depend on 依靠,信赖 ,take care of 照料,爱护,as a result 结果重点句型:(1)Could you please do-? Yes, I can,/ No, I cant. (2) No problem.(3)What

3、do you want me to do? (4)Sb. be as +adj.+as sb. (5)Its+n.+to do-(6)Sb. dont have time to do. (7)I dont mind doing- (8) the+比较级+- ,the+ 比较级+-重点语法:情态动词 could 的用法。【教学重难点】1.make sb. do sth. 使/让某人做某事Let sb.do sth.2.mind doing Eg. Would you mind opening the window?3. Depend on+doing “取决于-,依-而定”4.in order

4、to 目的是,为了。用于简单句中,做目的状语。In order that 引导一个目的状语从句,用于复合句中。5. The+比较级-,the+比较级-“越- ,就越-”前半句表示条件,后半句表示结果。Eg. The harder you work, the better you will get.6. Fair (adj.) 合理的,适当的。其反义词为 unfair 不公平的 ;fairness(n.)公平It is fair to say that-说句公道话- ;说-才是公平的7. Should 为 shall 的过去式,用作情态动词,意为 “应该”表示义务、责任、或表示建议、劝说。 2E

5、g. You should get up earlier. 你应该起的早点。Should not= shouldnt8.leave “离开”是非延续性动词,后面不跟表示一段时间的状语。Leave 意为 “留下,忘带 ”,后跟表示遗忘的地点;Forget 后不跟地点。9.provide sth for sb=provide sb.with sth.为某人提供某物I tried to find a job in order to provide clothes and food for my family.我努力的找工作是为了供应我的家人衣食。Provide for sb.“赡养某人” , pro

6、vide for sth.为某事做好准备;10.anyway (adv.)而且,加之Eg. I dont want to see the film and anyway I havent got any money.我不想看那部电影,再说我也没钱。11.develop (v.)-development (n.)12.Neighbor (n.)可数名词, neighboring (adj.)邻近的附近的; neighborhood (n.)街区,城区13.Drop (v.)落下,掉下。表示无意“掉下, ”或故意“扔下”某一物体(n.) “水珠,滴”14.Drop in 顺便来访; drop ou

7、t 退学15. (1)Drop 和 fall 都可表示物体“落下,降落,降下” ,作不及物动词,一般可互换。Drop 还可作及物动词, fall 则不能。Eg. The temperature can fall/ drop below zero in the night.(2)drop 侧重于地心引力或没有把住或握住等原因而 “落下,使下落”The plate dropped from her hands.(3)fall 侧重由于重力作用或失去平衡而跌倒。He fell off his bike and hurt his leg.【重难点命题方向】礼貌委婉的 could, 利用 Could y

8、ou please do-?礼貌的提出请求或请求允许做某事及其相应的答语, 3中考中必考。【基础限时训练】 I. 完成单词。1.Playing computer games is a w_of time.2.people nowadays are having more s_from families and our societies.3. They didnt do that before, and a_,they were young.4. Doing more exercise can d_our health.5. We all should obey the rules. Afte

9、r all, all of us need f_.6. Its _(公平)to give an apple to each.7. These parents_(不应该)leave children by themselves when they go out to work.II. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Could you teach me how_(make) delicious food?2. _(sleep) early and_(get) up early is good for your health.3. Would you mind my_(sit) here?4. Mis

10、s li makes us_(read) more English to practice it.5. Its easy to get _(ill) if you have a bad style of life.III.单选。1. -Did he _his keys at home?-Yes,so he couldnt open the door.A leave B forgot C take D make2. Its _for us to have chance to go abroad every year. No one disgrees with it.A fair B unfair

11、 C fairness D unfairness3._the floor every day is not difficult, I think.A Sweep B Swept C Sweeps D Sweeping4. Its late. You _go back home, or your parents will worry about you.A cant B could C may D should 45. Doing housework helps to develop our_.A independence B independent C dependence D depende

12、nt6. -Could you tell me_?-At nine, in ten minutes.A how will he leave B when he left C why he is leaving D when he will leave.【拔高限时训练】IV.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The doctor made the sick girl_in bed to have a rest.2. They plant many trees every year _make the city more beautiful.3. No one is God. You must_you

13、rself.4. The girl hates doing exercises,_ , she is heavier and heavier.5. Would you mind _the radio? Its too noisy.V.句 型 转换。1. He does morning exercises every morning in order that he can keep healthy.(简单句)He does morning exercises every morning_ _ _keep healthy.2. You can provide her paper and a pen.(同一句)You can _paper and a pen_her.3. To do so much housework is not easy for our parents.(改为 it 作形式主语的句子)_ _ _ _our parents _do so much housework.4.The children dont know how they should take care of themselves.(简单句)5. The children dont know_ _ _care of themselves.【杨老师



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