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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:娱乐英语 傲慢与偏见与僵尸 电影混搭新潮流As a fan of both Downton Abbey (2010-2015) and The Walking Dead (since 2010), you can imagine how excited I was when I heard about a film named Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. After all, what could be more entertaining than watching the orderly w

2、orld of the British gentry get thrown into chaos by a bunch of filthy, undead villains?作为唐顿庄园和行尸走肉的铁粉,你应该可以想象当我听说傲慢与偏见与僵尸这部电影的名字时有多么兴奋。毕竟还有什么比看着英国贵族井井有条的生活被一群肮脏不堪的不死恶魔搅得一团糟更有意思呢?The film begins just as Jane Austens 1813 novel does: Mrs Bennet fervently informs her five daughters of the news that the

3、 rich and eligible Mr Bingley has moved to the neighborhood. But you immediately know youre not in the same world imagined by Austen. Rather than sewing or drawing, the girls are busy polishing their guns and swords. They are all trained to combat the zombie plague that has surrounded London.电影开篇和简奥

4、斯汀 1813 年的那本小说如出一辙:英俊多金的宾利先生搬到了附近,班纳特太太激动地把这个消息告诉了自己的 5 个女儿。但你马上会意识到这与奥斯汀笔下的世界并不一样。姑娘们可不是在写诗作画做女红,而是在舞刀弄枪。她们正在严格训练,准备与在伦敦爆发的僵尸瘟疫奋战到底。The romance between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy is as tense as it is in the novel, but the film takes their war of wills a bit further. Moments that used to be fille

5、d with witty and wounding banter are replaced with scenes of actual punching, kicking and sword fighting.伊丽莎白班纳特与达西先生之间的浪漫爱情如小说中一样跌宕起伏,但电影更深入地刻画了两人情感上纠葛。小说中那些谈笑风生的片段都被电影中真枪实弹的扭打,剑斗镜头所代替。This is probably why the film received a lot of attention, particularly in the wake of its US premiere in February

6、.这可能是这部电影大受关注的原因,尤其是二月份在美国上映之后被热捧。“Its an Austen adaptation thats even more fearlessly feminist than Jane was”, wrote Alynda Wheat, senior writer at People Magazine. “Ladies are valued more for their ability to take a head shot at 20 paces than for their skills on the pianoforte.”人物杂志资深作家艾琳达惠特这样评论道,

7、“这是一部由奥斯汀的小说改编而成的电影,但它比原著更加大胆地宣扬了女权主义。比起弹钢琴的技巧,姑娘们更重视 20步以内对僵尸爆头的能力。”But after the initial novelty wears off, the film starts to get a little boring. The zombie part isnt nearly as exciting as whats offered by the hit TV series The Walking Dead, and the romance is also undermined by the bloody theme

8、. American Seth Grahame-Smith, a zealous fan-fiction writer, wrote the 2009 best-seller that inspired the film, and he was careful to retain the charms of Austens classic novel. His previous works also include Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, another book that failed to translate well on-screen. Per

9、haps the film industry is not yet ready for this kind of crossover genre.但当起初的新鲜感逐渐消退,这部电影开始变得有点无聊了。僵尸的情节不如热门美剧行尸走肉惊险刺激,而爱情故事又被恐怖血腥的主题所掩盖。本片灵感来源于美国知名同人作家赛斯葛雷恩史密斯于 2009 年创作的畅销书,他在该书中尽力保留了奥斯汀经典小说的原汁原味。他还创作过小说吸血鬼猎人林肯,不过这部小说改编的电影也不太成功。或许现今的电影业还没做好准备迎接这类跨题材作品。“The idea to simply add zombies to the Jane A

10、usten classic is a winning concept . but director Burr Steers couldnt seem to find the sweet spot between the original and the re-imagining to make the big screen rendition work as well as it could have,” wrote Perri Nemiroff, editor of movie news website Collider.电影新闻网站对撞机编辑佩里雷米诺夫写道:“简单地把僵尸元素加入简 奥斯

11、汀的名著中不失为一个成功的卖点但导演布尔 斯蒂尔斯似乎没能在经典与重塑之间寻得最佳平衡点,所以大银幕作品并未取得应有的成功。”That said, this kind of mash-up is still an appealing idea, particularly for young science fiction fans. Perhaps, before long, well be expecting similar productions such as something like “The Old Man and the Sea and Godzilla”, “Oliver Twist in Hogwarts”, and “A Tale of Two CitiesZootopia and Transylvania”.即便如此,这种混搭电影仍然是一个吸引人的卖点,尤其是对年轻的科幻小说迷来说。我们或许可以期待一下不久后类似的作品,例如老人与海与哥斯拉,霍格沃茨的雾都孤儿,以及双城记疯狂动物城与精灵旅社。



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