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1、1大学英语四级高频词考前突破【四级词汇】历年考频大于 10(第 1期) consider k nsid v认为;考虑;关心 【考频:18】We consider that you are not to blame. 我们认为不该责怪你。 involve inv lv vt使卷入,使参与;包含,牵涉 【考频:18】Over the years, I have gotten more involved in the planning of the action and stunts on my American movies and that makes me happy. 多年来,我更多的参与美

2、国电影中的动作与特技设计,这让我感到很愉快。 tend tend vi倾向,趋向 vt照管,护理 【考频:18】So many young peoplemale and female aliketend to overemphasize physical attributes. 很多年轻人男人也好,女人也罢都过分重视外表。 include inklu:d vt包括,包含 【考频:16】Americas working mothers say their ideal situation would include a part-time job, rather than working full

3、 time or staying at home. 美国上班妈妈们认为最理想的职业选择是兼职,而不是全职工作或做全职妈妈。 information .inf mein n情报,信息;通知 【考频:14】 For further information, please write to me. 欲知详情,请写信给我。 issue iju: n问题,争论点 v颁布,出版;分发,发给;流出,发出 【考频:14】Whats at issue here is the whole future of the industry. 争论的焦点是这个行业的总的前景。 offer :f vt/n 提供;提议,出价

4、 【 考频:14】Television has begun to offer selected programmes from some foreign countries【四级词汇】历年考频大于 10(第 2期) requirer rikwai vt需要;要求,规定【考频:14】2The work isnt up to the standard I require.这工作没有达到我所坚持要达到的标准。 result rizlt vi导致;起因于 【考频:14】The traffic was very heavy and as a result I arrived late. 交通非常拥挤,结

5、果我迟到了。 view vju: n眼界;风景;(常 pl.)看法,想法 vt看待;观察【考频:14】The house has a view over the sea. 这座房子面向大海视野开阔。 include inklu:d vt包括,包含 【考频:16】Americas working mothers say their ideal situation would include a part-time job, rather than working full time or staying at home. 美国上班妈妈们认为最理想的职业选择是兼职,而不是全职工作或做全职妈妈。 l

6、evel levl n水平面,水平线;水平,等级 a. 平的,水平的 v. (使)变平坦【考频:13】 Tuesday, five days ahead of schedule.本周二,三峡水库蓄水位到达 135米高程,提前 5天到达预定储水目标。 condition kndin n状况,状态;环境,形势;条件,前提 vt训练,适应 【考频:12】The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been identified.尽管某些可导致癌症的条件已被发现,但根本原因

7、还不清楚。 earn :n vt赚得 ,挣得,获得【考频:11】Clinton lost the public trust as a person but earned it as a president.作为个人,克林顿失去了公众的信任,但作为一个总统,他却赢得了他们的信赖。 likely laikli a可能的,有希望的 ad.可能【考频:11】He says he just forgot about ita likely story! 他说他仅仅是忘了像煞有介事!【四级词汇】历年考频大于 10(第 3期) process pr ses n进程,过程;工序序,手续 vt. 加工,处理【考频

8、:311】Throughout the process of reform and opening, we must combat corruption. 在整个改革开放过程中我们都要反对腐败。 raise reiz vt筹集,征集;引起;养育,饲养;提出 n./vt. (工资、薪金的)提升,增加【考频:11】The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians.是否用增加税收的方法来减少预算赤字的问题对于许多政客来说是一个棘手

9、的问题。 rate reit n眼界;风景;(常 pl.)看法,想法 n(比)率;速度,进度;价格,费用【考频:11】Divorce rate is going up year by year as a result of the involvement of the other men or women.由于第三者插足,离婚率逐年上升。 access kses n接近(的机会),进入;入口 vt. 存取(计算机文件) 【考频:10】Everyone should have access to education.每个人都有受教育的权力。 account kaunt n账(目),账户;叙述,说

10、明 vi. 说明(原因等);(数量、比例方面)占 【考频:10】 Tuesday, five days ahead of schedule.本周二,三峡水库蓄水位到达 135米高程,提前 5天到达预定储水目标。 claim kleim n./vt.声称,断言;索赔;索取【考频:10】The governments claim that war was necessary was clearly mistaken. 政府声称战争是必然的,这说法显然是错误的。 control kntrul vt./n控制(能力); 控制装置;克制,抑制,自制【考频:10】The fire was soon und

11、er control.火势很快被控制住了。【四级词汇】历年考频大于 10(第 4期) decline diklain vi./n下降,减少,衰退 v. 婉拒,谢绝 【考频:10】The standard of education has declined in this country. 该国的教育水准已下降了。 focus fuks v(使)集中,聚焦 n. 焦点,焦距;(注意、活动等的)4中心 【考频:10】Please focus your mind on the following problem.请集中考虑以下问题。 lack lk v./n缺乏,没有 【考频:10】Their ac

12、tions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another. 他们言行不一,说的是一回事,做的又是另一回事。 promote prmut v促进,发扬,增进;提升,提拔 ;宣传,推销(商品等) 【考频:10】The football team was promoted to the first division.该足球队已晋升为甲级队。 situation ,sitjuein n环境,形势,状况;位置,地点 【考频:10】 We hope the situation in Iraq can resume stability as soon

13、 as possible, and its people can enjoy peaceful lives.我们希望伊拉克局势能尽快稳定,人民能够过上安定生活。 ability biliti n.能力,本领;才能,才智 【考频:9】Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence.教育就是要使人具备一种能力,可以听到任何话都不动怒或丧失自信。 avoid vid vt.避免,避开,预防 【考频: 9】In international matche

14、s,prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid being beaten.在国际比赛中,名次是很重要的,因此应当首先保证不输。【四级词汇】历年考频大于 9(第 5期) communication k,mju:nikein n 交流,交通;通讯;通信工具 【考频:9】To be a player in information and communications technologies, you must be able to make quick decisions.若想在信息和通信技术领域里游刃

15、有余,你必须有快速决策能力。 credit kredit n信用,信誉;信贷;贷方 vt. 信任;把记入贷方 【考频:9】5Dont place credit in idle rumours.不要相信无聊的谣言。 demand dim:nd vt要求;急需;查问,询问 n. 要求;需要,需求(量) 【考频:9】Air-conditioners are in demand during hot summers.在炎热的夏天空调机的需求量很大。 influence influ ns vt./n.影响(力) n.势力,权势 【考频:9】Distinguished daily newspapers like Washington Post or New York Times exert a powerful influence all over the country.像华盛顿邮报和纽约时报这样的著名报纸在全国有很大的影响。 light vid n.(线);光明;领悟 vt. 点(燃);照亮 a. 明亮的;轻的;淡(色)的 【考频:9】If you think about it, you will eventually see the light.如果你想一想,你就


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