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1、Module6 Unit1 导学案It allows people to get closer to them.【学习目标】:知识目标:掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法 thin, danger, in danger, at last, interested, allow, think of, protect, grow, enough, notice, look after, raise能力目标:能在实际情境中正确运用动词不定式情感目标:通过对濒危动物大熊猫的了解,增强保护环境和进行环保宣传的责任感。【学习重难点】:重难点:主要学习动词不定式做宾语补足语和目的状语的用法。【课前预习】预习新

2、单词。组长带领组员预习并熟读新单词。【导入课堂】欣赏视频问题:Whats happening to the animals?(动物们发生了什么事?) 问题:What can we do?(我们能为他们做些什么?)【评价规则】One world, one dream. (同一个世界,同一个梦想)让我们尽自己的力量,一起来帮助濒危动物吧!如果在接下来的环节里你能正确回答一些问题,那么你就可以获得奖励,选择一种他们的生活必需品来帮助他们了,加油啊!【Game Time】(猜谜游戏 )1) I am tall and I have a long neck. _2) I am the tigers co

3、usin. _3) I am long and thin. _4) I am big and I have a very long nose. _5) I am brown and I live in the forest. _6) I am black and white. _Do you know what other animals in danger?If you want to know more information, lets listen to Animal World.【Listening Time】【一】 Animal World 动物世界听听力回答以下两个问题:1)Wh

4、at is this weeks Animal World about?_2) What animals are in danger?_【二】 Listen to the text and check. (听课文,判断对错)1)People can get closer to the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve. ( )2)The animals have a safe place to live. ( )3)The notice hope students can help the animals. ( )【三】Listen to the text

5、again and answer.1) What happens when villages and farms are growing bigger?2) Why do they want people to give money?【Action Time】表演时间同学们组内自由组合,分角色朗读课文。注意语音语调及语速,然后观看视频,根据字幕提示为动画配音。【Information Check】Work in pairs.(小组讨论,根据提示完成以下信息。)Why many animals are in danger?What can we do to help?Because 1. To

6、protect .we should 2. We need . To protect 3. In order to we should 【Discussion Time】Work in pairs and choose an animal to help每个小组选择一种动物进行帮助,并回答以下问题。1. What animal does your group choose to help?_2. What do you know about the animal? _3. What can you do to help the animal?_【知识点拨】1. 1) 动词不定式 to do 除

7、了做宾语的功能外,还可以做宾语的补足语,对宾语进行补充说明。例:The teacher told us to speak English.us 做 told 的宾语, to speak English 做宾语 us 的补足语。2)若要表达否定的意思,要在 to do 前加 nottell sb not to do/ask sb to do 2. 动词不定式做目的状语Xiaoming worked hard to improve his English.=To improve his English, Xiaoming worked hard.动词不定式可以放句首,也可以放句末,表示“做某事是为

8、了什么”【达标检测】一、单选1. Jim asked me _shopping with him.A. go B. going C. to go D. to going 2. The old soldier wanted to spend the rest in of his life _.A. with peace B. at peace C. in peace D. for peace 3. The novel is _; we are _ about it. A. surprised, surprising B. surprising, surprisedC. surprise, surprising D. surprised, surprise 二、英汉互译1. 我们需要保护濒危动物。We _ _ _ animals _ _.2. 它允许人们更近距离的接触他们(大熊猫) 。It _ people _ _ _ _ them.3.We are taking away their lands and forests._【Homework】Get more information about pandas from books or Internet. And next class show it to us.


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