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1、- 1 -2015-2016 学年度新誉佳学校英语 9 月月考卷考试时间:100 分钟;注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第 I 卷(选择题)请点击修改第 I 卷的文字说明评卷人 得分 一、阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)ADoing homework not only can help children master the knowledge they have learned, but also can train their abilities of finishing the work alone, planni

2、ng the time and doing the duties. But some children dont like to complete the work. Why? There are some reasons.Some children feel it is very difficult to do their homework, because they cant understand their teacher clearly, and cant follow their teachers teaching process. Maybe there is something

3、wrong with their intelligence.But some childrens intelligence is normal. They are even cleverer, but they dont listen to the teacher carefully. It is hard for them to sit well and pay attention to anything. It needs to carry on the attention centralized(集中注意力) training to help the children.Some chil

4、dren love their teacher and then they like the subject. Their interest depends on the teacher who teaches them. So every teacher should be helpful and kind. It can make children love you and the subject you teach. So they can do their homework happily.1. Doing homework can help children _.A. master

5、the knowledge B. train their abilitiesC. lean new lessons D. Both A and B2Some children find the homework difficult. Which reason is NOT right?- 2 -A. They cant understand their teacher clearly.B. They cant follow their teachers teaching process.C. The intelligence of all the students isnt normal.D.

6、 They dont listen to the teacher carefully.3Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “intelligence”?A. 作业 B. 智商 C. 思想 D. 方式4According to the last paragraph, the writer thinks _ is very important.A. a teacher B. a subjectC. attention D. homework5What is the best title of the passage?A. Some c

7、hildren dont like their teacher.B. Childrens homework is very difficultC. Why dont some children like to do homework?D. Why cant some children study the subjects well?BAmericans wont live without cars! Each year there is an increasing number of cars on roads and streets, as millions of new cars are

8、producedOne of every six Americans work at putting together the parts of cars, driving trucks, buin by carsThe lding roads or filling cars with gasMost Americans find it hard to think what life would be without a carHowever, some have realized the serious problem of air pollutiopolluted air is poiso

9、nous and dangerous to healthOne way to get rid of the polluted air is to design a new car that does not polluteThats what several large car factories are trying to doBut to build the new car is easier said than doneProgress in this field has been slowAnother way is to take place of the car engine by

10、 something elseEngineers are now working on some new carsMany makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that pleases manTo prevent the world from being polluted by cars, well have to make some changes in the way many of us liveAmericans, for example, have to cut down the -

11、3 -number of their cars they are encouraged to travel and go to work by bikeRiding a bike is thought to help keep the air cleanBut this change does not come easilyA large number of workers may find themselves with no jobs if a car factory closes downAnd the problem of air pollution would become less

12、 important than that of unemployment6Large car factories are trying to build a clean car, Awhich is clean itselfBwhich is used to clean streetsCwhich does not pollute the airDwhich is easier to make7If the number of cars is cut down, the most serious problem in American workers is Ato have no work t

13、o do Bto keep the air cleanCto get a better life Dto go to work by bike8What is the conclusion of the writer?ABicycling is the only way outBThe number of ears must be cut down.CCars bring us nothing but serious problems.DCars bring us not only a better life but serious problemsCThomas Alva Edison wa

14、s awarded more patents on inventions than any other American. When he died in 1931, Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him. One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout. All electric power would be shut off in homes, streets, and factories.

15、Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions mean to them. Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion. A blackout was impossible.On the day of Edisons funeral, many people sile

16、ntly dimmed their lights. In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the - 4 -great force of electricity at his countrymens fingertips.9This selection says that Thomas Edison _.Awas the only important American inventor Breceived the first American patentCreceived more patents t


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