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1、优尼全能英语,免费体验纯英式课程: http:/ 1000 个,每日 30 个一个月轻松过四级!1. consumer n.消费者,用户,为 producer 反义词,consumer goods 消费品2. social adj.1)社交的;友谊的 skills 2)社会的 status/ rank 3) 群居的 animals3. product n. sth. produced by nature or by man 产品,生产物4. likely adj. + to inf; that 很可能的 he is not likely to succeed.5. system n. 系统;(

2、思想、理论、原则等的)体系 a system of philosophy 哲学体系6. activity n.所做或待做的事情;活动7. reward n. recompensate for service or merit 报酬;报答 vt. sb. (for sth)给报酬You deserve a reward for being so helpful.8. stress n. 1) pressure 压力;压迫 2) lay (a) stress on 注重9. expert n. 专家 an expert in economics10. concern v. be concerned

3、 about/ for 使担忧;使烦恼as far as . is concerned 就某人而言11. university n. 大学12. individual n. 个人(与 society 相对)adj. 个人的13. view n.1)视野,眼界 2)personal opinion e.g. to have different/ conflicting/opposing views 3)in view of 鉴于,由于14. opportunity n. 时机,机会(特殊的机会,含有期待的意味)chance 多指偶然的机会,含有侥幸的意味在内15. hunt vi hunt fo

4、r 寻找16. challenge n.挑战 vt.向 挑战,对质疑 He challenged me to a game of chess.挑战17. process n.进行,过程 vt. 加工,处理18. project n. 1)(plan for a) scheme or undertaking 方案,计划 2)工程19. amount n. 量 a large amount of money vi. amount to 总计,等于20. ability n.(potential) capacity or power 能力to the best of ones ability 尽自己

5、最大努力21. rate n. 1)比率 birth rate 出生率 death rate 死亡率 2)速度 at the rate of 以的速度 3) at any rate 无论如何,至少22. radiation n.发射,放射,辐射23. feature n.特征,特色 2)特写,专题24. February n. 二月25. environment n. 环境,周围状况,自然环境26. create vt.cause sth. to exist, make 创造27. crash v./n.坠落、打击或破裂 a car crash 汽车撞车事故;(贸易、财政等之)毁灭、崩溃 Hi

6、s business plan crashed.28. advertise v. make known to people 做广告,宣传29. writer n.作者,作家优尼全能英语,免费体验纯英式课程: http:/ tend v. tend to 倾向于,往往会,易于31. status n.地位;身份 status symbol 身份标志32. statute n.成文法;法规;条例 by statute 依据法规33.reader n.读者 a meter reader(水、电表的)抄表员34. per perp. 1) (比较两种数量或引述一种比率时)每一 2)as per 按照3

7、5. local adj.地方的,本地的,当地的 n.当地人36. highway n. 公路,大道37. brand n. trademark 商标 brand-new 全新的38. assume vt. 1)假定,认为 2)承担,就职 He assumed the premiership in 2000.承担总理之职39. physical adj.1)物质的,与 moral/spiritual 相对2)身体的,肉体的,与 mental 相对40. instant adj.1)立刻的 2)速食的,即溶的41. focus n. in /out of focus v. focus on(使)

8、集中42. fashion n. 1)a/ the fashion 样子,方式 2)风尚,时髦43. expand v.扩大,扩展 expand the operation 扩大业务44. effective adj. able to bring the result intended 有效地,奏效的45. decline v.1) continue to become smaller, weaker, lower 下降,减少,衰退2)辞谢,拒绝46. benefit n.利益;益处;帮助 v. benefit from/ by 得益于;自获益47. adult n.成人 education

9、for adults, adult education 成人教育48. affect v. have an influence or impression on; act on 影响49. compete vi. take part in a race, contest, examination 竞争,比赛 to compete in a race(against/ with others)50. global adj.1)全球性的;2)总的 they have doubled their global output.总产量51. policy n. (尤指政府、政党、公司)政策,方针 2)保

10、险单 contract policy 合同保险单52. account n. 1)账目,账户 open an account 开户头 2)take sth. into account, take account of sth.对某事物加以考虑 account for1)解释,说明 2)占比率53. foundation n.1)建立,创造 2) (思想)基础,根据54. involve v.1) involve in 使陷于(麻烦之中) ;使卷入 2)牵扯;包括 +动名词55. lightning n.闪电 lightning-rod/conductor 避雷针56. technology n

11、.技术,工艺,工程,方法 computer technology, science and technology57. leak n.1)漏洞;漏隙 2)漏出的液体、气体 v. leak (out) (to) the news has leaked out.58. competition n. in competition with 竞争59. behavior n.行为,举止;品行60. community n.社会,社区 community singing 大合唱61. range n.范围;幅度;差距 a wide range of interests 广泛的兴趣 vi.(在某范围内)变

12、动,变化 range from .to.62. maintain vt. 1) assert as true 坚持;主张 2)保养,维修63. action n.take action 开始行动 Actions speak louder than words.行动胜过语言64. obvious adj.显而易见的;清楚的;明白的 it is obvious that .优尼全能英语,免费体验纯英式课程: http:/ primarily adv. in the first place; essentially 首先,主要地;及本地66. appeal vi.1) appeal to sb fo

13、r sth 呼吁,恳求 2)attract 有吸引力,有感染力67. detail n.细节,琐碎的事 go/ enter into details; explain sth in detail 详细说明68. decade n.十年的期间69. pollution n.弄脏;亵渎;污染 environmental/ air / lead 铅污染70. advantage n.益处;便利;优点;(尤指竞争中的)优势 take (full) of sth 利用71. culture n.1)文明,文化 2)教养,教育 a man of little culture 没有教养的人72. auto

14、n. automobile 汽车73. autobiography n.自传74. leader n. 领袖;领导者;指挥者75. accordingly adv. 1)as the (stated) circumstances suggest 照着,相应地 2)因此,所以76. plastic adj.易塑的 n.可塑物;塑胶77. approve vi. of sth/ sb 赞成;同意 vt.赞成;批准 The senate approved the bill.参议院通过了这一法案。78. performance n.成绩;表现 2)戏剧的演出;展览;音乐演奏会79. recognize

15、 vt.1)认出;认明(某人或某物)2)acknowledge 公认;赏识80. factor n. 因素 an unknown factor 未知的因素81. enormous adj.极大的;巨大的;广大的 economic advantages, amounts of information82. avoid vt. keep or get away from; escape +v-ing83. shift n.1)转换 2)换班 on the day/ night shift 上白(夜)班 v.1)转移 2)改变84. source n. 来源;出处 The news comes from a reliable source.85. fulfill vt. 履行(工作,任务等)fulfil ones duties/ expectations/ hopes 尽职、满足期待、希望86. moral adj.concerning principles of right and wrong


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