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1、35 22010M2HEAT TREATMENT OFMETALSVol135No12February 2010EGRbof1,u+2(11杭州职业技术学院机电工程系,浙江杭州 310018; 21中国石油辽河油田锦州采油厂,辽宁锦州 121209)K1:sY,BN-i5EGRbokbsbo,EboVbYVo_a?kMFs,ob1oM: EGR;bo;ms|: TG454 DS: B cI|: 0254-6051( 2010)02-0070-04Vacuum brazing process of stainless steelEGR coolerZHANG Su-ying1, ZHAO Yan

2、-jun2(11MechanicalandElectricalEngineeringDepartment, HangzhouVocationalandTechnicalCollege, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310018, China;21 JinzhouOilProduction Plant, PetroChina LiaoheOilfieldCompany, JinzhouLiaoning 121209, China)Abstract: Vacuum brazing testswere carried out on stainless steelEGR coolerw ith

3、 pure copper brazing paste and BN-i5 brazing paste,respectively1Vacuum brazing processes were determ ined by analyzing the vacuum brazing parameters1The results of brazed seam qualityinspection, function testandm icrostructure analysis show thatthe brazing parametersare reasonable1Key w ords: exhaus

4、tgas recirculation(EGR)cooler; vacuum brazing; processparametersl: 2009-07-28Te:f( 1974) ),o,a,V3,1VYosa/a#T,X?V8b:0571-87398505, 13858079915, E-mai:l zhangsuying74 1631comEGRblbX,VEGRVrc,=78,hNOx3,PbKrSb2007M71SEKbSxax,CcEGRld,LC|KvmbEGR,Td0,K8:Tl,avaZbEGRTV1sv,yNo?1pbPbo3HrM;Pero,V4,o,boV%bEGRG,bo

5、a,7wrs60Si2MnArs#)=,(中国工程物理研究院机械制造工艺研究所,四川绵阳 621900)K1:60Si2MnAsYYfabfa1)k,k_,qf,ik?VbTV,)qK,YfV,qqK,bfyfry)V,FV3Mb1)?V#?,+Y4V,r4qb1oM: 60Si2MnA;1);,kms|: TG14214 DS: A cI|: 0254-6051( 2010) 02-0073-04Failure analysis and heat treatm ent of 60Si2M nA steel leaf springLIU Chun-yan, ZHOU Dan-chen, LIC

6、hang-an, LI Jing-min( Institute ofMachineryManufacturingTechnology, ChinaAcademy ofEngineering Physics,M ianyang Sichuan621900, China)Abstract: 60Si2MnA steelleafspringswere heat treatedby conventionalquenching, vacuum quenching combinedheat treatmentof thin layercarburization respectively, the qual

7、ity was tested by adopting return-to-zero tria,l mechanical properties and surface residual stressweremeasured1The results show that the qualified rate of the samples by combined heat treatment is highest, thatby conventionalquenching islowestbecause ofthe decarburization on surface, that by vacuum

8、quenching ism iddle because of the low hardened effect1The leaf springfailure reasonsmainly attribute to the poor surface quality, which cause to plastic deformation1Thin layer carburizationbefore quenching canimprove the surface quality andmechanicalproperties, especially improve surface residualpr

9、essure stress, and increase productsqualified rateeffectively1Key w ords: 60Si2MnA steelleafspring; combined heat treatmentofthin layer carburization; return-to-zero triall: 2009-08-10Te:=( 1974) ),o,)=,1VY)/#,X?V8b: 0816-2485670, 13990171180 E-mai:l lcy402 1261 commH,sW1q(m1)rb60Si2MnA,:/y|yYFyfa)yFyy,)/1p42 47HRCbF1p#60Si2Mn)?1,5 结语1)kV,oEGRV,BN-i5b,o,A1BN-i5z,BN-i5c,o?,b2),Sb,i?+, 1100 eHB1 Pa,b/d,yNH7Ss,b 10Pa,11050 e/,s,KdbBN-i5o,sb3) BN-i5csr70%,oH%8boW#9v,|CANi5 Si2,cF,Ph +,.,.bohF? J.F, 2004(6): 47-48.



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