江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

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《江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Unit4 A good readIntegrated skills教学目标1了解英国著名作家 J. K. 罗琳的信息。2能从听力材料获取有用的信息。3学会用英语淡论在图书馆借书的注意事项。教学内容四会内容词汇:refuse success translate sales copy Canadian词组:get the idea for so far a great success translate into at a time句型:Excuse me, I want some history books, but I dont know where to find them. How m

2、any books can I borrow at a time?How long can I keep the books?You must return them on time. Could you tell me how to renew them?You dont have to come to our desk every time. 三会内容词汇:series publishing house publish online教学准备1有关图书哈利波特和其作者 J. K. 罗琳的图片。2配套磁带或光盘。教学步骤A Recommending a bookStep I导入1就“阅读”这个

3、话题与学生交流:(1)Have you read any books recently?(2)What is the name of the book you are reading?(3) Is it a_ book? (此处教师可以根据书名猜测书的类型)(4)What do you think of this book?2 敖师可以多问几个学生, 然后总结:Youre interested in different types of books. Now turn to page 57 and see what types of books the Class l, Grade 8 stu

4、dents have read. Step II听力l让学生先快速浏览 A 1部分的练习, 并在第 1 52页的专有名词表中查找中文书名 , 根据书名猜测这些图书分别属于哪种类别。教师说:Before listening, lets look at page 152 and find out the Chinese names of the books in Part A1. Then tell me what types of books they are. 2播放录音, 让学生根据录音内容, 将五位学生与其最近所看的书的类别和书名连起来。教师说:Listen to the tape and

5、 match each student with the type and name of the book theyve read. TapescriptPart A1Millie:Kitty, have you read any good books recently?2Kitty:Yes. I love traveling, so Ive just read a book named Notes from a Small Island. The writer talks about his travels around Britain. How about you, Millie?Mil

6、lie:I read a humorous novel called Three Men in a Boat. Its the story of three men and a dog. What are you reading, Daniel?Daniel:Im reading a history book named Flags of Our Fathers. Its one of the best books Ive ever read about World War II. And you, Simon?Simon:Well. I read a book about scienceA

7、Brief History of Time, by the famous British scientist Stephen Hawking. What about you, Sandy?Sandy:Ive just finished reading the novel Moment in Peking by the Chinese writer Lin Yutang. 3 再次播放录音, 让学生查漏补缺。4 教师可就录音内容, 进一步问学生:(1) Which two books are novels? ( Three Men in a Boat and Moment in Peking.

8、)(2) Who has read the same type of books as Millie? ( Sandy.)Step III呈现1 教师展示一张哈利. 波特图书的封面图片, 然后指着封面人物问学生:(1) What do you know about this boy?(2) Who is he? (3) Is he the main character in this book?(4)Who is the writer?(5) Is the Harry Potter series popular?(6)How many books in the Harry Potter ser

9、ies have you ever read?(7) What type of books are they?2 教师说:It seems that most of you like the Harry Potter series very much. But did you know that when the first Harry Potter book came out, all of the publishing houses refused to publish it? Luckily, one year later, a small publishing house in Lon

10、don accepted it. Now the Harry Potter series has become a great success. So far, these books have been translated into many languages, such as Chinese, Japanese and French. Each year, millions of copies are sold. Do you want to know more about the books and the writer? OK, lets listen to Suzys intro

11、duction. 教师边说边板书划线部分的生词, 带读两遍, 确保学生了解生词的读音和含义。Step IV 听力1 教师播放 A2部分的录音, 要求学生边听边适当记录。TapescriptPart A2Suzy:Have you heard of the Harry Potter books? Theyre a series of novels by J. K. Rowling, a British writer. Rowling was born on 31 July 1 965. As a child, she often wrote stories and read them to he

12、r sister. In 1990, while she was on a train trip to London, the idea for the first Harry Potter story came to her. In 1995, Rowling finished the first Harry Potter book, and in 2007 she finished the seventh book of the series. Thats the last one of the Harry Potter series. 3The first Harry Potter bo

13、ok wasnt a success in the beginning. When Rowling wanted to publish the story, all the British publishing houses refused it. That was a difficult time for her. But a year later, a small publishing house in London was willing to accept it. The Harry Potter series has been a great success so far. The

14、books have been translated into about 70 languages, with sales of over 450 million copies, in over 200 countries and areas all over the world. 2提醒学生第一遍听的时候着重记录作者的信息, 完成 A2部分的第一张表。教师说:Listen to the tape and write down the information about the writer. 再次播放录音, 让学生着重听关于书的信息, 完成 A2部分的第二张表:Listen to the

15、tape again and write down the information about the Harry Potter series. 然后全班核对答案。3如学生仍有疑问. 教师可以再次播放录音, 同时在学生不明白的地方短暂停顿, 教师稍作解释。4 学生完成 A3部分的练 习, 教师请六位学生指出每句中的错误并改止, 其余学生核对答案。B Speak up:I want some history books. Step I呈现l教师问:Do you often borrow books from our school library? If you want to borrow a

16、book, what should you pay attention to? 让多位学生回答在图书馆借书的注意事项, 如果学生回答不全, 教师可以提示, 如:(1)We must know how many books we can borrow at a time. (2)We must know how long we can keep the books. (3)We must return the books on time. (4)We must take good care of the books. (5)If we want to keep the books longer, we must renew them. 2教师说:Now lets listen to a conversation between Daniel and Mrs Li, the school libra



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