江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Task教案 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Task教案 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Task教案 (新版)牛津版_第2页
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《江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Task教案 (新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Task教案 (新版)牛津版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、18A Unit3 Task教学目标:掌握本课的生词、词组及重要的句型表达。掌握书本中 列出的出行计划,完成相关练习。能够为自己一天的出行计划列出提纲。写信邀请朋友外出郊游。 。1 阅读 P40A,回答下列问题:(1) Which Places will they plan to go?(2) How can they get to these places?(3) What can they do there?2 朗读下列句子,理解意思Linda will go back to the USA soon.It will take about an hour to get to .The co

2、st is about 50 per student.We hope you can join us.Step1 Warming upQuestionsDo you want to travel?Where would you like to go?Why?Do you want to go to Beijing?Can you tell me some famous places in Beijing?Step2 预习展示1 T: Kitty and Daniel are making a plan now. Lets take a look.2 Read Part A on P 40 an

3、d then answer the following questions.How many interesting places are they going to visit? What are they?What will they do in Beihai Park?What can they do at Tiananmen Square?How long will they stay there? When will they leave Wangfujing Street? Step 3 PracticeT: So the plan is ready. And now Kitty

4、and Daniel are writing an invitation letter to the classmates. Help them fill in the missing information on P 41.Students read the letter and fill in the blanks.Discuss the answers in groups and then check together.Read the letter again and then answer the following questions.Why do they write the l

5、etter?How much will they spend per person during the trip?Step 4 Writing guide1. How many main parts are there in this letter? 2Read loudly and know what each main part is about. Part 1: Purpose of the letter。 Part 2: Plan (Four paragraphs. )Part 3: Cost (Para 6) Part 4: Instructions (Para 7)附加:Date

6、; Name of receiver; Closing; Signature(s)3. Learn from Kitty and Daniel.Linda will go back to the USA soon.It will take about an hour to get to .The cost is about 50 per student.We hope you can join us.4. Read the above sentences loudly and try to remember them.Step 5 Writing T: Your online friend i

7、s coming to visit you. Its time for you to plan a day out for him/her and write an invitation letter to your classmates.Show the day out. (Date; Name of receiver; Purpose of the letter; Plan; Cost; Instruction; Closing; Signature)Writing1) Discuss in groups about the plan and write it down first.2) Students write individually. 3) Editing, drafting, checking and rewriting. 4) Teamwork show (The reporter of each group should be made to read their letter before the whole class.)


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